Home KENYA NEWS Dr Roselyn Akombe Resigns As Commissioner of the IEBC

Dr Roselyn Akombe Resigns As Commissioner of the IEBC

Dr Roselyn Akombe Resigns As Commissioner of the IEBC

IEBC commissioner Dr Roselyn Akombe on Tuesday resigned her position in the commission, with the October 26th repeat election only nine days away.

“For many months, I have questioned my role as a Commissioner at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission. But I have soldiered on hoping that we could collectively find a way of address the crisis our country faces today,” Akombe wrote in a statement.

In her resignation letter, Dr Akombe said that she resigned as a result of frustration from commissioners of the IEBC who go to meetings ready to vote along partisan lines and lack of preparedness of the commission to carry out a credible repeat election given the various instructions that keep on changing in terms of technology and electronic transmission of results.

She also said the the IEBC staff in various parts of the country is being threatened, and in some cases the officers on the ground have not been well trained because of intimidation from protestors.

“I shared detailed reports from staff in four of the Counties most hit hard by  the ongoing protests – Nairobi, Siaya, Kisumu and Home Bay – with the hope that this will bring sobriety to decision making. Instead that was met with more extremist responses from most Commissioners, who are keen to have an election even if it is at the cost of the lives of our staff and voters. It is unacceptable for any party to disrupt, attack and injure our staff in Mumias, Bungoma, Homabay, Siaya, and Kisumu as they did today. These acts must be condemned by all and action taken against the perpetrators,” she added.

Last week, Akombe was in Nyanza and the Western region to plan how the commission would train election officers to handle poll.

“The Commission in its current state can surely not guarantee a credible election on 26 October 2017. I do not want to be party to such a mockery to electoral integrity,” added the statement from Akombe.

Akombe had been expected to lead a delegation to Dubai to monitor the printing of ballots for repeat poll by Al Ghurair.

There has been wide speculation since the Supreme Court nullified the August 8th general election that Akombe was contemplating resigning from the commission, but she has on several occasions dismissed those claims.



  1. It’s now OBVIOUS that Raila…
    It’s now OBVIOUS that Raila’s Battle is the Lord’s (with 5 Successive Knockouts Against Uhunye). No Doubt The Lord is Fighting for Raila: 1. Round 1 Knockout win for Raila – Aug.8th.17 win 2. Round 2 Knockout win for Raila- Sept.1.17 SCoK. 3. Round 3 Knockout win for Raila – Oct.17.17 Demos Allowed. 4. Another Knochout for Raila – Oct.18.17 Ms. Akombe (a Woman of Integrity) Resigns proving Raila right. Wow!!! Na Mambo Bado (Inabadilika) kwa Wema Wetu NASA. Amen!!!

  2. Question: The 18 yr old…
    Question: The 18 yr old Vihiga High School Student who was Shot Dead in Kisumu was Shot by Personnel in UNIFORM Man in DREADLOCKS (Rastas). Are Kenya Police or Military allowed to Grow DREADLOCKS/Rastas like Mungiki?

  3. Akombe resigned because…
    Akombe resigned because protesters threatened iebc staff. Guest 1, I agree she is a woman of integrity. She could not watch evil people maim iebc staff even threatening their lives.

    • Kamau you are TWISTING the…
      Kamau you are TWISTING the Truth. Are you trying to say that PROTESTERS killed Msando? Of course NOT.

    • Kamau. Exiled IEBC…
      Kamau. Exiled IEBC Commissioner Dr Akombe Confirms Raila Was Right, Tells BBC Her Life Was In Danger, Questions Msando Assassination
      October 18, 2017
      “Chebukati has not been firm enough and has not asserted his independence… He has allowed himself to controlled by external forces… How do you proceed with elections knowing that half of the country is not going to participate… and that the same problems that led to nullification are likely to be repeated?… You see, my personality requires that I say the truth. And if Jubilee thinks that that’s is being pro NASA, it is their problem… I will not be going back home anytime soon…. I don’t feel safe there, never felt safe ”
      -Akombe on BBC

      “I don not want to be party to such a mockery of electoral integrity”
      “This election as planned cannot meet the basic expectations of a CREDIBLE election”
      “Not when senior secretariat staff and commissioners are serving partisan political interests”
      “The lessons we took from 2007/8 are too fresh, lest we forget”
      Dr. Roselyne Kwamboka Akombe PhD
      Summary of other points she raised while talking to media.

