Home KENYA NEWS Kenyatta, Raila will Form Government in 2022, ODM MP Says

Kenyatta, Raila will Form Government in 2022, ODM MP Says

Kenyatta, Raila will Form Government in 2022, ODM MP Says

An ODM MP claims that President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga will form the government in 2022.

Speaking in a recent interview with The Standard, Dagoretti MP Simba Arati said a referendum to be held before 2022 will clear the way for Odinga to be President as Kenyatta becomes the Prime Minister.

“Kenyans should prepare for the new power line up, Raila would be President in 2022 with President Uhuru serving as his Prime Minister. Those who are opposed to this should start getting used to it early enough,” said Arati, a confidant of Odinga.

The two-time MP said changes introduced to the Constitution through the referendum will eliminate the winner takes it all scenario provided in the current law.

“Let it be known that we are going to have the next general election under a new constitution to ensure that the major key players in the country’s politics are accommodated in order to end the winner takes it all syndrome,” said Arati.

Arati further noted that the two have proved that they can take the country to the next stage as evidenced through their March 9th handshake that has lowered political temperatures in the country.

“We have a seen a different President Uhuru who is not going to spare anyone in the fight against corruption, if he delivers I do not see any problem with him serving as Prime Minister with Raila as President in future,” Arati added.


  1. Ha! Ha! Ha. This is comedy…
    Ha! Ha! Ha. This is comedy of the absurd. It is fine to dream. Dream on.

  2. That is what the referendum…
    That is what the referendum is all about. PresiDEBT Ushuru is absolutely the worst president but if you want to get an even worse president wait till Odinga becomes one. He has had all of Nyanza in a stranglehold but despite all the resources it is one of the least developed areas. Such is his leadership.

  3. Guys, they’re doing a Putin…
    Guys, they’re doing a Putin on us. Remember, Vladimir Putin was president of Russia, after term limit, he became prime minister and finally he is the president today. As for corruption, Raila was the barrier at all times. There’s no way Uhuru could have touched Kidero, Ojaamong and all other Raila stooges on corruption without mass protests, looting, burning down everything by Raia goons. Raila is the mother of all unruliness and violence in Kenya. If we make him a major player come 2022, ours will be a violent future as Raila and Uhuru will continue with their supremacy battle. Raila will do everything to topple the prime minister post you’re taking about in order not to share power. Besides, his climax is embarrassing Uhuru and humiliating Kikuyus.

  4. What new Constitution? Kenya…
    What new Constitution? Kenya does not need a new constitution. It just needs to be amended. Why is Uhuru going to hold on to power after his two terms? Uhuru needs to retire just like President Kibaki retired giving respect and honor to our country. The constitution does not need to be changed to accommodate any single individual. Raila, has sought this power for over 40 years through violence and has failed. After 2022, the two have nothing more to offer and even if they did they do not own Kenya. Their policies have failed. By errors of commission or omission they brought Kenya to the brink of war. It’s time for them to hand over power to a new generation. The so called ” Handshake” stinks to high heaven and means nothing to Kenyans. Dynasties need to go. May all their selfish and evil plans fail. We hope in their plans, God will intervene and give Kenya real leaders and not politicians. God help Kenya!!

  5. No.
    Kenyatta and Raila need…

    Kenyatta and Raila need to exit the political stage in 2022.

    William ruto and Gideon Moi need to follow them out.

    We are done with these families.

  6. I don’t mind if they became…
    I don’t mind if they became prezo and PM as long as this corruption is addressed. With all the trillions of dollars lost, corrupt leaders without integrity, better the devil I know for sure. Alot of Kenyans lack integrity and hence the fleacing in all aspects of life including among family members. Let us not blame our leaders because they are part of us.

  7. I thought these so-called…
    I thought these so-called young MPs and upcoming politicians may be different from old,corrupt boys.But they may be worse.Take Arati and Ngunyi being used like tissue paper Uhuru and Raila respectively.Tissue paper because Raila and Uhuru will distance themselves from their claims.But maybe Ngunyi is paying for being saved by Uhuru from prosecution for looting shs 11m.from Kenyans two years ago.Arati like Orengo could never be elected if he defied worshipping god Raila.Kenyans might be mad people if they vote to create posts for thugs and murderers like Uhuru,Raila & Co.These evil elite gangsters must go if Kenya is to change.

  8. Hehehehe 2022 President Ruto…
    Hehehehe 2022 President Ruto n Sweetie mumbi waiguru to the state hse.Raila will b beaten badly by this two n I said this time he will b number 3 ndio apeleke hio unjinga yake kwa streets saying it has big rigged as he knows best.

  9. Tired of seeing the same…
    Tired of seeing the same political clowns in the circus.Time for the electorate to pump in new blood.People with new ideas,and have the interest of all kenyans at heart.These two have have their chances.


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