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A US-based Kenyan woman has emerged claiming she was married to the late former powerful Cabinet Minister Simeon Nyachae, who was laid to rest on Monday.
Speaking at her rural home in Kitutu Chache, Kisii County on Tuesday, 65-year-old Margaret Kerubo Chweya told K24 Digital that she got married to Nyachae under “customary arrangement” in the 1980s.
She added that the deceased is the biological father to her two grown-up sons, who are both aged above 30 years. “Rodney Chweya Nyachae is in his 40s, while Brian Nyandusi is in his 30s,” she said.
Kerubo, who has lived in the US for the better part of her life, indicated that she attended Nyachae’s funeral service at Gusii Stadium but she was blocked from accessing his Nyosia home for final burial rites.
The woman says she first met Nyachae in 1973 at Jogoo House, where she was employed as a casual worker.
“I got employed at Jogoo House in 1972 as a junior staff member. I couldn’t do the white-collar jobs because of my limited education; I had dropped out in Form Two,” said Kerubo.
“When I shared my woes with Nyachae, whom I met in 1973, he offered to help me further my education, and also mentor me.”
The two later entered into a romantic relationship and Nyachae even bought her a house adjacent to his in Loresho, Nairobi.
“In 1984, whenever he visited his Njoro wheat farm, he would ask me to tag along. 1984 marked the beginning of what I considered a formal relationship between Nyachae and I,” she said.
“While in Nairobi, he and I would drive to work together and leave for home in the evening together. He was really supportive; he paid for my food, clothes, utilities, and every other kind of bill that I incurred.”
Kerubo says Nyachae arranged her travel to the US, where she furthered her education.
“While in the US, he would visit me often. He constantly reminded that I was his wife. Nyachae loved me dearly.”
She says she traveled to Kenya in November last year after learning that Nyachae was ailing. “My attempts to see him were frustrated by his family,” she said.
Kerubo wants to be recognized as one of Nyachae’s widows, and his vast estate be shared with her and her children.
“My attempts to seek an out-of-public settlement with Nyachae’s wives have hit a snag, that’s why I have resorted to speak publicly,” she added.
Nyachae passed away on February 1st at the Nairobi Hospital after a long illness. He had five wives and 20 children.
Damn..these stories will never end.
Why wait until the last moment?
Did she ever introduce the children to there father?
Why didn't she sort DNA before Nyachae died?
Or is it just GREED...Leaping where they never sowed?
Being an open minded person as I am,and practical as one well,I would suggest that a statute of limitation should be put into Kenya Family laws. This clause would save alot of pain,and disruptions that ensue when the"other woman" pops up later.I suggest that after awoman gives birth to a love child,she should make it known to the authorities,and also take a DNA test to establish paternity within 5 years.
I believe her story.This phenomenon plays its self out in our society very often.Similarly "other woman" is often rejected,and ostracised by the immediate family.Iam sure this is not a pleasant feeling.Again, if only the parties involved could come out in the open early in their relationships. Women usually bear the brunt of problems that result from Mpango wa Kando gone bad.So women ,and like minded men,support me in my suggestion,and you wont have to seek help from social media.My two cents.
Just hold up! Many more women are about to resurface claiming to be married to the thug! Y’all can do a class action lawsuit!
Only a DNA test can prove whether the sons are African American or Nyachae's
@ Ex diasporan...or another Kenyan's.
It's DNA plus other factors. DNA can confirm you are NOT the dad, but not the other way. DNA results are like 99.9% you could be the dad. For Kenya with over 25M adults men, the 0.1% would translate to any one of the 25K Kenyan men. Since she was also in the use, that 25K easily gets to 1M. That's why it's always DNA plus other factors. DNA will need to be like 99.999% to stand on its own, but the technology is not there yet. And even with that, there is always the possibility it could be either you, your brother or your dad.
This is not true...she is lying and he is not the father. The truth will set you free... she is greedy.
What evidence or proof do you have to substantiate that she is telling a Lie??
Kenyan men, especially those with money are known to hoard several women all over the country.,
They want to look holy and innocent at home and in the community.
Let the DNA Testing be done to proof her case.
If they two men are Nyachae’s biological children, they have a right to inherit him.
My only question to Ms Kerubo is:
Why did she wait until a man us dead before she could tell her children who their birth father was
This woman has multiple husbands and last names. She has claimed multiple men to be fathers of her children. This man is not her husband. She is easy researchable... she is a scammer and it is well known. She left many of people hurt in her path of greed. The truth will come out!
The lots of shillings attached to the Nyachae name are enough to make a dog lie! You must be stupid not to understand that simple fact! She is lying! Do see Nyachae shacking with a mad woman like her? The man had class - just look at the other five wives! They were all nicely taken care of by Mzee!
Only a very old kikuyu woman would feeling shillings falling from nyachae’s pockets to the ground!
Now you think this gold digger should start harvesting from where she never planted! Gikuyu women and money are one and the same thing!
Sorry mama, she will not give you a dime no matter how much you try the Gikuyu woman reasoning spins to make this real! And how many side kicks do you have Nyina wa nduta do you can inherit upon their death?
This woman has informed her children that 3 different men are their fathers. Their last names are not Nychae and never have been. Do your research before you ask for evidence. The internet can make you or break you. Her truth is already out there and Nychae is not part of it. She will sell her firstborn for a few bucks... Hold on she just did... The truth will set you free.
She just heard Nyachae passed on and now the free fall money started ringing her Canaving head! Women and free money!!! Gheeseee!
@Ex diasporan, I think the woman is speaking the truth. Nyachae was not above banging the help. Was that not how he met most of his wives? The question is why a crook like Nyachae didn't sort them out long before his death or was he just too greedy.
Seems to me she has had a fair deal from the deceased. A house in Loresho and hidden in America? Let go bibi please. Count your coins and move on!
This is a lie- he is not the father- she is doing this out of greed. She has told her children that numerous men are their fathers. The truth will set you free and a liar is a liar. Queen of liars. How many other men have she said were these grown adults fathered by. She has more kids than she has mentioned about and she has accused other wealthy men that they are their fathers too.
The blame is always on the man. He was put in charge from the beginning and should handle his biz
The blame is the mans
Why didn't she ask for tissue or DNA test early on. Seems she is satisfied with benefits she received. But wants recognition and more money. Shes is Jimmy Moore (gimme more)
Lady greedy! You should have settled your marital issues with Nyachae before he passed on! Get yourself a j.o.b. and get busy supporting your skinny ass. Nyachae had better women taste! You ain’t all there; especially with that wig mop on your small head!
@Jeshi...why are you taking it South? Insults will not alter her mindset. Besides, none of us was there when Nyachae was dipping it. She claims to have receipts in the form of the children they allegedly had together. For those attacking the Kiuk women....well, we are who we are. Period. We look beyond the bed mat. O.k?! If she is a Kiuk and guilty as accused, then the only mistake she made was not " milk the cow, all the way dry" then take it to the market to sell when old and withered whilst keeping the proceeds! Boy! I hate it when people tar a tribe with the same brush and strokes! Now, what else is new haters?
Talking about Riches...Nyachae got it all. when you're a good son of Mzee Moi nothing was impossible back then....eat with both hands all you can and take out at the same time!
This woman is too old (65 yrs old) to start lying like the Devil! Surely Lucifer got 7 horns rooted in her huge head!
This nigga was out here shooting up the clubs n low key BIG PIMPIN.
Mpango wa kando si bibi. This story is an good example of mpango wa kando. No dowry paid.