Kirinyaga Woman Representative Purity Ngirici and her husband Andrew Ngirici have gifted their daughter a brand new luxury vehicle on her birthday.
Tanya, the couple’s second-born daughter, received a high-class Mercedes-Benz as she celebrated her 21st birthday on Saturday.
Through social media, Ngirici heaped praises on Tanya, describing her as a blessing and the family’s pride.
“Tanya my daughter, you are a blessing in our lives. You make me proud as a mother. You are our pride. Happy birthday,” Ngirici wrote.
She also shared a video of her husband leading the blindfolded birthday girl to where her surprise gift was.
The white Mercedes-Benz registration number KDD 129T is believed to be worth millions of shillings.
Last year, the flamboyant couple surprised Tanya with a brand new Lexus LX worth Sh9 million on her 20th birthday.
Mr. Ngirici, a businessman, is known for his deep pockets and drives top range vehicles including; Cadillac Escalade, Rolls Royce Phantom, Masserati, and an Infinity GX80.
His success story is often touted as a typical ‘from grass to grace’, having dropped out of school while in Class Four.
Showing off with looted…
Showing off with looted money. Professional thieves.
Gathoni ngirichi is Ruto’s…
Gathoni ngirichi is Ruto’s best friend! She works for Ruto in spreading propaganda of some button-down poverty driven itina-nomics to the poor youth of Kirinyaga! She wants to poor youth licking her itina while they are wallowing in poverty! She is unashamingly and unapologetically mocking the Kirinyaga youth here; just like Ruto does telling obvious hustler lies to the same youth! We must speak the truth to set the people free from propaganda ya Ruto na ngirichi! It is about time to speak out!
She wants other kids her daughters age in Kirinyaga to live a poor downtrodden life of a wheelbarrow-car while her and her daughters travel in the best car in the world – the Mercedes Benz!
Her gods of the love of money and deception to the youth are very crazy! The voters in Kirinyaga ought to fire her for misleading them come 2022.
She is a liar of equal measure with DP Ruto! We don’t want these selfish people making myopic decisions for Kenyans! It is time fir them to go!!!
Ngirichi is insulting us to…
Ngirichi is insulting us to even after Ruto has be exposed by Matiangi! These demons have no shame! Their arrogance is beyond reproach! They think we are stupid! Let us stop glorifying thieves who steal from us and then come here to mock us with what they have stolen from us! Shit! What the hell is this blatant shit?
The ngirichi’s should have…
The ngirichi’s should have paid the debt Wangui owes instead of living a fake high profile “hustler” life they can’t even afford!
Didn’t the debt collectors recently go to their house to collect millions Wangui has failed to pay!? Who are you deceiving Wangui ngirichi??
This fake life of debt is what is causing these politicians to hang around DP Ruto with hustler propaganda hoping to continue stealing poor people’s money after 2022!
Be real ngirichi’s and stop living a fake Wamala kind of lifestyle! Stop teaching your young daughter to live in debt to impress others for nothing!
I do agree with you …
I do agree with you @mathenge that ngirichi should have paid the debt she owes before showing off with a Mercedes bought with stolen money!
Again, ngirichi does not qualify to be elected a governor! All she will be doing is stealing more money like waiguru! How is she going to manage the county funds if she can afford to pay her own debts?
Undortunately the Kenya voters elect those who are a perfect copy of them – thieves! And in that regard, I say ngirichi may have a chance to be elected the next governor of Kirinyaga!
Well, the voters in Kirinyaga voted in Waiguru well know ing that she is a thief! She is now trying to join the chief thief Ruto if uda! These politicians have no class.
So the best thing is to replace a female thief with another sweet talking Ruto wheelbarrow thief @ngirichi! Go figure my friends…..!
Nonsense. Can you please…
Nonsense. Can you please post pics of a rich kid doing humanitarian work…..
Is it Mwakilishi fault when…
Is it Mwakilishi fault when greedy people have mixed priorities? Mwakilishi’ snob is to present the news as they come; your news included! So stop blaming them for doing their work @mary!
