Home KENYA NEWS Pastor James Ng’ang’a of Neno Evangelism to be Charged Afresh in Woman’s...

Pastor James Ng’ang’a of Neno Evangelism to be Charged Afresh in Woman’s Death

Pastor James Ng'ang'a of Neno Evangelism to be Charged Afresh in Woman's Death

Controversial Pastor James Ng’ang’a of Neno Evangelism Ministries is set to be charged afresh in a case where he is accused of killing a woman in a fatal car crash.

This comes after the High Court in Kiambu on Tuesday allowed an appeal filed by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) challenging the acquittal of Ng’ang’a and three others by a Nakuru court.

In May, Nakuru Chief Magistrate Godfrey Odour ruled that the prosecution had failed to prove it’s case against Pastor Ng’ang’a, Simon Maina, Police Inspector Christopher Nzilu Nzioka and police inspector Patrick Kahindi Baya, thus acquitting them.

The acquittal of Ng’ang’a sparked public outrage prompting the DPP to file an appeal at the Kiambu High Court. The DPP said that the magistrate erred both in law and fact in dismissing the prosecution’s case.

On Tuesday, High Court Justice Christine Meoli directed the prosecution to serve the respondents with the petitions. The case will be mentioned on August 1st.

Ng’ang’a had been charged with causing the death of Mercy Njeri through dangerous driving on July 26th, 2015 at about 5.45PM along the Naivasha-Nairobi road at Manguo area in Limuru. He was allegedly driving a red Range Rover at a high rate speed.

He was also accused of failing to report the accident and giving false information to a police officer. Pastor Ng’ang’a also faced a fourth count of conspiring to defeat justice. He denied all the charges.

He reportedly fled the scene of the accident using another Range Rover vehicle belonging to one of his friends.


  1. Nimesema mara nyingi ya…
    Nimesema mara nyingi ya kwamba, MWUMBAJI alipotupatia akili, kazi yake ilimalizika. Kwa hiyo, ukimwachia mtumwingine akili yako ataichafua kama vile Mheshimiwa Ng’ang’a anavyowafanyia wote wanaomfuata.

    Maombi ni alama ya kumtukana MWUMBAJI kwa sababu ukitaka kuyatatua matatizo yako, naomba usiombe lakini upambane nayo mara moja.

    Makanisa ni ngome ya UFISADI. Nawaomba waliochaguliwa kuwa viongozi wetu watoe sheria ya kwamba shirika lolote linalopata pesa kutokana na umma, ni lazima lilipe KODI.

    Makanisa na misikiti yote inayopokea pesa kutoka kwa mwananchi wa kawaida, ni lazima ilipe kodi.

    Wanabunge, “KUMEKUCHA, AMKENI” na kutoa amri itakayoongeza mapato katika nchi yetu kutokana na kila sehemu /shirika/kundi la wananchi wanaopokea hela kulipa kodi!

  2. Justice is coming!! This…
    Justice is coming!! This rogue pastor, formerly a jailbird, will soon rot in jail, and possibly be hanged. This criminal, who still has fools listening and following on his channel called SASA, will never fool Kenyans like he does to a bunch of poor and vulnerable fools worshiping him as their god. Just like his other colleagues Bishop Dr. Professor Rev Wanjiru Kamangu, Bishop Ngare Gakuyo, arrogant and proud Mrs Kioni, Bishop Kariuki, and other annoying pastors, the day of kiama will shock them to their teeth: hell will be a shocker to them. May the Lord give justice to the innocent and helpless woman and her husband. May the Lord put this guitarist criminal where he always belong: jail. Shindwe kabisa.

  3. To put it mildly, why do we…
    To put it mildly, why do we still refer to this fraud as pastor? Is he still ministering to his flock while facing criminal charges? And yes Imara, they need to pay taxes like everyone else. We have far too many of them fleecing (literally) the sheep in their flock.

    • Right on Anos. It is very…
      Right on Anos. It is very unfortunate to know that this criminal is walking free. Perhaps jail should take care of judges who can not discharge their duties especially when presented with enough evidence. Kamiti should be a good destination to pump common sense into their shriveled up brains.

  4. Mheshimiwa Anos, yatubidi…
    Mheshimiwa Anos, yatubidi tuwaambie wanabunge wapitishe azimio ya kwamba “Kila mtu anayekusanyika hela kutoka kwa wananchi, ni lazima alipe kodi.”

    Isitoshe, ningependa kuona maisha yao yakichunguzwa ili tuone majumba makubwa waliyo nayo, na pia magari ya kifahari, shule na hoteli ambazo wamejenga, wamepata pesa hizi zote kutoka wapi?

    CPK iliyoko Bishop’s Road wana shule, hoteli, jumba la kuegeshea (parking lot) magari kubwa sana. Je, wanalipa kodi ya serikali au la?


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