Home OBITUARIES Announcing the Sudden Passing of Jacob Simatwa of St. Louis, Missouri

Announcing the Sudden Passing of Jacob Simatwa of St. Louis, Missouri

Announcing the Sudden Passing of Jacob Simatwa of St. Louis, Missouri

It is with heavy heart that we sadly announce the sudden passing of Jacob Simatwa of Endebess, Kitale-Kenya and a member of the Kenyan community in the United States.

Jacob died on January 24th, 2020 while living in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in a house he shared with another roommate. He spoke with friends and went to sleep that night but never woke up in the morning.

The Funeral committee in the United States met on January 25th 2020 via teleconference call and received preliminary information on the death and committed to lead fundraising effort to repatriate the body back to Kenya following his family’s plea.

We are sincerely appealing to the Kenyan community and well wishers in the United States to assist in raising funds to send Jacob’s body back to Kenya. Prior to his death, Jacob was jobless and with no insurance coverage nor any personal reserve cash in the bank.

Kenya Community in St Louis will hold a memorial service on Sunday February 2nd, 2020 at 5pm.
Venue: Christ Covenant church
465 Shackelford Rd, Florissant, MO 63031
Pastor Paul Macharia 314 2297708.

The funeral planning committee has come up with a budget of $17,000 to cover burial and funeral expenses from USA to Kenya. No amount is too big or small; any amount will be greatly appreciated. You can use any of the following

CashApp handles for those in USA:

  • Joe Kipnusu +15154478262 ($kipnusujoe)
  • For those in Kenya send contributions to Peter Simatwa MPesa # 0720 204350
  • You can also contribute using this GoFundMe

Please join this WhatsApp Forum to help us raise funds and get updates as we plan on sending our comrade back home.

Thanks and God bless you all, Funeral Planning Committee

For any further inquiry, Call or text any Funeral committee members below:

  1. Chair – Prof. Lewis Kwemoi Chongwony (USA): +174027415275
  2. Peter Simatwa (Jacob’s cousin in Kenya): cell # +254720 204350
  3. Prof. Paul Sabila (Maryland): +1 (860) 964-6011
  4. Faith Langat-Korir (Kansas): +1 (816) 529-1014
  5. Tim Sirkoi (Florida): 1 (802) 299-8591
  6. Lucy Sakura (Texas): 1 (817) 724-2781
  7. Joseph Kipnusu (Iowa): +15154478262
  8. Esly Kania (Minnesota): +17635684575
  9. Isaac Kibet (Missouri): (314) 255-8717
  10. Vincent Sambrir (Kenya): +254722 364714
  11. John (Jacob’s brother in Kenya): +254716822693.
  12. Timothy (Jacob’s brother in Kenya): +254720064730
  13. Cyprian Manyu (Texas): +1314 243-4303



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