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A 52-year-old Kenyan man has received a dowry refund from his former in-laws following a court order.
Wilberforce Saenyi Murunga moved to court seeking a dowry refund after his marriage to Irine Khasoa was dissolved by a Kitale court last October on grounds that his wife deserted their matrimonial home.
Murunga said he had traveled to the United States for studies but cut short his education to return home after his wife demanded that they have children.
"My wife was the reason I came back after two years in the United States. I used to send her money, but when she told me to return home and sire children with her, I just had to come home," he said in a past interview.
“I lived with my former wife for about one year and six months when she started deserting our matrimonial home on several occasions.”
On Saturday, Murunga and his brother Fred Matumbayi arrived at the Chief's office in Baraton in Kiminini, Trans-Nzoia County where they picked up Sh20,000, three cows, and a goat from his in-laws following an order by the Kitale mediation court.
The man had paid Sh50,000, three Ayrshire heifers, one cross Ayrshire bullock, one she goat, a pair of gumboots, and a hat as bride price on April 27th, 2019. But in the undersigned parties’ agreement, he forfeited one cow and Sh30, 000 as a token of appreciation and the rest of the items.
"I am excited and happy that the court has done justice for me. Since the aggressor happens to be a lawyer I never thought I would win this case and I thank God," Murunga told Nation.
He says his in-laws were unable to return all the animals and money due to the harsh economy. The animals were transported to his village home in Chwele, Bungoma for the Balunda clan to confirm.
"Now we are officially not husband and wife anymore. She is free to move on and likewise since the dowry has been refunded back," he added,
Murunga plans to go back to the US this month.
Yes,its time to stop defending the undefendable .Dowry is not agift as the refund in the"contract"above shows.You dont return gifts,or at least the law is on your side should the giver demand it back,and you refuse.
This buying of women may have been "sensible" at one point,but not in this day and age.Human beings should not be bought and sold like commodities.
One of the major problems with marriage contracts today is that alot is assumed,and not stipulated well in the contract. For example it is assumed that you will only have sex with one partner,share everything,probably have kids,trust each other...etc.All these in sickness, health,wealth,and poverty.I have neither tied the knot, nor attended many weddings,but my understanding is that in the contract there is no clause that talks of remedies and punishement in the event that one of the parties breaches the understood rules.It is a flawed social contract. We need to fix it and bring it up to date with current times.
This fellow Murunga,may have opened aflood gate.I wont be surprised if some men who under similar circumstance could demand a refund MMmmmm, at least prorated.Hope there is no statute of limitation...
To avoid apotential legal quagmire in future.let's do away with dowry,or make the contract very clear on paper.My two cents.
Good for Murunga. Glad he got back what’s belongs to him. Return your behind back to America and get a white woman. You won’t have to pay her family any dowry.
It's because She had Invested (somewhere else) the MONEY he Used to Send her. But he's Lucky he Hadn't brought Her to the US. She would have Given him Loitering hell on Earth.
@ Guest1,are you privy to something you would like to add to the story beyond what is written here?
This is not a case about the dowery or money, but statement making.
Murunga has some stash, but his not taking no BS from no one.
A hat and rubber boots?