Home KENYA NEWS US President Donald Trump Picks Kenya as Anchor Country for New Africa...

US President Donald Trump Picks Kenya as Anchor Country for New Africa Policy

US President Donald Trump Picks Kenya as Anchor Country for New Africa Policy

United States President Donald Trump has reportedly picked Kenya as one of the anchor countries for his new Africa Policy.

Reports on American media say that the move is an attempt by Trump administration to counter the growing influence by other world superpowers such as China and Russia in Africa.

Somalia, Libya, and Mali are reported to be other anchor countries under Trump’s new policy.

“The White House strategy is expected to name several countries as anchors for the U.S. strategy, and experts close to the administration expect the list to include Kenya, a longstanding U.S. ally,” reports NBC News.

Under the policy, the US will seek to pump more funds, increase trade and investment ties as well as revamp its counter-terrorism efforts in African nations.

Trump administration hopes the new policy will increase US influence in Africa as well as counter in-roads made by China, Russia, and Japan.

“The new policy will not include additional funding for aid, diplomacy or intelligence-gathering,” NBC News adds.

China has pumped billions of dollars into Africa in the last one decade with countries such as Kenya owing the country billions of shillings.

Angola (first) owes China a whooping Sh4.28 trillion followed by Ethiopia (Sh1.37 trillion) and Kenya (Sh980 billion).


  1. Ni afadhali huyu Ndugu yetu…
    Ni afadhali huyu Ndugu yetu Rais wa Marekani Donald Trump aende kuisaidia nchi Wamarekani waliobuni Afrika inayoitwa Liberia. Nchi hii iko kwenye hali mbaya sana tangu ianzishwe na Wafrika- Wamarekani waliokuwa huru mwaka wa 1847.

  2. Ndugu @Imara ni kwa nini…
    Ndugu @Imara ni kwa nini Wafrika kokote walioko duniani wao ndio wenye umaskini na shida kuliko watu wengine wote. Ni nani aliroga Wafrika. From Liberia to Haiti to Kenya, everywhere. Kama ni dini sisi ndio namba moja kwa kuomba na kumwimbia Mungu. Shida iko wapi? Au pengine ni hii uchawi yetu?

    • @ Njai, I have been…
      @ Njai, I have been scratching my head for along time over that question you have raised.Over 50 years of independence,bado tunaitwa third world
      If we were at one time at par with S.Korea,Singapore,economically ,to name afew, what happened? Why have they left us behind.
      The other day I was disheartened by a documentary showing congolese running from congo via South America-destination Canada,and USA.Congo the richest country in minerals.Why cann’t they turn those minerals in to wealth,and develop their country?
      Time to cope out is over.We cannot year after year blame mzungu.By know we should know what we want. We should also know how to build cars, electronic gadgets,tractors,and high raise gorofas.We should be building these things for export.
      By now we should be investing in things that can sell on the international market.30 year ago china was not in africa. Apparently they were waiting to see if we would unite,get our act together,and become apower house,and thus control the world economy.But to their delight,they found us”sleeping” Now they are planting where we should be planting,and reaping where we should be reaping.In afew year, China is projected that before 2030 china will overtake USA as world’s largest economy.
      40 years ago they were a third world country like most african countries. Again I ask what is wrong with wafrica. Is there any projection where by africa will be like or surpass china?
      What is it that is ailing us,that we cannot cure it and show the world that we can produce,and deliver on the global level,instead on stretching our hands for handouts.
      We will garner respect when we start showing the world that we can also match the best of the best in technology,as we do in sports.Lest Mzungu think that we are all muscle and no brain.

  3. The US government need to…
    The US government need to support secession.Kenya needs to be divided into two countries.

    That is what the US and it’s allies need to support.

  4. Something weird about the…
    Something weird about the cover photo. That handshake and the body language. I might be wrong though and I stand to be corrected.

    • I agree with you…that’s an…
      I agree with you…that’s an awkward handshake, though Trumps hands are naturally small.

  5. hehehehe wooiiii usa still…
    hehehehe wooiiii usa still scared of china dominance in Africa.My fred Trump should pump that cash to the falling us economy where thousands of homeless is found in big usa cities like california n newyork.Pump the cash to the pple who have bin abused drugs which r in millions in usa!Mr Trump i thot u wanted to make america great again please Fix usa first?The last 55 years usa n uk did nothing to Africa especially kenya!Only stupid Aid which the same western countries will make tripple the so called Aid money??China has overtaken the western wazungu countries which they concentrated with controlling africa with their stupid democracies ideology’s.China has put its money where the mouth is??Africa is interested in manufacturing,building its infrastructure like roads,bridges,hospitals not stupid Aid n control from the western world??

  6. Ndugu @Njai: Wafrika hawana…
    Ndugu @Njai: Wafrika hawana kasoro yoyote. MWUMBAJI aliwaumba sawa na binadamu yeyote mwingine. Dini mbili za kigeni ndizo zilizomwangamiza Mwafrika. Kwa nini? Badala ya Mwafrika kutumia akili aliyopewa na mWUMBAJI na kufanya kazi kwa bidii, kazi yake kubwa ni kupoteza wakati kwenda kanisani na kuomba. Pili, Mwafrika alidanganywa na Wamisionari matapeli ya kwamba, hapa duniani si kwetu! Tutakapokufa, tutakwenda “mbinguni.” Na Mwafrika bila kutumia akili yake akakubali uongo wa matapeli wakristo wa kutoka Yuropa.

    Hakuna watu wanaopoteza wakati wao mwingi wakiwa kanisani na misikitini kuliko Wafrika. Isitoshe, hakuna watu wengine walio waskini duniani kuliko Wafrika!

  7. Of African countries Kenya…
    Of African countries Kenya has enjoyed most opportunities like these before and should have distanced itself economically from peer countries long time ago. For strange but not very strange reasons we are still getting a competition from younger countries like Rwanda. I think we squander a lot of opportunities to be a bona fide leader in Africa. The culture of impunity and corruption has ruined the good fortunes of yesteryear and the promise for the future. In the advent of the east becoming a player in Africa, any country can easily be transformed into an anchor country. So make good of the opportunity when the goodwill still lasts.

  8. @one2manydayz yes rwanda is…
    @one2manydayz yes rwanda is doing ok but remember kiambu county is equivalent to rwanda economy so wako mbali mbali sana to b where we are?Remember with 120m ethiopian population per gdp is 84b$ compared with kenya 45m population 74b$??Kenya tuko mbele tu sana n imagine if the corruption was atleast fought at 40% we will b the best country in the world??Lets continue fighting corruption.Please mr Trump pump that cash to millions of homelessness n drugs addicts in usa.


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