Home KENYA NEWS Raila: I’m Ready to Dialogue with President Uhuru

Raila: I’m Ready to Dialogue with President Uhuru

Raila: I'm Ready to Dialogue with President Uhuru

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga says that he ready for dialogue with his rival President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Raila says that he is ready to hold talks with the Head of State to discuss the way forward after he bowed out of the October 26th repeat election on Tuesday.

Speaking in a morning interview on Radio Jambo at his Karen residence on Wednesday, the National Super Alliance leader, however, downplayed speculations that he is pushing for a coalition government with Jubilee.

“We need to solve our own problems and I am ready to hold talks with anyone so that we can get a solution to the current stalemate,” He said.

Raila also criticized the decision by the government to withdraw his security and that of his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka, terming it a clear pointer that President Kenyatta’s administration did not want him to participate in the fresh election.

“They didn’t even write a letter to notify me when they would be withdrawing my security detail and it was in the middle of the campaign. We even needed more officers,” said Raila.

Raila is scheduled to travel to the United Kingdom on Wednesday evening for a public lecture.


  1. Thats some Bullshit Raila. I…
    Thats some Bullshit Raila. I would not encourage Uhuru to have a dialogue with you. You are so greedy you shameless raila. You Called Uhuru’s government caretaker government suddenly he is a president?. You called demonstration and violence people are getting hirt while you seat comfortably in your home at Karen. Thank God Your demonstrators are in Luo land a region that contributes 2 % of our kenyan GDP. You have caused the country a tribal divide. you have caused the country billions of shillings in repeat elections only to bail out When You canaan trip has its passengers bail out to stay afloat. Raila its time you place your energy to your Wife and daughter. You have seen the mass exodus in Kakamega, Mombasa, kissii and soon Your hometown Kisumu. We need unity. Your political hunger for power is over. Just retire and we should place your legacy in history. Opposition is always good to keep check and balances in Government however You are an embarrassment to the country. I would vote for political maturity in oppositional however your actions are worse than juvenile and adolescent behaviors. I applaud US and UK denying you a VISA. Go to Bondo where people will accept their lost prodigal son. Rest in Peace Raila. I am sure in your on view YOU GAVE IT YOUR BEST.

    • Mwangi. As a NYERIan I will…
      Mwangi. As a NYERIan I will Tell You this: For you to say Raila is Greedy is GREED on your part. Why? Because if Raila was Greedy as You’re Insinuating, there is NO Way he Would Have said “Kibaki Tosha”. So you’re the one GREEDY; and Shame on You!

      • You are Not Nyerian you are…
        You are Not Nyerian you are too dumb to be one, just my opinion. And your SHITMAN thug will pay for all the destruction he has caused. KARMA is a Bitch.

  2. Simply put plan B into…
    Simply put plan B into effect! PEOPEL’S REPUBLIC OF KENYA VS central republic of kenya. We will not be ruled by two tribes any more.

    • Bring it on and build that…
      Bring it on and build that Wall!!! Mkae huko fish there and sustain your meagre economy and if you immigrate illegally to other parts of Kenya, deport ! deport ! deport!

    • You must not read the mood…
      You must not read the mood of the people. No other tribe would ever join hands with NASA. You can form a coalition but anything else NEVER.Your RAO thugs are disruptive,thuggish,selfish and hateful.
      Do you think today they broke into the cars and businesses of kikuyus only ?

    • Stupidity has no limit in…
      Stupidity has no limit in your reason. Do you realise that if NASA won it would still be two tribes ? Ama what are you talking about idiot.

  3. Uhuru does not organize…
    Uhuru does not organize election, therefore I see no reason for Raila to talk to him. If it is about something else, that is ok, but I hope it is not about mkate quarter since he has made it clear he does not want mkate nusu. Ukitaka kuwa president, face the Jubilee candidate kwa debe!

    • ALSO: Njenga says “Things…
      ALSO: Njenga says “Things are so twisted in this country. The two Jubilee leaders have been on a nonstop campaign trail since November last year.
      They haven’t done any work for a whole year other than attending rallies to spew vitriol against Raila and shopping for supporters from the opposition side. They do not even have time to hold Cabinet meetings. The country has been on autopilot moving from one crisis to the next.

      Yet in all this Jubilee supporters believe Raila is the cause of all problems in this country. Even if Raila were to retire from politics today, this country will continue to diminish in every aspect because of bad governance and incapable leadership.
      Jubilee supporters should know that Raila is not their enemy. Jubilee is our collective enemy as a country. This is the government that has collapsed our economy and rundown the country.
      Everyday Jubilee remains in office the country sinks further. Every second Jubilee is in office our fortunes stumble, our future dims and our hope is defeated. Fortunately, it is in our power to end the madness if only we could think with clarity and act with courage.”

