Home KENYA NEWS Kenyan Woman Dies Mysteriously in Mombasa-Bound Bus Days Before Traveling Abroad

Kenyan Woman Dies Mysteriously in Mombasa-Bound Bus Days Before Traveling Abroad

Kenyan Woman Dies Mysteriously in Mombasa-Bound Bus Days Before Traveling Abroad

Police are investigating the death of a 39-year-old woman who died in a Mombasa-bound bus under mysterious circumstances.

Salma Yusuf was discovered dead inside the Dreamline Express that had traveled to Mombasa from Eldoret on Friday.

Passengers who sat near her on the bus said she complained of a headache but no one took her seriously. She was discovered after the bus arrived at a terminus in Mombasa.

“She occasionally said that she was in need of medical attention. Other passengers, however, thought she was in a position to persevere, and get medical help once in Mombasa. I spoke to her. She told me that she was working as a supermarket attendant in Qatar and she was planning to leave the country over the weekend,” one of the passengers Robert Kirui said.

Her body was moved to Coast Provincial General Hospital morgue and later buried at Kikowani Muslim cemetery in Mombasa County as per the Islam customs.

“We were shocked to receive a phone call from attendants of the bus company telling us that she had died during the journey,” a relative Neema Rajab said.



  1. These days diaspora people…
    These days diaspora people visiting Kenya risk of going broke ot of death.

    Such events have become a common place in today’s Kenya.

    Solution avoid visiting Kenya unless you have serious business to handle. Otherwise such cases will get worse.


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