Better yet! Nobody who is preventing you @mary from doing the humanitarian work and send your acts of human nature kindness to Mwakilishi to report! I’m sure they will be more than happy to report your work no matter how shoddy it is as long as you did something appealingly positive!
In a country with people…
In a country with people living on a ksh.100 per day. How did these people amass this kind of weight.
Corruption and stealing the…
Corruption and stealing the same 1.00 shilling the poor people toil to make every day!
It simply tell you why CS Matiangi had to expose Ruto in the parliament briefing. These people are lying to us being time because they think we the poor are stupid!
Ngirichi s a thief just like her boss Ruto! We need to fire them all and start all over again!
Just look at where she is living in kitsuru while those who voted for her are still dirt poor living in the dark allies of Kirinyaga fighting hunger and jiggers! She did not even think she could share that money among those poor people to send their children to school or to buy food!
We must dismantle and destroy the Ruto bottom-bottom-down self defeating narrative lies! These people want to keep us poor so they can continue to steal from us, the helpless lot! They are giving us wheelbarrows while they are using our stolen money to buy their children Mercedes Benz! How stupid can we all be?
Didn’t Ruto lie to us that he is a hustler number one until he was exposed by our hardest working CS Matiangi??
We will not allow ngirichi and Ruto to lie to us any more! As matter of fact ngirichi needs to join Moses Kuria in denouncing Ruto’s narrative of lies to the youth in central Kenya!
We are now even beginning to forgiven kuria fir seeing the light and for fighting TangaTanga. Ruto wants kuria to roll up his party so he can control kuria! Ruto is a tribalist of the highest order, a liar and a murderer! He is not a president material!
The HUSTLER’S narrative is…
The HUSTLER’S narrative is all BS…
It a bullshit narrative…
It a bullshit narrative coined by Ruto and ngirichi to suppress the poor youth! Ruto never tell his mogotio youth to be hustlers! He only tells the kikuyu youth to be hustles to control us! We gave waken up! What you are seeing here with ngirichi is exactly why the youth must reject the hustler narrative!
This red hair died girl like comedian omondi is not a hustler! Why should ngirichi preach water drinking to survive while her and her fat mafi filled pot belly husband and daughter are drinking wine, nyama choma, and high heaven bread while I slept hungry last night!
My mama could not afford to us last night! I sleep on a ngunia on the dirt floor next to my shaggy looking sister without food!
No people! This is not the life we want when others are lying to us they are damn hustlers! The hustler poor narrative is a dead concept and we need to be uplifted to think big! I also want to drive a Mercedes one day but that goal is at risk because school fees is a struggle to get it! Stop telling lies ngirichi. We have had enough of this hustler shit!
Your wife Me ngirichi is…
Your wife Me ngirichi is telling young Kenyans the age of your daughter to believe in bottom-down economic theories which leaves them dangerously exposed to poverty! I ask you, why can’t Mrs ngirichi use all the money he gave to one daughter to buy pieces of land and distribute them to the poor she insults with the hustler tag??
Kenyans are getting fed up by these lying politicians who lead them to a dead end while they themselves are living a life if luxury at the expense of the poor!
What is the point of this…
What is the point of this show off? Nothing wrong in Gifting your child whatever is in your heart …. But please do so privately. Ukishiba funika Tumbo!
Just look at Mr Ngirichi’s…
Just look at Mr Ngirichi’s fat belly. He and ngirichi have a food eating disease while ngirichi is lying to the youth to be hustlers! These are just thieves and not self made! We must run when they come near us to lie!
This picture here is a wake up call to the youth. The hustler tag is not working for the youth who are left with a damn wheelbarrow at the bottom of the deepening hole of poverty and misery! We must change the hustler narrative lies with something better for us.
This opulence displayed by ngirichi is very sickening to any youth! In sick to the bottom of my poor belly!
