Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua and his wife Lillian Nganga have announced they are ending their marriage.
The two announced their breakup through separate statements posted on their Instagram accounts on Sunday. Lillian said she has stepped down as the Machakos County First Lady following their separation.
“The only constant in life is change and we must be present and aware to appreciate and embrace it,” Lillian wrote.
She added: “Winds of change blew my way and two months ago, I decided to end my long-term relationship with Dr. Alfred Mutua. We had a good run and I am forever grateful to God he brought us together.”
Lillian said she will continue to do charity work and projects through the Lillian Nganga Foundation.
On his part, Governor Mutua said, “Two months ago, we decided to slowly disengage. We are in amicable terms and remain very close as friends. We will continue to talk, meet and share ideas constantly.”
The Maendeleo Chap Chap party leader added that Lillian will be a “close advisor as I govern Machakos County and run for President because I trust her sharp insight and heart”
“Our love for each other is permanent but I think at times, space and new directions are important,” said Mutua.
He continued: “I thank God for bringing Lillian into my life and the many ways we have made each other grow. We have had a laugh and at times a tear but all I all we have been a power couple and very happy, we celebrate life and are pleased that we have reached this decision in a mature, agreeable manner.”
“I am happy and a blessed man and we have agreed we will protect and support each other.”
Mutua married Lillian after divorcing his first wife Josephine Thitu Maundu in 2015, having been married for 15 years. They were blessed with three children, who currently reside in Australia.
I’m impressed by the joints…
I’m impressed by the joints statements but let’s be real. They are divorcing. Plus Dr. Mutua LIED to the Kenyan people about the two altu brothers who had connection to Kibaki administration. They turned out to be thugs blah blah blah, but he lied is the point and I think he’s lying again
Machakos County people, we…
Machakos County people, we need to rise up and go get back back what belongs to us,Lilian was married to our governor and if I am not wrong, our governor has spent a lot of our money (taxes) on her upkeep, see how she looks great. Bwana governor I think you’re not the luckiest. You made that mistake, you disowned our own and went to our neighbor and our neighbor was after something else and not Marrying you.
I couldn’t agree more @kioko…
I couldn’t agree more @kioko! Mukikuyu na mbeca, mbeca and more mbeca!!
Lilian is now looking forward greener pastures now that she is all set with 1/2 of mutua’s millions, 1/2 of the new hotel, and a lot of other benefits!
Consequently the governor is left without a choice but remain nice to the parting wife so she won’t take him to the dry cleaners!
I know many may think I’m crazy saying this but mukikuyu ni pesa tu! And Lilian is no exemption but a true part of the Gikuyu rule!
Akinyi this is the prayer we…
Akinyi this is the prayer we have been using:
Dear MONEY, since all the ethnic groups in Kenya, agree & constantly confirm that it is only the Kikuyus that LOVE you so much, please rise and visit every Kikuyu person struggling anywhere around the globe…visit them in Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Shillings and any other denomination you see fit. MONEY, we also ask that you not visit any others since they keep denying you in public. We ask this in your might name….Amen!
@mundomugo!! Please don’t…
@mundomugo!! Please don’t crack my ribs with laughter! I have confessed right here that I’m looking for that money minded kikuyu man so I can also have some extra money for shopping! I will be working too like “your wambui” works ten jobs but gives you hell at home!
A One tall kikuyu man, darker than a luo man, considerate, caring and loving! One that I can teach to omena and Tilapia!!! And you teach how to eat Waru, terere, manyeni, Githeri, etc! And one man who will be coming home every day with a load of cash through businesses and not stolen money! A force multiplier in bed too!!!
I will start practicing the money prayer! I will call it a prayer “hand shake”! I want a visionary man like Uhuru!
I am all in with you! I love kikuyu men! How more obvious do you want me to confess??
