Home DIASPORA NEWS Diaspora Investment Group Accuses Lawyer Isolina Kinyua of Conning Them Sh1.8 million

Diaspora Investment Group Accuses Lawyer Isolina Kinyua of Conning Them Sh1.8 million

Diaspora Investment Group Accuses Lawyer Isolina Kinyua of Conning Them Sh1.8 million
Lawyer Isolina Kinyua

A diaspora investment group has accused lawyer Isolina Kinyua of conning them Sh1.8 million and wants the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) to take action against her.

Royal Women Investment Company, which is made up of seven Kenyans based in the diaspora, says it hired the attorney’s law firm Isolina Kinyua & Advocates to register the company and facilitate the purchase of a two-acre parcel of land in Kajiado. 

Having identified and verified the property, lawyer Isolina informed her clients that the owner was selling three acres and not two.

The seven investors agreed to first buy two acres for Sh3.6 million before acquiring the remaining acre.

 ”One of us who is based in Kenya voluntarily agreed to accompany the lawyer to view the land. Those of us abroad agreed to raise the funds to purchase and subdivide the land,” the investors said as quoted by The Star.

They raised Sh900,000 and a took a Sh700,000 loan from Rafiki Microfinance Bank and sent the sum of Sh1.6 million to Isolina’s bank account.

It was agreed that the Sh2 million balance would be paid once the transfer of the two-acre land is complete, according to an agreement drafted on November 11th, 2019 by the seller Francis Ndun’gu Mwangi and Isolina Kinyua & Advocate on behalf of the buyers for the land number KD/Kipeto/13654.

The buyers wired the balance to Isolina’s bank account to complete the transaction. She later told her clients that Mwangi was willing to sell the remaining acre for Sh1.8 million and they mobilized the funds and sent it to her.

”All went well until one of us decided to start developing her land. Issues started arising, we became confused when talking to our lawyer all she demanded was money and more money,” they said in a statement, accusing Isolina of forging a new land sale agreement.  

They sent a total Sh5.4 million to Isolina for a piece of land that was going for Sh3.6 million.

”We feel cheated by a professional who unfortunately continues to go about duties,’’ the investors added.

Contacted for comment, Isolina denied the allegations leveled against her, adding that the matter is under investigation.

”Yes, it is true that I acted for them but all the accusations are not true. I can’t go into the details of the case since it is still under investigation. Directors of Royal Women Investment Company are bullying me,” Isolina said.  

But the investors dismissed her claims, saying that they are required to present themselves at Kajiado DCI office for investigations to commence.

‘’We trusted and paid her well. It is unfortunate that she chose to cause pain to us. We work so hard abroad, hoping for a better retirement back home. All that has been washed down the drain,’’ the investors said.


  1. Currently dealing with a…
    Currently dealing with a situation where a lawyer has decided to turn his phone off after receiving deposit of $10,000 towards purchasing a piece of land in Kenya.

    • Are there no more Colt 45…
      Are there no more Colt 45 guns in Kenya anymore? You should make the guy worry a little bit! Yours is not to worry after he runs away with your cash – it is action time to recover your hard earned money! One can’t steal with a pen and get by with it by hiding under the umbrella of “the matter is under investigation by the dci”!! Nope!!

  2. Moving along with my monthly…
    Moving along with my monthly expose’ of female scammers,I chose this one from the 3 I had in mind. Ok the matter is still under investigation.But your clients are talking.You do same.
    Again I remind readers that ,yes Iam well aware of the fact that “high crimes,and misdemeanors “,afflict both men and women.But I target women in cases where the crimes they commit nsed to be a”preserve” for men.And thus make you question if there is any biological gender inclination for certain crimes,or are we all just”rotten”,in equal measure and its all about opportunity to commit the crime.

    • 1/3 gender rule is in Kenya…
      1/3 gender rule is in Kenya’s poop katiba.After all corruption is legal in Kenya.

  3. Lawyers, docs and bankers…
    Lawyers, docs and bankers are crooks. The easiest way to get things right is to show up at her office with a huge rungu. That is mild Mexico style justice and restoration.

    • Or better yet, show up to…
      Or better yet, show up to her office, home, streets with a well loaded AK 47… and obliterate her face through the mouth! Just make her life a living hell!

      She is a thief and those who steal from others do not deserve to live!