This showing off is a…
This showing off is a bullshit strategy conniving agents of Ruto are using to brainwash and amass young followers into believing following their narratives will make them ‘rich’ and successful like the mega thieving Ngirichis and their kingpin thief William Ruto Punda.
2020 she got a Lexus. 2021 a…
2020 she got a Lexus. 2021 a Benz. 2022 I bet a tesla and by 2030 helicopteeh!! Are they trying to make a socialite or successful person?
A damn good socialite who…
A damn good socialite who has no brains to survive in the real world on her own!
No amount of money can buy…
No amount of money can buy class, humbleness or respect. The whole of my village would be summoned if I dared dress in a see through nguo in front of my parents. Ngai!
That is exactly how Ruto is…
That is exactly how Ruto is destroying young kids in central Kenya by teaching them poor manners! Ruto wants to destroy the strong family bond the central people have always cherished! His hustler stuff is a coined way of destroying kikuyu families as he tell the bwana asifiwe. Ruto should tell central Kenya “Shetani asifiwe” because apparently that is who he worships!
@ Sukari, I will play the…
@ Sukari, I will play the devil”s advocate here .IF our great,and grand parents just wore a patch of leopard skin to cover their xxx,and that was enough , why should we act like puritans ,just because of a” see through”. Its high time we stopped making a big deal of alittle skin exposed.
We are human beings, and we are not any better than the adult Indians of the Amazon jungle, who walk naked infont of their kids, not to mention infront of their lovers. We are just as human as they are, right? If they are not ashamed of their bodies, why should we? After all we are Mmmmm animals,the human animals.
Ask your self why you are ashamed of your nakedness,certainly ,its not natural.And we can unlearn it…,People who change society,and communities are those who dare to be different.What say you?
@ Sukari, I will play the…
@ Sukari, I will play the devil”s advocate here .IF our great,and grand parents just wore a patch of leopard skin to cover their xxx,and that was enough , why should we act like puritans ,just because of a” see through”. Its high time we stopped making a big deal of alittle skin exposed.
We are human beings, and we are not any better than the adult Indians of the Amazon jungle, who walk naked infont of their kids, not to mention infront of their lovers. We are just as human as they are, right? If they are not ashamed of their bodies, why should we? After all we are Mmmmm animals,the human animals.
Ask your self why you are ashamed of your nakedness,certainly ,its not natural.And we can unlearn it…,People who change society,and communities are those who dare to be different.What say you?
@Maxiley, on balance of your…
@Maxiley, on balance of your recent posts, I respond to you tongue in cheek! Wewe umekua mwengine. We have evolved since the days of our ancestors. We used to use a loin cloth if I recall my history books. Lakini the western dress is aimed to tantalise the mind, tease, beckon….anything to make the mind unsettle with lust. C’mon now, are you telling me you would feel comfortable with semi nakedness parading in front of you? Well, you may as well vua hiyo trouser yako in turn!
They are doomed to fail,…
They are doomed to fail, pathetic.
And after a 5million gift to…
And after a 5million gift to daughter they are going to distribute wheelbarrows to the hustler citizens . sic where did the money come from ? they must be billionaires
Believe me mugogo teni is better than Wheelbarrow . can you imagine we are in Robot error and here
These people are confused!…
These people are confused! They should have publicly given the daughter a wheelbarrow to hoodwink us. But they went all way out to give her a Mercedes Benz right in front of our naked eyes! Do they think we are that stupid? Hapa a votes for Ruto! We have had enough of this nonsense!
Something is very wrong here…
Something is very wrong here: we see a very fat man showing us stolen wealth without any shame! They call us hustlers because they have made have nothing to show! Really?
They are even using their rich kid to insult us by telling look up here and see what we got while you have nothing!
This shit must come to an end! We can’t take it any longer! I’m very sick!
Ngirichi, Ruto, ndindi nyoro…
Ngirichi, Ruto, ndindi nyoro, Rigathi, Faith Gitau, Wahome, kihika, and all the 15 MPigs from Mount Kenya who met Ruto to chart a false hustler narrative, etc must go! These folks are speaking for their greed and not for use! We are very royally screwed in the ass if we think their matakonomics will work for us! It is time to devorce all of them and condemn them to the pit of hell for lying to us!
