President Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party has responded to allegations that it employed dirty tricks to win the 2017 presidential elections.
While denying that they used dirty tricks, Jubilee secretary-general Raphael Tuju said the ruling party has no apologies over how it conducted its 2017 presidential campaigns.
“Most serious campaigns hire consultants and experts to bridge capacity gaps that they may have. We have nothing to apologize for,” Tuju told Daily Nation.
The governing party is accused of hiring the United Kingdom data mining company, Strategic Communications Laboratories, Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, to use dirty tricks against its opponents.
Cambridge Analytica former managing director, Mark Turnbull, told CNBC that the company meddled with Kenya’s last general elections. He said the company rebranded the entire Jubilee party twice, drafted their manifesto, and conducted two rounds of 50,000 (participant) surveys.
Last year, Cambridge Analytica top officials were filmed boasting of dirty tricks and influencing elections across the world, including Kenya.
An undercover Channel 4 News investigation exposed the officials bragging about smear campaigns, bribing politicians and seeding “unattributable, untraceable” propaganda via the internet to sway campaigns.
Dirty tricks against others…
Dirty tricks against others using their dirty tricks. No need to deny. Both major parties are uncouth.
Of course they will deny…
Of course they will deny.
The fact will always remain they used Cambridge Analytica to lie and defraud both the international community and Kenyans at large.
The aim was to destroy the country.
The same Cambridge Analytica…
The same Cambridge Analytica was hired during Trump campaigns. A DIRTY DIRTY, EXTREMELY FILTHY BUNCH OF HUMAN BEINGS. By the way some people act like they are oblivious of these shit that’s happening to the Kenya yet the same shit smeared all over them follows them everywhere they go. Malipo ni hapa hapa. Jubilee supporters in the US Extremely happy with Jubilee win in Kenya courtesy of Cambridge Analytica manipulation and then end up Extremely frustrated by a Trump/Republican win (courtesy of the same Cambridge Analytica) in USA where they permanently reside. ????? Classic case of “Kuruka mkojo na kukanyaga mavi!” You can never have it both ways.