Home KENYA NEWS Police Gun Down Four Suspected Robbers in Nairobi amid Accusations of Extra-Judicial...

Police Gun Down Four Suspected Robbers in Nairobi amid Accusations of Extra-Judicial Killings

Police Gun Down Four Suspected Robbers in Nairobi amid Accusations of Extra-Judicial Killings

Police have gunned down four suspected robbers in Nairobi’s Kayole estate even as security officers continue to be accused of extra-judicial killings.

Police say the four were in a group of six and were shot dead after they were busted assaulting and stealing from pedestrians. 

The officers were acting on a tip-off from members of the public. Two other suspects managed to escape on foot.

Two firearms were recovered during the operation and the bodies of the four have been taken to City Mortuary.

More than 30 suspects have been shot dead in a similar style in the last one month in Nairobi area alone. Over 10 firearms have been recovered during the incidents.

The number of killings in recent weeks have prompted a section of human rights groups to demand for a probe into allegations of extra-judicial shootings, but police insist the use of lethal force during the incidents is justified.


  1. Bravo bravo to our police.I…
    Bravo bravo to our police.I have said our police need to train the usa police on how to get rid of thugs terrorists who kill innocent pple n cause chaos in our communities.Compare the good job done by our police n that stupid thuggish terrorist in usa who went to synagogue n killed many n yet he was arrested.Arrested for what??He went against human rights by killing others n yet other brainwashed pple will state oooh he has rights too??Nonsence.Again bravo to our police for good well job done.

  2. Assaulting and stealing…
    Assaulting and stealing Pedestrian! … Were they hijacked!. Did the one of pedestrian snick and how did they call police?… I don’t speak for thugs but if things are not well looked well this can turn to an extra-judicial killing. How did others managed to run away?. Apart from the guns were they able to recover any other stolen goods?, ASSAULTING!. YOU CANNOT KILL FOR THIS. Can those pedestrian speak up ?. Kenya is not a country whereby Police are gunned down by thugs and must be able to get them and bring them to justice or else we don’t need jails in Kenya. The picture implicated by this is that the Kenyan thugs are more powerful than the Police. Can the government give this thugs amnesty to come up with those and hire them for the police jobs as they seem to be more powerful and may be they are doing what they are for luck of jobs.

  3. Extra judicial killings?…
    Extra judicial killings? This is Extra Criminal killings. And it’s Justified so long as they’re known to be Criminals. As a Matter of Fact we have too many Criminals roaming Free in tbis Country.

    • @Guest 1, “too many…
      @Guest 1, “too many criminals” until one of your own gets killed. Police (some) are thugs who are sposoring these gangs criminals or they themselves are the criminals. These same cops can never be the judge, jury and executioner in a civilized society.I agree crime is at an all time high and something needs to be done but we can not have cops killing left, right and center.

  4. Rahab waithira kwani do u…
    Rahab waithira kwani do u have brothers sisters uncles cousins who r thugs so they can get amnesty???This thugs r known n they have killed caused injuries to innocent pedestrians n u want them given amnesty.All they need is to b sent straight to HELL by bullet??So ur happy the synagogues thugs was not shot by police??Wacha nienjoy my maziwa lala homemade to celebrate more thugs bin sent to Hell

  5. I hope those two who escaped…
    I hope those two who escaped are not sleeping.If the value their lives, they would totally avoid any criminal activities,and be good citizens.


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