Home REAL ESTATE NEWS Bizarre: Kenyan Architect Who Designed KICC Says He was Inspired by Donkey’s...

Bizarre: Kenyan Architect Who Designed KICC Says He was Inspired by Donkey’s Penis

Bizarre: Kenyan Architect Who Designed KICC Says He was Inspired by Donkey's Penis

Veteran Kenyan architect David Mutiso has shocked many Kenyans after explaining what inspired him when designing the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) about 50 years ago.

Speaking in an interview with Citizen TV, Mutiso said he was inspired by a donkey’s erect penis when drawing the iconic building in 1968.

He said he was given the contract to design the structure by then-Kanu Secretary General Tom Mboya, but that President Jomo Kenyatta kept revising the initial sketches to make it taller.

“They wanted to build a headquarter for Kanu. We started sketching, initially it was a simple four-storey building, it evolved with time. Every time we showed the President, he asked us to go higher and eventually we ended up with 17 floors,” he said.

The structure located in Nairobi central business district went ahead to become the country’s tallest building for several years.

Mutiso said Norwegian architect Karl Henrik Nøstvik worked with him in designing the building as a consultant architect.

“The initial tower was inspired by a donkey’s penis,” Mutiso explained.



    • Wooooo… You have a sense…
      Wooooo… You have a sense of humor? Your usual modus operandi is to complain.

  1. ???
    It is good to know.

    It is good to know.

    This is why everything with the name Kenyatta and Moi must be demolished. Children cannot be looking at erect Donkey Penis.

    Kenya needs to be washed with bleach.

    • @DIANA ,I take it that an…
      @DIANA ,I take it that an erect docket penis is bad,and a flaccid one is ok for kids to look at.Could have been worse if mutual have been inspired by his own erect pocker

    • It’s not the architects…
      It’s not the architects fault that the building got bigger and bigger. It’s Kenyatta who gave the building Viagra and wanted it taller and erect!kwani kusoma mume shindwa!

  2. In 1960 what other…
    In 1960 what other inspiration existed..Donkeys were used for transportation what an icon.

  3. Why are people alarmed by…
    Why are people alarmed by this confession, artists gets inspired by much worse. At least now we know…I don’t see nay big deal with this

    • @Formerly guest 2,timing is…
      @Formerly guest 2,timing is everything here.Mutiso knows that people are now more open and expressive as opposed to when he first got the go a head on the structural design.What confounds mw is,when did sexual organs come to be regarded as “,repulsive”.why does shame surround these good body parts?May be we can learn something from those tribes in the Amazon jungle who walk naked unperturbe by any dangling they see even if it rivals mr.punda.

      • Well since Eve misled Adam…
        Well since Eve misled Adam or so the bible tells me so. No there is no timing I don’t think otherwise this would never have made the news in the first place. Some people should go to Italy and see some of the sculptures, and these shows some of the real organs Il mio Amico…he hehe. We don’t need to go that far to Amazon, some African tribes deep in the Congo still walk nude and the Kalahari…

        • @formerly,guest two.iam glad…
          @formerly,guest two.iam glad that we dont have to go that far.so these congolese might put on some jeans when they hear about adam and eve,,,.Istill dont get why Adam would be ashamed of his dangler….he was already naked..right.

          • Word is that Adam was white…
            Word is that Adam was white so he sure had all the reasons in the world to be ashamed of his ding-a-ling

          • @ UFISADI,with a 2and half…
            @ UFISADI,with a 2and half inch ticler,iwould be ashamed too,but he had nothing to compare with…unless the bible is not telling the whole truth…probably eve was there mesmerized by african man as he ran around frolicking in paradise…

  4. If you gonna be inspired by…
    If you gonna be inspired by mzee tarimbo let it be a DONKEY’S ?? at least si fimbo ya paka

  5. Ihave heard unconfirmed…
    Ihave heard unconfirmed rumour that mr.mutiso has build a clinic in nairobi south c called-ECFSS(enlargement center for short stumps).This is in response to numerous calls from enlargement cliniticians with interpreneurial minds.(Not that i need any enlargment at 8.5 inches)But a follow up call told me that cost depends on the centimeters appended.Stay turned for further information on who to contact.Looks like the donkey xxxx continues to inspire.Time to give this beast of burden some respect.

  6. ?????????hii ni uchawi,how…
    ?????????hii ni uchawi,how can an architect just get interested in the donkey’s penis.

  7. Illuminati in action, any…
    Illuminati in action, any where a mzungu is involved you bet u will come out with perversion!


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