Home KENYA NEWS Raila to Make Announcement on October 25th Regarding Repeat Election

Raila to Make Announcement on October 25th Regarding Repeat Election

Raila to Make Announcement on October 25th Regarding Repeat Election

National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga has promised he will make an announcement on October 25th regarding the repeat presidential election.

Speaking during a burial ceremony in Bondo, Siaya County on Friday, the former Prime Minister insisted there will be no elections on October 26th.

“On Wednesday I will talk to Kenya and I will tell you what you should do ahead of the polls,” Raila said when he addressed mourners at a funeral service in Bondo on Friday.

Raila also called on his supporters to stop attacking other communities, adding that he wants to unite all Kenyans regardless of their ethnicity.

“I want to tell my people not to revenge against any Kikuyu man here in Bondo or anywhere else, that Kikuyu or Kalenjin is also suffering as you are suffering,” he said.

“Everywhere I go they call me Baba. The other day I was in Kiambu and they called me baba as Uhuru watched. The Kikuyu community are our people. Let us not take the sins of one person and put it in others heads,” he said.
“God will push Uhuru alone as he does not speak and serve the interest of any Kenyans.”

He hit out at President Uhuru over the recent killings of anti-IEBC demonstrators by police. “I wish he could aim at me instead of shooting innocent Kenyans who are not in competition with him,” Raila said.

However, delivering his speech at Mashujaa Day celebrations at Uhuru Park on Friday, President Uhuru said that the government will deal firmly with those planning to disrupt October 26th election.


  1. God is Faithful and Just to…
    God is Faithful and Just to forgive. The one you serve, not so much. While announcing further destabilization, sing happy birthday for Uhuru

    • Honestly. Read the following…
      Honestly. Read the following and KNOW Who is the DISTABLIZER:[10/14, 10:02 PM] ‪+254 705 966742‬: Share widely …

      26/10/2017 “Kenyan Presidential Election” Results as contained in IEBC servers.

      Uhuru Kenyatta: 7,208,013
      Raila Odinga: 5,086,208
      Others: 189,456
      Spoilt votes: 92,567
      Voter turnout- 65%.

      IEBC will declare Uhuru- 57.31% as President Elect against Raila Odinga-40.44%.

      That is why Jubilee is desperate to have Raila Odinga on the ballot.

      Have you ever wondered why Jubilee and IEBC are desperate to have Raila on the ballot for the 26-10-2017 election?
      Well, here’s the clue;
      The computer system needs Raila’s numbers in order to generate Uhuru’s. If Raila gets zero votes the system will return zero for Uhuru. Big problem.
      Ask any computer programmer!!!

      • You sound like a real…
        You sound like a real desperate person at guest1. Cooking percentages and wild claims is the way your Lord operates. With all international observers and all the moles Rao has at IEBC do think this is possible? Stop being and go to the polls. After all UK would have been happier if Rao had filed the formal withdraw form, which the coward wouldn’t do

      • Guest1 you are a simpleton…
        Guest1 you are a simpleton. If this world had a few more of you, the apocalypse may just arrive sooner. Sometimes though, when I don’t want to use common sense, I wish I could borrow your brain..

  2. The only imagined sins of…
    The only imagined sins of the Kikuyu are in baba’s head. What would Luos be revenging against Kikuyu’s for… voting Uhuru? This man who feeds his people hatred 24-7 is a hypocrite. He should simply tell his people it is in their own interest (as it is everybody’s) to maintain peace.

  3. The mind games is mind…
    The mind games is mind boggling . You made a decision #noelections. What else is to be expected.

  4. Are we supposed to be…
    Are we supposed to be shivering in our slippers while awaiting the BIG announcement? I have been having too much anticlimax this season. Make my day and take a seat.

  5. Elections will go on. You…
    Elections will go on. You should concede on October 25th. You do not need to wait until votes are tallied. I can assure you, your name will be voted on. Speak to Auma Obama for advise. She is quite a brain and might guide you out of futility.

  6. Ndugu Raila, please quit…
    Ndugu Raila, please quit politics and contribute to the nation of Kenya in another positive and constructive way by creating good jobs to the many unemployed youth. Ask Ndugu Uhuru to do the same.

  7. He will be announcing that…
    He will be announcing that he will be having erection on election day.

  8. Dity minded lot from Central…
    Dity minded lot from Central. Someone of you need Professional help.Baba just tell NASA supporters to stay home.We should not loose our lives, our property or get injured for this corrupt government.Hawawezi kutulazimisha kupiga kura.

  9. Let those that want to vote…
    Let those that want to vote on oct 26th,Vote in Peace.Let those that do not want to vote, stay at home.Let the law and constitution be respected.No Violence.No bloodshed.Let the people regardless of whether they are kikuyu,somali,kisii,luo etc move on with their lives in peace.

  10. This idea of promising major…
    This idea of promising major declarations is not new with Rao and indeed politics Henri Queuille says “Politics is the art of postponing decisions until they are no longer relevant.” Today we expected a major declaration but wapi, baba conveniently forgot and moved on to the future. As Joan Didion puts it “The future always looks good in the golden land, because no one remembers the past.” The only thing separating baba from his statesmanship is sense of entitlement and wanting to feel in charge. Let babalets spread their wings, they will be ok and more importantly learn to fly politically.

    • OneDay@times. I declare you…
      OneDay@times. I declare you the sage and philosopher of the month for your level headed, spot on comments and analysis. I enjoy reading them.

      On the babalets, isn’t it unfortunate that the baba dad has not done enough to ensure that his legacy carries on by promoting and giving babalets some working space? He drains all the oxygen and expects others to thrive in such anemic conditions. So sad.

    • aiii boss – hiii githungu…
      aiii boss – hiii githungu yako ni too complex bwana – kindry use basic english for some of us and quote people we know like museveni, ama bibi ya wentagula na churchill – ndathie gukama

      • @Anonymous-Tukopamoja lakini…
        @Anonymous-Tukopamoja lakini basic english ndiyo inafanya JP ichezewe karata ovyo. Reke ciume nene. cheers!


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