Home OBITUARIES Death Announcement for Nancy Waithera Givens of Nashua, New Hampshire

Death Announcement for Nancy Waithera Givens of Nashua, New Hampshire

Death Announcement for Nancy Waithera Givens of Nashua, New Hampshire

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Nancy Waithera Givens of Nashua, New Hampshire
Nancy Givens was  a long time member of St Stephen’s Church Lowell and an active member of the mother’s union.

She was  mother to Jackson Mwangi, Wanjiru Lillian Givens and stepmother to Keith Givens.

Friends and relatives  are meeting daily for prayers and funeral  arrangements starting 6pm daily.

Venue: 2D Black Oak Drive Nashua, New Hampshire.

May 19th 2019 (5/19/19) at 4pm: Memorial Service and fundraiser at St Stephen’s Church Lowell, Massachusetts; 279 West 6th Street Lowell, Massachusetts.

May 20th 2019 (5/20/19): Wake at Davis Funeral Home Nashua, New Hampshire .

May 21 2019 (5/21/19): Funeral service followed by burial in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Donations: May be given to Christine Kiama (Cheque under her name Christine Kiama and a CashApp number no $ (603) 557-0470).

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39


  • Kariuki Kimungu: 603-320-9858
  • Big Mbugua: 781-799-6105
  • Joyce Gathoni: 978-866-6994
  • Rev.Capt Josephat Kamau: 978-608-3482
  • Christine Kiama: (603) 557-0470
  • Mr Mbatia: 603-508-2270


  1. Nurse Nancy,
    We spent many…

    Nurse Nancy,

    We spent many years working together & I am so sorry we drifted separate ways. You will always be in my heart. I will miss your laughter .. It was so contagious! Just hearing you laugh would make me laugh.. Because i knew you were ready to tell me something really funny.. you had 1 of the best souls a human being could ever find.I loved coming into work when you were on shift, i knew my work night was going to be a good shift with you on board. You were 1 of the strongest women i have ever met, & I’m so sorry i lost touch & wasn’t there for you. I could say so many wonderful things about you. You were the best nurse, wife, mother, coworker & friend. I will Miss & love you always my friend ?


  2. God will be with you all…
    God will be with you all the family of Nancy ,friends and relatives, may the Lord be with you in this time of sadness.


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