  4. This must stop! Diasporans,…
    This must stop! Diasporans, the only law these thieving maggots understand is that of an eye for an eye. You go watch the movie titled ‘Assault on Wall street’ and you’ll get an idea of how to deal with those who swindle you and bitch around while having ‘fun’ with your hard earned cash! See what mr Purcell did. Kula zangu? Utajua, hujui!!! I’ll deal with you perpendicularly!!

    • I fully second your motion…
      I fully second your motion here – the law of an eye for an eye! You don’t have to live in Kenya to execute this law! And it is faster revenge than any other law!

    • She needs to be dealt with…
      She needs to be dealt with both perpendicularly and squarely! It ain’t a big deal to loose Kshs 6,000,000 while she is six feet under the soil!

  5. Who do we trust in Kenya to…
    Who do we trust in Kenya to do business with as a hard working diaspora citizen? You use your family, they con you, you use your good friends(so you thought) they con you, you try to use trusted business organizations, they do the same, you use the Lawyers, they are the most corrupt. Who is remaining? Who can stand up as a trusted entity who can willingly carry our an investment project for you without you having sleepless nights? If only you knew how the diaspora people work so hard to earn what they send back home, you wont dare touch or misuse that money!

    • i agree with you kefa…
      i agree with you kefa. simple …just dont invest in kenya ..i gave up on that long time ago…everybody from your relatives to the lawyers are corrupt and the lawyers know someone in the courts. We disaporians work soo hard, help our families, boost our kenyan economy by remittances we pump in the country and yet we have nobody to help or speak for us when we want to rebuild Talk about them sacco’s that have conned diasporians and they are still walking scott free. I wish our government can hear our cries

      • I will say one thing here! I…
        I will say one thing here! I have dealt with lawyers in Kenya and my transactions have been successful! I sit down with a lawyer and tell him what I want done, how it has to be done, and the time frame I want it completed – you are the boss when you are paying a lawyer to do some leg work for you and so you should dictate to them how things must be done! Most importantly, keep it all business and hold him accountable!

        I also warn the lawyer that in case of theft and funny games, I will not take him to court but be I’ll take measures that are drastic enough to a point that he may never live to remember the events of life! I don’t have time to play with a fool but I got enough money to get rid of a fool! That very easy and the lawyer should know what it is at stake and the consequences of him acting stupid!

        It is serious business when a lawyer is stealing from a client! Not acceptable!! The repercussion of that monkey business is not good!

        Why take a lawyer to court when we met in an office? They will manipulate the system to delay any judgment against you! So just go to Central District, employ some thugs, pay them well and the rest is history!

  6. Useless trash of a damn fake…
    Useless trash of a damn fake lawyer! There are many ways to skin a loose cat; ladies! Less than another one million shillings will certainly take care of her!

  7. These lawyers and judges…
    These lawyers and judges think they are above the law! Very corrupt indeed and something must give in to get Kenya back to the hands of Wanjiku!

  8. I did not think she had the…
    I did not think she had the little brain to steal from some hard working women as ugly as she looks – just look at her vampire man-eating looking face!

    • I’m from the mountains! I…
      I’m from the mountains! I had a Luhya lawyer attempt to con me some money as he threatened me! A lot of money indeed s; going into millions!

      I flew home and went straight to his office! I gave him two simple options – my money back in 7 days or else (his life)!! “Stern Options” is a simple language every conman/woman quite frankly understands. They want to live too!

      On the 2nd day, I sent a few “men in black” to his office for a warning shot. At this time I already knew everything about him, his movements, to include his rural home. Do your leg work before you engage any lawyer in Kenya because they are all high profile thieves!

      He returned all my money plus the expenses on the 6th day! Men for hire are in every corner of Nairobi for a relatively cheap fee! You just have to know where to find them.

      It is that simple! It is not the women investors job to wait for her or the fake investigations she is lying about to delay the return of the money! Make it very clear exactly what you plan to do – “stern options rule”!

      • Bwahaha! You thought a Luhya…
        Bwahaha! You thought a Luhya Lawyer was better eeh? You Mountain people have taught them well well…

        • The Luhya guy is closer…
          The Luhya guy is closer where you live! You must have tried to steal his money with your Luhya boyfriend! But as you can see, he got all his money and much more! We do not play over in the mountains!

