Home KENYA NEWS Joho Reacts to Unity Agreement between President Uhuru and Raila

Joho Reacts to Unity Agreement between President Uhuru and Raila

Joho Reacts to Unity Agreement between President Uhuru and Raila

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho has thrown his weight behind the unity agreement reached between Opposition leader Raila Odinga and President Kenyatta.

Joho, who has in the past found himself at loggerheads with President Uhuru and the Jubilee government, has urged National Super Alliance (Nasa) leaders and supporters to embrace the peace deal reached between the two.

In a series of tweets, Joho said that he was proud to be in Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, which “has always been on the right side of history.”

“To our coalition partners, there’s a time for peace and a time for war. This is the time for peace. Not all of us may have fought in the times of war, but all of us MUST fight for peace. The time for war has come and gone,” Joho said in a tweeted.

He continued: “To our party supporters, I wish to reassure you, our leadership has always been on the right side of history. As ODM, our faith in our leadership is resolute because it stands tried and tested. I also hereby pledge to be a joint custodian of all your concerns and interests.”

After a meeting at the Head of State’s Harambee House office on Friday, which lasted for hours, President Kenyatta and Odinga announced they had agreed to work together going forward in a bid to unite the country.


  1. Why are these so called…
    Why are these so called leaders, Joho, Kalonzo, Babu, Ngilu so reactive rather than proactive?? Did they have to wait for baba to meet The President for them to start preaching peace?? Will they take all their insults back and accept the Elected President now?

    • It makes no difference…
      It makes no difference whether they accept Uhuru as President or not… What have they done even now that they haven’t? Nasariots should be the ones asking that question regarding their kibogoyo president, not us.

  2. Like KOFIAUNGA Babu,Joho…
    Like KOFIAUNGA Babu,Joho must sing muuaji Raila’s rhythm to keep their illicit business,drugs running.I heard jambazi Ngilu also declaring her support for jambazi Muigai to escape jail for theft and arson.Mwingine atakuwa jambazi Wanjigi.The terror financier won’t go to Uhuru to keep his ufisadi/open corruption deals but to escape justice in his gun/arms related charges.But utafaidika wewe bongolala muKenya?-Oih Ngai,yako ni multiplied taxation to finance kina Raila & Co.share.


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