Home KENYA NEWS Government Oders Women MPs to Return Vehicles allocated to them

Government Oders Women MPs to Return Vehicles allocated to them

Government Oders Women MPs to Return Vehicles allocated to them

The government has directed all the 47 women representatives in the 11th Parliament to return the cars issued to them by the state.

Cabinet Secretary for Youth and Gender Sicily Kariuki complained that most of the vehicles allocated to the women MPs by the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) were still being used by the MPs despite a large section of them losing their seats in last week’s general election.

“A substantive number (11) of women representatives have lost their seats and subsequently their roles as patrons of the fund at the county level,” Ms Kariuki said during a meeting with the fund county coordinators at the Kenya School of Government.

“The vehicles should be returned to the respective county commissioner to facilitate a smooth transition and NGAAF management at the county level,”she said.

Half-a-billion shillings was set aside for buying the vehicles for the National Fund Secretariat and each county secretariat to facilitate their operations in the County.

Each Woman Representative was issued with two vehicles from the Sh10 million each representative was allocated.

County coordinators are required to give a detailed inventory of all vehicles, stating their condition, and all other fund assets in the county during the transition period.

Kariuki ordered the MPs to return back all the vehicles to the County coordinators.


  1. That’s What They Get: For…
    That’s What They Get: For MOCKING God and TRYING to make Him a Liar and Rigger of Elections (when they sang “Ahsante” at the Bomas of Kenya). God can NOT be Mocked!!!


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