OMG!!! I’ve been accused of…
OMG!!! I’ve been accused of being somewhat dense in the past so please excuse my lapse. I meet some but definitely not all your criteria. Not sure you consider 191 cm tall, I’m comfortable financially and even own a 1/2 acre plot(also know as mburoti) in one of Nairobi’s toniest suburbs(future rental property) as well as some land in Laikipia(you have to retire somewhere and Nyahururu is as good a place as any and I find the weather agreeable), Embu(did you know macadamias are easier to take care of than chickens and cows and profitable to boot and there is no shit to clean up), Kirinyaga (outside of fish, you can grow anything here) and Nyandarua(visit and you’ll understand why airbnb is perfect here) in possession of all the title deeds and consider myself rich adjacent as is a significant chunk of my family. These are just some of the ways to make ? without stealing. So where does it all fall apart? Skin color does not meet specs – face is brown the rest definitely less dark, in addition and most importantly, I already have a boo but if things go south…. as for the young sons of Mumbi, here is an ambitious young lady with the ability to make you happy and yet you sit on the sidelines!!!
@mundumugo! Uuumuuuuhuu!!…
@mundumugo! Uuumuuuuhuu!! Thant is exactly what I’m talking about!!! You ain’t shy dude! Are you??? I still want that terere from central kenya! When the mburoti to be set up! I am city gal, you know!!
One more thing, waru – yes,…
One more thing, waru – yes, nyeni – yes, terere(aramanth) – never cared for the consistency but I’ve read there may be money making possibilities, githeri – not voluntarily, ngwacī – my language, mbuzi choma – need you even ask? ūcūrū mūkie (fermented porridge) where is that marriage certificate?
And may I add @mugo, in my…
And may I add @mugo, in my/our house, I will keep you happy and satisfied with kind love and tenderness! So if you need a little peace of mind, please come on over to my house any time! A man’s happiness is his good, caring and loving gal; maybe a stable wife! A structured mother of ha children and an avid supporter of his plans! Hakuna kuhanyahanya Hapa na pale!!! You feel me!!!
I like your “own” women …
I like your “own” women @kioko because they are beautiful and humble enough to keep a man level headed! They certainly fully understand their place in a man’s life! And they are better lovers!
I don’t know what Mutua is talking about …. But all in all we welcome outsiders to take our women to reduce our pain locally!
I’m tired of pre-inspecting under the bed and between mattresses to make sure a big knife “Kifindo” isn’t hidden there to terminate me in my deep slumber!!!
You cracking me at weird…
You cracking me at weird hours @Kamau. Nikii wagite utuike niureshireria hari na kifido hadu nabado unanyemelea hapo hapo…. I even don’t know how you’d function under such circumstances.
Kuvumilia tu ndungu yangu!!…
Kuvumilia tu ndungu yangu!! Rafiki! Utakanyuiriire wuii ndoii ati karirita, ruo ruriaga mwene! Nonia jui ruo!! Thank you for your understanding Bro!
I’m impressed by the joints…
I’m impressed by the joints statements but let’s be real. They are divorcing. Plus Dr. Mutua LIED to the Kenyan people about the two altu brothers who had connection to Kibaki administration. They turned out to be thugs blah blah blah, but he lied is the point and I think he’s lying again
@ Joe Symmon,Iam sure nobody…
@ Joe Symmon,Iam sure nobody likes to divorce.But sometimes its the only safe,and best viable solution at the time.No one knows how they lived together,but themselves.And no one knows if they would consider reconciliation.That is if they havent.
What surprises me is that they are all invoking God.Thanking him for bringing them together.Is God separating them now?Or he has better plans for them by doing this.They say God works in mysterious ways…
I personally dont think their separation has anything to do with God,or the devil.They have grown separate,and its time to move on,It happens. They may Probably seek other mates… or remain single.And if they reconcile good for them.
Mutua has been married and divorced before.If we go by statistics,chances are high that he would divorce again.
I dont know this couple,but from what I have read,I can conclude that there was apower struggle in their relationship.When you bring two strong minded individuals to a union,there is bound to be tension.There for one alpha male plus one alpha female,and the center cannot hold.This is nothing new.
And life goes on.
@maxiley – you got to give a…
@maxiley – you got to give a better explanation here because I didn’t see it coming!
I was telling my lady the other day, please look at governor Mutua and Lilian, that is how I want our marriage to look like when we get “married”!
