Home KENYA NEWS Raila Speaks on When He’ll Retire from Active Politics

Raila Speaks on When He’ll Retire from Active Politics

Raila Speaks on When He'll Retire from Active Politics

The National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga has dismissed claims by President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto that he is ‘old’ and should hang his political boots.

Addressing a rally in Kawangware, Nairobi on Sunday, Raila said he will retire once he removes the “corrupt Jubilee government” out of power and more so, when his heart desires.

“I will quit politics not because Uhuru and Ruto have told me to do so but because I will have achieved in uniting Kenyans and delivering Kenyans to the Promised Land. You should not focus on a person’s age but his/her mind and transformative agenda and ideas. There are young people with unsound mind to lead the people,” Raila said.

He said President Uhuru was “working so hard to cling to power and continue with promoting tribalism and subjecting Kenyans to high cost of living.”

Raila, who withdrew from October 26th repeat presidential race, further noted that only NASA has answers to all problems facing Kenya.

“With Jubilee nothing will change it will be the same old sufferings. NASA will create job opportunities for the youth, a special fund to help mothers who are catering for their families, and end tribalism in Kenya,” He said.

Speaking at Gatina PAG Church earlier in the say, Raila denounced the violence that witnessed in Kawangware on Friday, where at least three people lost their lives.

Area MP Simba Arati, Nairobi Women Rep Esther Passaris, Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo, Homa Bay Women Rep Gladys Wanga and Kimilili MP Chris Wamalwa accompanied Raila in the tour.


  1. You are not a politician but…
    You are not a politician but a radical terrorist. You have formed NRM and you will perish with it. You do not need to retire; Kenyans will retire you!

    • By creating his own killer…
      By creating his own killer gang,muuaji Raila is now ripe/ready for the bullet.Apatiwe kiSavimbi.

  2. if this is what he was…
    if this is what he was teaching in that NY buffalo school….no woner mzungu thinks African lives in jungle like animal…..shallow ,fake analysis….

  3. Raila you can retire when…
    Raila you can retire when you get in the coffin. You can yap, yap all day long but from now on noone will. take you seriously, it’s called democracy which you have denied your people. You rig your friends to run for NASA all the time then you come yapping to the rest of Kenyans. What did you do for Kibera after being in gova? The least you could have done is taking care of the flying toilets. Bure Kabisa.

  4. I am just wondering what…
    I am just wondering what might happen if the Gikuyu in Nairobi and Kiambu and Muranga decide to revenge for their Kawangware tribesmen.

    • Which is your tribe Ken?…
      Which is your tribe Ken? Sokora does not belong to a tribe. Tribe has nothing to do with how we behave or think. It is ideology or all we suffer from is ideological differences. NASA followers are the only one branding tribal outfits.

  5. Just ask yourself when are…
    Just ask yourself when are you going to stop hate and terror on Kenyan people. you have formed a terrorist party NRM. You are the same as Osama Bin Landen. stop terrorizing people

  6. All this hate against Baba…
    All this hate against Baba who just happen to come from one community.Does this community not think of the future what or how are you jeopardizing your grand kids future because one day and for sure that day will come one of their own will not be in power how about they too treat this community how they are treating other communities right now.Hata video zilizochukuliwa kwa elections zilionyesha that only chickens and stray dogs were in some polling stations.People want change our chickens have come home to roost time for UK to exit.

  7. @sokora…. I’m from the…
    @sokora…. I’m from the tribe that doesn’t want kenya to be looted dry by thugs.

  8. In the meantime, the rioters…
    In the meantime, the rioters fate: Kunguni wamejaa, waningoja mimi. Shida! Whilst Odinga…. well….

  9. When to retire is a question…
    When to retire is a question of timeline and destiny; not an opportunity to create preconditions. With or without Jubilee in power Rao’s retirement is inevitable, his political career is on borrowed time and he cannot give preconditions on borrowed time. This is the time to anoint a successor to your empire of thorns,not time for chest-thumping. Talk is cheap, and when the tyranny of time is against you, talk is cheaper than bei ya akala. Kenyans have made daily sacrifices because of rao’s daily prophecies; and even as the good scripture says “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.” Please give the young, the elderly and the downtrodden of this beloved country a chance to heal before setting up your perpetual wedge of separation.

  10. we should avoid tribalizm…
    we should avoid tribalizm coz if raila &uhuru gets position to lead kenya they dont help as kenyans you help ur self either by hussling only who can help you is your neigbour


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