Home KENYA NEWS Court Freezes 18 Prime Properties, 7 Cars Belonging to Former Kiambu Governor...

Court Freezes 18 Prime Properties, 7 Cars Belonging to Former Kiambu Governor Waititu

Court Freezes 18 Prime Properties, 7 Cars Belonging to Former Kiambu Governor Waititu

The High Court has ordered the freezing of 18 prime properties and seven vehicles belonging to former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu.

Lady Justice Esther Maina issued the orders pending the hearing and determination of a case filed by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) which is seeking to recover Sh1.94 unexplained wealth from Waititu.

The judge barred Waititu, his wife Susan Ndungú and their companies from selling, transferring, charging, disposing, wasting, or in any other way interfering with the properties and vehicles until the case is concluded.

EACC says Waititu amassed the wealth while serving as the MP for Kabete Constituency between 2015 and 2017 and as the governor for Kiambu County from 2017 to 2020.

The assets are registered in the names of his close family members and companies including his wife Susan Wangari (Sh928.9 million), Saika Two Estate Developers Limited (Sh906.3 million), Bienvenue Delta Hotel (Sh56.9 million), and Bins Management Services Limited (Sh62.7 million).

They include seven vehicles, three multi-story buildings located in Nairobi Central Business District, and 15 properties in Nairobi and Kiambu, including upmarket estates of Runda, Migaa, and Thindigua.

Among the properties targeted by EACC is the Jamii Bora building worth Sh200 million, Delta Hotel (Sh380 million), Biashara shopping Mall (Sh110 million), and Runda Grove worth over Sh96 million.

Waititu, who was impeached as Kiambu governor in 2020, allegedly made bank transactions totaling Sh928,873,317 on his personal accounts during the period while his wife handled Sh282,871,658. Saika Two Developers Limited, Bienvenu Delta Hotel, and Bins Management Services Limited transacted Sh906,329,068, Sh56,924,332, and Sh62,711,000 respectively.


  1. At times I am inclined to…
    At times I am inclined to believe a statement Gachagua made the other day. How come these sorts of accusations only surface during the election year and yet no one is ever convicted? I will say it again and will keep saying it till I die; very few Kenyans will not steal if given the opportunity. You too reading this will steal at the drop of a hat. Kumbafu.

    • MakOnyango, Sibuor, problem…
      MakOnyango, Sibuor, problem is not simply the act of stealing, its the amounts involved that raises ‘material fact’. While stealing kshs 5,000 may be insignificant depending on who you steal from, 2 billion kenya shillings stolen will definitely leave a huge dent in a developing economy like Kenya. Obviously unaccounted proceeds flooding the market devalues the currency and hastens inflation.

    • No matter when these surface…
      No matter when these surface it’s been known this idiot was a thief.

    • Are you listening to just…
      Are you listening to just what UDAku thieves are saying that their corruption cases are a witch hunt? Waititu, Rigathi, Waiguru, kidero, Moses Kuria, Sonko, Ruto, are well known as the most corrupt politicians in kenya. Their cases are well known and have been around for years. We want them to give back what they have stolen and this is the time. They also should be barred from politics.

  2. Freeze everything he stole…
    Freeze everything he stole from ordinary Kenyans including his wife. He stole her too.

    • @ Mansuu:
      Umesema ukweli…

      @ Mansuu:

      Umesema ukweli mtupu ulipoandika, “Freeze everything he stole from ordinary Kenyans…”

      WaSwahili husema, “Dawa ya moto ni moto.” Tunaweza kuwamaliza hawa wezi wanaoporoma mali ya umma mara moja kwa kuchukua kila kitu walicho nacho.

      • Collecting every asset in…
        Collecting every asset in the hands of thieves is the only way to set a good example that stealing from Kenyans is wrong. It’s the only method that will work to make politicians think twice before they steal.

        Waiguru dared EACC to show some proof that she has been stealing from Kenyans because she thinks Kenyans are really stupid not to know what she has stolen. These thieves have no shame.

  3. Waititu is in the same…
    Waititu is in the same league with WSR. No wonder he joined UDAku to hide his stolen loot in Ruto’s club in f thieves. The court should make Waititu repay everything he has stolen. No wonder Rigathi claims Ruto bought Mount Kenya folks with looted money.


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