Home KENYA NEWS Two Chinese Nationals Arrested for Operating Illegal Chang’aa, Busaa Brewing Plant in...

Two Chinese Nationals Arrested for Operating Illegal Chang’aa, Busaa Brewing Plant in Kenya [PHOTOS]

Two Chinese Nationals Arrested for Operating Illegal Chang’aa, Busaa Brewing Plant in Kenya [PHOTOS]

Police are holding two Chinese nationals who were arrested for allegedly operating an illegal chang’aa brewing plant in Athi River, Machakos County.

The two; Wang Yalan and Wang Haijian were arrested on Friday by detectives from Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) following a tip-off from members of the public.


Confirming their arrest, area OCPD Samuel Mkuusi said the two had been running the liquor processing plant at their residence in Green Park estate.

DCI said more than 800 liters of methanol and 3,000 liters of chang’aa and busaa were seized during the raid. Several sacks of sorghum and rice were also found in the house.


“Search within the residence of the two suspects led to the recovery of several sacks of Sorghum & Rice, Drums of Sorghum mixtures kept to Ferment & several huge Water Tanks. The duo in custody and recoveries secured as Exhibits,” DCI said in a statement.

The two foreigners are being held at Athi River police station pending arraignment in court on Monday.



  1. Wow, these Chinese are…
    Wow, these Chinese are really trying to infiltrate and take over Kenya. Changaa and busaa are local brews, how did they even decide to get into that industry. Kenyans better watch out, before the country is hijacked by these foreigners.

  2. Kenya has the best climate…
    Kenya has the best climate for any corrupt activity in the world.
    We have won the gold medal since 1964.

  3. What is interesting about…
    What is interesting about this raid is the anti-progress message it sends. From time immemorial, innovative Kenyans have applied creative liquor distilling and beverage brewing technologies and production processes to produce consumable alcoholic beverages for the local market. Admittedly, some of these production methods and products have gone rogue and produced harmful health results for consumers. However, for the most part, these local brews have been consumed for recreation for a long time in Kenya. Producing and consuming these products have, invariably, met with characteristic high-handed government crackdowns that rampage over and defeat local productive energy. It has taken a glimpse and a sample of Chinese technology to show the way towards harnessing what are clearly vastly high potential home grown local production technologies. Sadly, instead of taking the opportunity to harness, regulate and develop these food production technologies and potentialities for grassroots industrial development, the government, in true character, unleashed “brand name” raids, a decrepit colonial relic “conquer and control” method of subjugation.In the mind of the Kenya government, the only worthy products are those produced using western industrial scale food production technologies that are out of the reach of ordinary Kenyans. This is “kasumba” par excellence. The Kenya government should re-brand itself from a colonial power wielder to a progressive nurturer and leader for innovation.The Kenya Bureau of Standards, food technology, chemistry, and, technological production departments at universities are among centers of knowledge and innovation leadership that can help develop the chang’aa, busaa, muratina and other brews into high quality products for local and export markets. They should be asked to provide this leadership and, in this way, help replace “raids” with innovation.

  4. hahaha…supply and demand. …
    hahaha…supply and demand. Chinese know there is high demand of Changaa and busaa.

  5. Why not fine them for…
    Why not fine them for illegal brewing, after that licence them and ensure they brew in a safe manner? No need to kill innovation.

  6. The Chinese have absolutely…
    The Chinese have absolutely no respect for africans or african government laws. Thy have learned well from white people to treat black people any kind of way. I live in the United States n i can testify to that. They need to b jailed n then deported.

  7. Africans we are dumb, how…
    Africans we are dumb, how can ching changs show up and take over what you have been doing well before they even smelled Africa – Shame , shame shame

  8. Surely they must have…
    Surely they must have expected the lid to blow up at one point.Hard to hide such a distribution even if you front it with some legit business.And this may not be the only spot.By the time all spots are uncovered,they money will be buying hair salons in America.

  9. Sasa what do you expect…
    Sasa what do you expect. Half the Chinese “expatriates” sent out to Kenya in the name of development were not too long ago languishing in jails. With the kind of policies in China, I can only imagine the kind of relief and true freedom these perps felt when they landed jamuhuri. Itakuwa tu mchezo wa paka na panya hadi mwisho. Like I always say, wakenya hatujipendi. Everyone is always out looking for shortcuts. Hata waki support innovation like some here suggest. Utapata tu kamtu fulani anapika hiyo chang’aa na deadly stuff ama filthy environment. Hii kesi haiendi anywhere. And unfortunately so are the Chinese. Si mliwafungulia milango? Mkasema Kenya hakuna matata? Haya basi, mtajua hamjui

  10. Stop it with kissing ass…
    Stop it with kissing ass these Chinese should be jailed and then deported.Changaa and Busaa are illegal no matter who the perpetrators are and someone commented ati their knowledge should be harnessed to make changaa brewing a profitable venture what makes you think a Kenyan cannot do it better.Nothing of sense comes from this country all cheap stuff not to mention how they are contaminating rivers in Kenya as they set up questionable factories.Time to send them packing I recall a time when many Indians were getting murdered in their homes by thugs and househelps because of their treatment of the locals why is Matiangi being lenient kudos to whoever outed them they give birth like rats Africa and Kenya should not be their new home now that they have overcrowded and polluted China


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