  9. Directors of Royal…
    Directors of Royal investment company are “bullying” me really you are a lawyer supposedly a trained professional pay them the cash you stole .Stop playing with words.

  10. Some advice you can take to…
    Some advice you can take to the bank: Unless otherwise, please treat any Kenyan you are dealing with as a con when engaging them, way you do in defensive driving – treating everyone on the highway as a mad person & you are the only sane one. This way, you’ll save save yourself a lot of headache
    Most Kenyans are cons & thugs, you’ll thank me later

    • Kenyans have relaxed a lot…
      Kenyans have relaxed a lot allowing these lawyers, politicians, and other cons to do them dirty! You would expect a lawyer to tell you the truth! It does not have to be like it is where even lawyers con some hard working Kenyans and especially those in the diaspora!

      I suggest for the aggrieved to look for alternative means of getting their money money! The law does not work in Kenya!!

      Do not waste your precious time going to court or hiring another lawyer. Lawyers and judges are all in collusion to con/steal from Kenyans!

      There are other better means to recover of your money from a con lawyer – quicker means! And those means work very efficiently! You should make a con lawyer worry…. and not you!

  11. Kenya lawyers are some of…
    Kenya lawyers are some of the world’s sleekest crooks, old and young alike, and they are almost always arrogant. It is sad. Most of them lead a fake lifestyle and are the conduits of corruption. The remedy is to file a complaint with LSK, but more seriously with the Attorney Generals office, where they will be disbarred, fined and or prosecuted. Any lawyer is deathly scarred of that AG’S office that investigates such cases.

    • @ Prophet,I dont know if…
      @ Prophet,I dont know if filling a complaint with LSK is aremedy.Remember the LSK itself is investigation some of their comrades for, athink 30 million that disappeared at their hands.
      Only tough laws would remedy this situation.If one knows that they will go to jail for 25 years,and they are at the prime of their lives,I believe they will think twice before scamming someone. Of course as we know some will still take the risk,but not many.

    • All the reasons Kenyans need…
      All the reasons Kenyans need to come up with a sleeker alternative of hunting them in the streets like goats to stop the madness!

      They are not any special people! They have gone rogue because Kenyans have not physically dealt with them to stop the madness!

    • You already sound like a con…
      You already sound like a con lawyer yourself @ceneca! Escrow, escrow, escrow my foot!

      It m surprised you did not blast this con kikuyu fake lawyer! That I would have supported fully – she got know business stealing from clients! It is good she didn’t steal from me because I would teach her a life long lesson if she were to survive my retaliation! You don’t eat other people’s sweat! Something drastic must be done to her to wake her up! Why go to court?? Courts in Kenya do not work! Period!!

    • Escrow is not an autonomous…
      Escrow is not an autonomous machine.So long as man is entrusted with funds,there lies the risk. We are talking of crooked men,and women.They are every where.

      • Fucking get an escrow…
        Fucking get an escrow account. I know what am talking about. It works. Lawyers everywhere steal. US, UK, INDIA…they steal. Why would you want to directly give your money to some random person….mbu we trusted her. Apply what you have learned.

        • You do not know jack shit…
          You do not know jack shit you are talking about you bitchy twitch! You stink down rhere@ceneca! Who do you think would follow your advice if your dead mother in the grave can’t listen to you!

        • You fuck yourself in your…
          You fuck yourself in your dirty ass bitch! Each several pieces of omena mixed some snails and head on to bed with your diodo….

        • Calm down@ seneca, As you…
          Calm down@ seneca, As you know, an escrow account is basically athird party holding your money.If a lawyer can steal your money, I dont see why an escrow account manager cannot. There are untrustworthy escrow account companies out there.

          • @maxiley – you need to teach…
            @maxiley – you need to teach this fool economics, finance and investment 101. Please start with the light weight course in investing for dummies such as @ceneca!

            She heard of an “i screw you”term thrown around by drunkards at the local pub and she assumed the drunk guys were talking about “escrow” since she was highly inebriated and always with her dirty mind in the gutter!

          • @Gatheca,I think you are…
            @Gatheca,I think you are right. Seneca,not sure if male or female,but seems to think that escrow is some embezzle proof option. He should ask himself, if this were true,why arent people rushing to ” screw it”

          • She is a she-male fangili…
            She is a she-male fangili looking she luo omena old woman!