      Akombe’s take:
      1.In the KIEMS kits we have two names i. e Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta, while the forms contains 7 names of presidential candidates.
      2.Every concern at iebc has been subjected to a vote. The Chairman,Chebukati has been rendered powerless in decision making.
      3.Chebukati had earlier asked some staff members at the commission to take a leave to allow the commission to deliver to the people of Kenya,but they have refused.
      4.Chebukati means well for this country,but he is a man under siege.
      5.The commission has not conducted a thorough audit of its electoral systems.
      6.The secretariat section of iebc has decided to take this country to the dogs.



    She sat through an interview with the Sunday Nation and yelped heedlessly that her life and that of her family were in danger. Interestingly, however, she didn’t find it necessary to inform the authorities. Instead, she sought political asylum for her brother and his family in the United States.

    Roselyn Kwamboka Akombe—or lady Akombe as her peers dotingly refer to her as—is the incarnation of the vilest evil and perpetrator of treason in Kenya, presumed by many to be a democratic state. Despite carrying herself with a modicum of grace, Akombe is the ultimate undertaker of the dark world. She is the siren-in-chief of unbridled malevolence and the maiden of the latter-day axis of utter wickedness.

    Together with Chairman Wafula Chebukati and Commissioner Margaret Mwachanya in the presence of Chebukati’s PA, Akombe brokered a deal to hang Kenya precariously on a precipice. The deal involves a package with a generous ‘send off’ package from external regime changers through NASA principals. The climax of this evil scheme will see the three commissioners resign a few days to the October 26, General Election. Once this happens, the election will stand nullified. However, for a bowl of lentil soup, Akombe and her co-conspirators care less about the dire consequences and anarchy they will set off.

    Akombe is the perverse intermediary between the IEBC Commissioners and NASA, negotiating for them each a send off package of a Ksh. 5 billion. Upon pocketing the blood loot, the Akombe sellouts will declare their lives and those of their families in danger and that they cannot, therefore, oversee the repeat presidential election. In the same send-off package, is the bait of political asylum for the three commissioners whose resignation would pit Kenya in total chaos.


    Now you know why—apart from the fact that NASA does not have resources— Raila Odinga, NASA presidential candidate is not campaigning. You now know why Raila’s close allies repeatedly shout that they have a good weapon.

    And as the National Assembly was discussing the electoral amendment bill, Chebukati was chairing a meeting between NASA and Jubilee at the Bomas of Kenya to break the stalemate. It is at this point that James Orengo felt betrayed by Chebukati’s body language, he felt cheated that the ‘spineless’ chair was dropping the ball. And that explains why Orengo walked out of that meeting and went on to address the media, spewing garbage as usual.

    In Parliament, the bill had sailed through the first reading and was going through the second, prompting Chebukati to address the media. In his address to the media Chebukati claimed that no amendments to the electoral law are needed. But the truth is, he has developed cold feet and their plan is falling out of place.

    Legally, it is only Chebukati as chair who should declare the President elect. There is no room for an alternate national returning officer. The quorum required at the Commission for proper operation is five members so if three walk out at the eleventh hour as planned then the election will not take place since only four commissioners will be present for duty.

    It is now abundantly clear why Raila Odinga today in his now predictable daily press conferences turned ‘campaign strategy’ was extremely mad at parliamentarians, the Government and Chebukati who was also trying to slither out of the murky waters he has been conscripted by NASA to swim in.

    As for now, Lady Akombe and the loose cannon and self-styled secretary Mwachanya are back on the drawing board to craft yet another malevolent strategy to choke Kenya until their needs and those of their paymasters are met.


      • Well if they are baseless,…
        Well if they are baseless, refute each with your version , people know the truth whether you call these baseless.. I guess raila colluding with IEBC was fake news too

  5. Good job Jubilee. You have…
    Good job Jubilee. You have closed all the loopholes. Jubilee has identified the moles and dealt with the leeways. Tumewagundua sasa. Kikulacho kinguoni mwako tuliwachanuka jameni.

  6. Ondingaism crumbling day by…
    Ondingaism crumbling day by day??This amakombe is known she is a odm die hard,the pple who attends the church she dies knows how she loves ondingaism but kenya won’t b held @ ransom??Thanks good jubileee passed the electrol laws stating that even if chebukati resigns elections have to go on taken over by his vice chairman??Amakombe Ur a coward after knowing very well that raila plans n soros failed u ran away???Kenya is bigger than raila n his wazungu soros n this time even if u use yr last bullet how majority of Kenyans have refused yr leadership???Ngaaii thathaiya ngaai thaaiii.Wr ready for war n I mean the war at the ballot??Kenyans must b let vote for their leaders!!!Still waiting for more raila hooliganism to stop elections but hatuendi chini,