      • @Guest1, I know you love…
        @Guest1, I know you love Raila more than a child loves his father, but I will tell you for free – Raila is enemy of the state and not merely Jubilee’s enemy. If you don’t believe me, ask business people in Nairobi – and I am not talking about big business but small business … mama mboga, kinyozi, mamatu etc. So suck up that BS and worship your tin-god without selling him to us!

    • Who is “she”, his wife?…
      Who is “she”, his wife? Ofcourse she is, never mind. But NEVER Kenya. Keep dreaming.

  4. RAO, you cowed out of the…
    RAO, you cowed out of the elections and now you want to speak with Uhuru? Uhuru can listen to you but way forward is there will be elections on October 26 since the courts have allowed other candidates to participate. You gambled and you lost. Ask your slaves to stop the demos.

  5. Raila stop your bushit of…
    Raila stop your bushit of Nusu mkate. You are used to coup and terrorising Kenya. They should have declared Nasa a coup party. Forget nusu mkate.No any talk of nusu mkate with our president.

  6. Raila stop your bushit of…
    Raila stop your bushit of Nusu mkate. You are used to coup and terrorising Kenya. They should have declared Nasa a coup party. Forget nusu mkate.No any talk of nusu mkate with our president.

  7. US: Hello? Raila? This is…
    US: Hello? Raila? This is gonna be short and to the point. Our companies have invested a lot of money over there and what you are doing? holding the country hostage is bad for business. You must stop this NOW or else.

    Raila: I lost the election and you are talking about business? The people are…

    US: Listen. If Kenya ends up in a civil war, we are sending icc after you. Is that clear?

    Raila: Hey, hey, why are you bringing ICC into this?

    US: We will freeze your bank accounts in the US and Europe too.

    Raila: Heheh, relax, I, I was bluffing Uhuru.. the same way i bluffed Mwai Kibaki. I’m a man of peace!

    US: Man of peace? We know what you did in 1982.

    Raila: I, I, it wasn’t me, it was Ochuka and my father. Daddy made me do it. I was just trying to get his approval. Call Uhuru, he knows I was playing, you want his number? He knows me very well. We are drinking buddies. Hebu time kidogo I call him 3way.


    Raila: Hello? Can I still visit Washington DC? Hello?

  8. we need to sober down and…
    we need to sober down and stop calling each other names or our “leaders” we are kenyans 1st and our country is bigger than any two people. the country is extremely polarized and a small spark will ignite an inferno that will be hard to stop, lets remember Rwanda and Burundi, even nusu mkate is better than a single live being lost. I might sound naive but we need to stop being led by emotions and think about kenya and not what tribe will be in power

    • You need to sober-up….why…
      You need to sober-up….why have an idiot in leadership? RAO is bent on creating mashida through-and-through. He’s a hindrance to development. Kibaki would have achieved twice the good he did, if only imbecile RAO was not within leadership. Wake up!

      • since rao was not in…
        since rao was not in uhurutos regime what is your excuse for their minimal accomplishment … You are a fanatical tribal following one of many in our country. 2013s elections is an open secret that raila was robbed, he is just supporsed to take it lying down. Tiga wana mundu wa nyumba, hii ukabila itaharibu nchi yetu

        • Minimal????? compared to? I…
          Minimal????? compared to? I can tell you for sure that they have accomplished more than 5 times than when Rao was in gov and they outperformed any previous regimes. they would have performed even better if it was not for the courts blocking prosecution of corrupt people and ODM trying to suppress or block any development. Five more years for Uhuru

  9. Dialogue for what and for…
    Dialogue for what and for who?Why does this devil think he owns Kenyans?Who elected him to speak for me?HII ZETANI,MUUAJI RAO LAZIMA IKOMEZWE.

  10. I thought Raila has a beef…
    I thought Raila has a beef with IEBC.Let him square his differences with that body,then if Uhuru wants to talk to him,he will have a good staring point.

  11. hot off the comments some of…
    hot off the comments some of you are really just full of yourselves.Ati deport those people who decide to immigrate to KCA . Who in their right mind would want to live there.There is no space and living among thieves and fear of facing the knife by a bunch of dreadlocked hooligans does not excite any normal human being.Form your KCA and spare us the drama atleast we can sight see while we fish

    • And what has stopped you…
      And what has stopped you from moving there from the slums of Kibera, build mansions and stop renting dreadlockers homes in Kileleshwa and other enclaves. What has stopped you from exploiting all that natural lake sorrounding you, if you did , you wouldn’t be kila saa “serikali saidia mimi lazy mentality. At least thieves know how to strategize ?. Huko kwenu ni kupayuka tuu kungojea maana fromCanaan. Yes stay there and continue blaming others for your failures.


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