          • Please forgive @ceneca for…
            Please forgive @ceneca for she does not know what escrow means! The woman’s highest eduction is a jail worker cna! You can’t blame a semi-illiterate type of if gossiper! She will throw that monkey crap all over her head; her damn ugly face included!!

        • @ceneca – Oh now you are…
          @ceneca – Oh now you are into fucking while you can’t even lift your damn elephantiasis legs for any “love me tonight” action! Who is being fucked here? You, Tilapia or the might biggy Omena!?

  12. She can be delisted from the…
    She can be delisted from the BAR never to practice law in Kenya! Whether you get your money back or not, please pursue that option to make her loose her law practicing license! She is praying with fire!

    • Hello Dear- I’m one of the…
      Hello Dear- I’m one of the RWIL co-director conned. Please can you advise us. How to achieve this…because we strongly believe she should be stript her profession…she has abused it and why left to practice whilst evidently it has been proven- she’s nothing but a Crook claiming to be a certified lawyer? Please help us- any information we will be grateful ?

      • @evallyne – so sorry to hear…
        @evallyne – so sorry to hear of your misfortunes through a con lawyer! Just saw your message!

        I’m traveling on business right now for a week! I will revisit your request when I return home – and get back with you! Of course she is a crook and she needs to lose her law license! This is corruption of the high test order! Standby!!!

      • Ms Evallyne – Have you made…
        Ms Evallyne – Have you made any progress in trying to recover your money?
        How did you engage this lawyer in your land buying transactions?

        Provide the following:

        1 – The full name(s) of lawyer

        2. – The law Firm she works for

        3 – Full Law Firm name and the physical address in Nairobi

        4 – Her Telephone numbers (both personal and Business). Has the lawyer been responding to your calls?

        5 – the Bank(s) name and the Account Numbers she used to receive the money that you sent (wired) and the specific amounts/dates you sent the money with transaction confirmation numbers, etc.

        6 – Any pertinent documents indicating the specific transaction communication(s) to include taped verbal communications.

        7 – Have you filed in court your case and do you have the case file #?

        8 – Are you in the Diaspora or are you in Kenya?

        9 – Who is investigating this theft criminal case and is the DCI office involved?

        10 – Have you lodged a formal complaint with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK)?

        11- Is it possible for someone to talk to you on the phone?

        • There was a similar property…
          There was a similar property case in 2012/13 filed by a diaspora member against former lawyer Joab Apopo!

          Apopo conned his client Kshs 6.2 million intended to buy an apartment! The client made five expensive trips from the US to Kenya to try to resolve the issue with Apopo but the lawyer went into hiding!

          When Apopo reappeared, he wrote the client a fake check of shs 6.2 million which bounced at the bank!

          The client filed a complaint with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) by submitting all the relevant documents. The process of filing a complaint can be found on the LSK website, with several phone numbers you can contact them!

          After the investigations were completed, Apopo was suspended from practicing law in Kenya, his law firm was closed down indefinitely and he was forced to pay the clients money back including other expenses! I think this should be the first stop if you have all the evidence pertaining to this rogue lawyer – and of course she will deny it as she wishes to delay the judgement since she has almost certainly eaten your money by living a fake high profile life!

          I recommend this group of ladies to contact LSK, file a formal complaint/your complaints!, And LSK will disbar Kinyua and her law firm. Kinyua will be indefinitely suspended from doing any legal business!

          You can look up Joab Apopo in the LSK hall of shame and you will see him right there! Kinyua should be looking at her buddy the former learned friend to see what will happen to her if she does not return the money to her clients!

          That is exactly what needs to happen to Kinyua because a lawyer should hold the highest level of integrity in dispensing the law! You can asked the Nairobi DCI to arrest Kinyua to answer to the charges! I would not rely on Kajiando DCI unless you personally know Ole Lenku, the governor of kajiando to enforce the arrest of Kinyua!

          If you do need some assistance, I do know a lot of good lawyers in Kenya who will not hesitate to push for Kinyua and company advocates to be disbarred! I can’t guarantee the cost involved because most lawyers in Kenya find the members of the diaspora to be like a backyard money tree for them to harvest, and they are greedy to say the least! Most lawyers are like the new type of greedy wives who marry muzungu only to turnaround and kill the innocent man to keep his lot!