Ngirichi is telling us to take a wheelbarrow while she is riding in a Benz! Really!? This is pure lies equivalent to her “purity” sick name! We must fight back people!
We are all living lies; their lies! They have been bought by Ruto to lie to us all! We can’t allow this picture to continue to happen to us!
Well stated Wakarura!!!! And…
Well stated Wakarura!!!! And if diplomacy fails, believe me other unorthodox means of force will be used to teach these thieving maggots a lesson! Kenyans are very angry, propaganda being propagated by these tangatangas is enough! It hurts when folks like Kihika and the nyoros know the truth yet they keep repeating these supporting lies again and again and again!!! Time is ticking, time to sober up and kenyans are no longer stupid.
That is an odd vehicle…
That is an odd vehicle choice for Kirinyaga given the roads and rainfall.
Mwakilishi, I do enjoy…
Mwakilishi, I do enjoy reading your news coverage from the motherland but at times I fail to understand the relevance of some. You always give us a few minutes to escape from the stresses of our nursing home jobs doubles and triples and also the constant headaches of surviving without “makaratathi”. But tell me this, of what value is it to us to know that some thieving politician somewhere in Kenya used public funds to buy her daughter a car?
@kibe! Very good question!…
@kibe! Very good question! Mwakilishi is trying to educate every body on the things that are happening in our motherland to show us that all is not well although we still love our country!
Recently ngirichi had auctioneers visiting her home because she had refused to pay some money roughly 5 million shillings she borrowed in 2017 to conduct her campaigns!
The money she has refused to pay is less what she gave her daughter! A politician is required to uphold the oath of office and to use taxpayers money wisely and purposely with integrity! Mwakilishi is telling us that though we elected ngirichi! The woman have no integrity and does not know how to prioritize. She should have paid the debt first before gifting her kid 5 million shillings!
Finally, Ngirichi is the best friend with Ruto! Ruto is accused of stealing land, houses, cars, etc! Ngirichi is associating with Ruto hoping that Ruto can suppress her debt if elected president! She is telling poor kids to be hustlers while she is buying the most expensive car fir her child! Come on now…. do you get the point??
This Wangui ngirichi is…
This Wangui ngirichi is running for governor of Kirinyaga! The woman can’t pay debts! The woman has stolen CDF money! The woman is trying to poison the young people’s mind with itina-Nomics theories! She is a fren of Ruto the biggest thief in Kenya! It is time for ngirichi to go home!
This Wangui ngirichi is…
This Wangui ngirichi is running for governor of Kirinyaga! The woman can’t pay debts! The woman has stolen CDF money! The woman is trying to poison the young people’s mind with itina-Nomics theories! She is a fren of Ruto the biggest thief in Kenya! It is time for ngirichi to go home!….
Please wangui ngirichi- buy…
Please wangui ngirichi- buy your daughter a wheelbarrow next time as you are the professor of Ruto’s backward matakonomics! Provide the wheelbarrow that you preach to the other young people to your daughter! The Future generations deserve better just like you!
yet we have 3 young men…
yet we have 3 young men making 100 shillings a day in a quarry.
very sad indeed.
The 3 men are a clear…
The 3 men are a clear indication of a lie life of wheelbarrows Ruto is subjecting young people to with lies propelled by folks like ngirichi and other selfish politicians! All these sick politicians must be removed come 2022.
The Ruto house will be very crowded when Waiguru moves in the Ruto matako-down house to find shelter for her corruption! Have you all notice how Ruto attracts every thief to uda?
Ngirichi I had seen a come…
Ngirichi I had seen a come to Jesus moment after readers complained about her wheelbarrow association with a thief! She is now working with Kibicho tovenducate the Kirinyaga youth on better ways to get involved in nation building! You can only rent a kikuyu but you can buy one @ruto!