Home OBITUARIES Death Announcement: Joseph Mugumia Ng’ang’a of Washington, DC

Death Announcement: Joseph Mugumia Ng’ang’a of Washington, DC

Death Announcement: Joseph Mugumia Ng'ang'a of Washington, DC

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our brother, Joseph Mugumia Ng’ang’a on May 6th, 2023, in Washington DC. Joseph was a beloved brother, friend, husband, and family member, whose love for life touched everyone around him.

We will be holding physical and virtual daily meetings at Karenge’s house in Alexandria, Daily this Week, from 6.30pm – 8.00pm. 

8353 Longfields Lane,
Alexandria, Virginia, 22309

Join WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HIoBIoNVTam4LZ83QEkFKR

Contributions, please send them via CashApp to:
Peter Karenge (+1 7036243490 – $Karenge) or
Alex Njoroge (+1 443-939-5585 – $AlexNjoro)
Anna Nganga (+1 703-9812759 –  $AnnaNganga)

Thank you very much for your support.

“You’re my anchor in life’s ocean, but most of all, you’re my best friend” – this is a quote from Joseph’s favorite song, “You’re My Best Friend” by Don Williams.


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