          But first do the leg work with LSK because if you go through the court system, they will issue a summon to Kinyua but it will never be delivered! They all protect each other like hawks!

          Also Kinyua can agree to amicably resolve this corruption matter because diaspora clients will never use her law firm after this mess! She is now tainted because of her greed! I sure do hope you can be properly compensated for the pain and anguish Kinyua has put you through!

          One more thing: if you are an American citizen, you can push this matter through the US embassy in Nairobi! This will be legate this case to be between the US government and the Kenya government! Kenya does not want to see its image tainted because of a shak-tri-mechanic corrupt lawyer! You need to cover all the grounds to a shame this Kinyua devil and to make sure she is rendered useless to practice law in Kenya!

          I did investigate Kinyua & Company Advocates and yes the are located on a 7th floor of a building in Nairobi and authorities can easily find kinyua. You should never leave any stone unturned!

          And we will also conduct a disinformation campaign to destroy her reputation in Kenya!

      • Isolina Kinyua & Company…
        Isolina Kinyua & Company Advocates – located in Nairobi, Kenya. Is this the Law Firm you have a litigation pending with @Evallyne?

  13. All Diasporans – Do not use…
    All Diasporans – Do not use lawyer Joab Apopo in Nairobi to transact on your land purchases!

    He has conned many of their money! He conned a friend $60K and as a result he was delisted from the BAR for a while!

    It took efforts to get him delisted! It is the same thing that need to happen to this Kanyi crook! She thinks she is smart! We have to call them out by name to help others from falling in their trap!

    • @sigiti – Joab Apopo is back…
      @sigiti – Joab Apopo is back practicing law! He was again trying to con someone I know. It shows how rogue the legal community in Kenya have become! Lawyers are most corrupt elements in Kenya. These people are leading our country astray.

      I was told Apopo a close friend of Nelson Havi! It is through Havi that he got his license back! Now he is attempting to con more diaspora buying property in Kenya! Beware folks and do a lot of leg work before you engage a lawyer in Kenya to transact on any business involving money!

      • @Khaemba, unfortunately what…
        @Khaemba, unfortunately what you have stated in your comment is very true.I even dont understand how heartless some of these lawyers can be.They would take a case of land,knowing very well that they cannot help their client,but they extort exorbitant legal fee from them. Imagine some mzee selling his animals and land to pay a lawyer in the hope of putting atitle on his land only to find out that they lawyer is eating his money…

  14. I am surprised how the same…
    I am surprised how the same diasporans praising and taking sides with Kenyan elite thugs and murderers led by majambazi Uhuru,Ruto,Wanjigi,wauaji Raila,Joho,Wanjiru etc are mad with a con woman lawyer.That is how most Kenyans back home feel when the so-called politicians EAT their COVID billions.But some diasporans address them as their leaders when they visit instead of asking them hard questions.

  15. Wow! Holy smokes! This is…
    Wow! Holy smokes! This is some serious stuff. All the years of toil, sweating blood and a con game. Lots of lawyers are crooked indeed. I empathize with the sentiments. The mother country needs a thorough clean up top to bottom. Looks like debaring works sometimes as well as threats. I hope the victims get their money back or at least some kind of justice.

  16. Guys, get your hard earned…
    Guys, get your hard earned money ,buy a ticket ,fly to Kenya and purchase your property ,otherwise hii kujifanya wastaarabu itaendelea kuwa cost

    • Wells said, how does one buy…
      Wells said, how does one buy anything from a far. If you have no makaratasi, invest majuu and liquidate when you are ready to retire huko nyumbani and buy everything cash = simple solution!

      • This ka-dame got some weird…
        This ka-dame got some weird ideas in her damn belt! She does not even try to invest! Sijui Kama yuko na makaratisa!! kananyemelea tu hapa na pale!! Watch out vijana! Yeye atachukua kila kitu!! Atakuacha uchi Ndugu zaguni.

  17. This Shetani looking lawyer…
    This Shetani looking lawyer is living on borrowed time! She should worry a lot about what comes next! She is messing with ukuyu ladies who have “sons” in a lot of places; both low and high places!

    She should just give the money back to avoid any mishaps with her life, literally!

  18. Not all Kenyans will fail to…
    Not all Kenyans will fail to deliver.

    I will personally deliver.

    Contact me if you want land in Kenya.

    WhatsApp +254727 777 323



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