We announce the promotion to glory of Mrs. Cecilia Wanjiku Wamanji “ Teacher”,who passed away on 11/30/20 in Kenya. She was the wife to Thomas Wamanji, mother to Beatrice Njoki Kimani, Caroline Wangare, Teresa Njeri and Mary Kamande of Baltimore, Maryland.
She was also mother in law to Peter Kimani, Wachira, Victor of Baltimore, MD and grandmother to Daisy, Alice, Ivyone, Ann, Natalie and Brianna.
Burial will be this December in Gatunyu, Gatanga constituency. Please keep the family in prayers.
For more details, please contact:
- Paul Murimi: 443-421-1136
- Paul Njuguna: 443-804-0362
- Victor: 443-630-2300
- Pastor Mugweh: 410-236-5401