  7. Politics aside, Akombe has…
    Politics aside, Akombe has totally damaged the image of Kenyans in diaspora who have dual citizenship! It will be next to impossible for Kenyans in diaspora to be trusted with such sensitive positions in Kenya ever again! She has let down the country at such a critical time. The destructive impact of her reckless move is cataclysmal! There is indeed a deep dark conspiracy working to destroy the country of Kenya. God have mercy. The elections better be help next week or Kenya might as well forget about elections for ever! It is meaningless to have elections when losers throw turntrams and cause mayhem so they can get power sharing. Clinton won the popular vote with over 2 million yet she did not fight to share power with Trump. Kenya is a terribly spiritually sick country, due to Raila satanic worship. Bloody man he is. But he will not succeed! Shame on Akombe for betraying millions of Kenyans who entrusted her with such a job. The remaining commissioners should not quit. There is no election that will be 100% perfect, not even in the USA!

  8. Time laws are changed to…
    Time laws are changed to ensure no one resigns 10days to election day…..this is heught of arrongance and lack of patriotism from so called ugly looking jathe woman….she will obviously fly out as she has nothing in kenya…..

  9. Akombe You are lucky you…
    Akombe You are lucky you have a second home. that is why you never opened your mouth since 1st of September .
    You should have told Kenyans what is going on in time . it is unfortunate

  10. Good for her, I say! No one…
    Good for her, I say! No one deserve to work under such hostile and threatening environment. As a Kenyan away from home, I am feeling threatened by the current political climate in Kenya, hence God knows how those in the midst of the chaos are feeling? Those criticizing her decision to seek political asylum for her family should reflect and know for certain that if this chaos continues, they will for sure be the wakimbizi as seen in Rwanda, Somalia and Syria. Hatred and intolerance was the seed planted in their midst which then ended in displaced families and murdered masses. Shame Kenya! The world is watching – and not in awe, may I add!

    • What political asylum, she…
      What political asylum, she is a US Citizen . If she was so patriotic , why ran away , she is part of the PROBLEM!!!

  11. Regime change all the way. …
    Regime change all the way.

    What next???????????????????????

    Evil will not outgo good. lets test it and see.

  12. NASA mole , she sees that…
    NASA mole , she sees that the walls are closing in , so she flees and she will be in her Masters countries seeking asylum.

  13. After the controversial…
    After the controversial police checks with jimmy wanjigi, they have realized no one is untouchable.. there is fear chebukati knows what was cooking. This lady leaking infor to the NASA party.. pole dada we saw this coming and hence amendments.. worst came to shovel, There is the military option for uhuru to be sworn in and that is making everyone freak out.. He will remain commmader in chief and not answerable to the criminal 4 justices and this moles in IEBC…kweli money can make people be so evil.. why sell your country for madness? Raila wants talks now I thought he withdrew and quit.. is it because his game was counter measure…there will be sweeping swearing in ceromny whether military or democratic… I choose military that way we can sweep all this nonsense

  14. The only achievement in her…
    The only achievement in her resignation is jeopardizing elections on the 26th. The right to give up on Kenya is foreign. The benefiary is NASA, the invisible hand The Maraga (.666) threat to nullify any election protested by Raila. The consequence, Chebukati introduces his demands. Military solution in the horizon. Kenya Brave for Impact the beast is on your shore. In Repentance and Rest is your Salvation.

    • And the mediators and others…
      And the mediators and others who stand to benefit when Kenya goes to the dogs are preparing their bank accounts. So very sad that a few of us can see what is in the making . God Bless Kenya

  15. She is an evil woman. She…
    She is an evil woman. She has gone to NY but I guess all her extended family members are still in Kenya. If Kenya goes to the dogs your parents, brothers, sisters. Uncles, Aunties & grandparents will suffer. You cannot have inner peace while your extended family are suffering. She is part of the evil scheme

  16. With all sex mischiefs and…
    With all sex mischiefs and multiple partners she has been accused of sleeping with it’s advisable for men in Europe now that she has decided to settle there to take universal precaution when engaging her in bed with her. I mean wearing condoms. I don’t know why so many people accused her of being a sexual pervert and a sex addict. Orengo, one of the many men she was accused of sleeping with never came to defend her.

  17. I think the saying ” if you…
    I think the saying ” if you make it in New York you can make it anywhere in the world is a farce” it speaks volume that a Kenyan UN expert cannot withstand the complexity of the Kenyan political storm and offer substantive solutions. Dr. came across as wavering and edgy for public office. Good luck, lakini umeharibia well meaning diaspora by chickening out at the time new ideas were needed. These are the times that commissioners are meant for-hard decisions, tough negotiations and steadfastness, not tu blame games and innuendos. Otherwise anyone could be a commissioner if it was just cha mteremko. Good riddance are the words I was looking for!


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