Ohhhhh boy! That is history now… maybe I stay unmarried because I’m now confused! What happened governor Mutua? Some side chic/dude broke it off??
@ Vega, I can give better…
@ Vega, I can give better explanation when I get specifics. What I commented here is pretty general as you can see.I also dont understand why this divorce should be any different from those that happen to other people. And nothing is wrong if you stay unmarried.unless you think you would be missing something.Staying single has many advantages one of which is you dont get divorced…
Sasa wewe! Sio lazima watu…
Sasa wewe! Sio lazima watu wakae pamoja unhappily. Probably the best for both of them ?
Wow what a smooth divorce…
Wow what a smooth divorce proposal from all the parties.
Kweli …Money is all you need for any smooth transition.
Lilian is that chameleon…
Lilian is that chameleon that got on the rabbit’s tail and ended up arriving to the seat of honor before the rabbit could arrive!
The only thing the rabbit did not know was that he carried the chameleon all the way to the honor chair.
I just feel for Mutua and more pain goes to the wealth he has amassed over time because the chameleon will certainly get a huge chunk of that money!
Wanaume Wafrika, when…
Wanaume Wafrika, when midlife crisis hits please do the following: buy a motor-bike or get a childish haircut or go to the gym or take on something weird like windsurfing. Don’t leave the wife of your youth in attempt to fight aging…for you see, the mid-life crisis does not last forever. Sasa Gachungwa anaenda, you kids gone, your ride-or-die gone…mbu disengage amicably, mbu we still love each other dearly…hiyo upuzi achia hollyweird because they need to sell movies.
@ Seneca, you seem to blame…
@ Seneca, you seem to blame men for divorce.Well Iam sure some bear the blame.But what do you say to statistics that tell us that most divorces are instigated by women,just like in this one? My take is that they are not satisfied,and are divorcing in the hope of catching an improved,and better model of a man…
Are you sure there is athing like”midlife crisis”,or are you just aping what some so called expert says? Remember social sciences are not absolute.Social sciences just give probability,but they do not offer concrete solutions like quantitative science.In other words, what you are calling midlife crisis might apply to some people and not to others…
Bottom line, its unrealistic to expect one person to solve all your emotional, sexual, companionship, financial,social – needs.That does not mean one has to divorce. A compromise could be reached.
Mid-life crisis is a thing!…
Mid-life crisis is a thing! A real, very real thing…and some men go through it disatrously. I have no problem with people breaking up, but the way it is done betrays the maturity level of the involved. While I wish to be general, I must be honest and point out that African men perform extremely poorly here. This Mutua evicted the mother of his kids and traumatized his kiddies just because of a younger woman. Thankfully, he lost all cases against the mother of his kids. Now, do you still need me to explain the damage such nonsense does to kids or do you get it? But more importantly, for why was he doing all that? As a woman, I have one rule: any man who badmouths his ex or mother of his kids in attempt to win me has lost before he began. A man who has no r-ship with his kids is not worth dating. Lillian knew this was fucked up. Look at them as a couple? Mutua was in mid-life crisis and mistook what should have been a MWK for a wife. Mbu now we are disengaging nyef nyef!
So in your thinking only men…
So in your thinking only men who experience mid life crisis with sex? You view man as pieces of meat for your omena-Ed ugali!? Don’t you?
You love talking about men and sex (cos you are missing some) and because men have deserted you at your old age!
But you know toys are sold every where to replace a man if yo need to! I just thought I throw that out there for your desired consumption!
Don’t you think Lilian could be experiencing some mid life crisis with some fling!?
Hi my favorite shemale @Beth…
Hi my favorite shemale @Beth or Vivian or whatever female name you fancy:
Your overall comprehension is below average dear shemale. I am not sure what you intended to contribute…but, I have no problem being old. What I refuse to do is stoop low and be with mediocre men like yourself. Eeeish! Haiboo! Ang’ege!
Chacun pour soi eh mélodie na nga…Papa Wemba & Diamond explain it better
Stop it @ceneca! Who told…
Stop it @ceneca! Who told you the governor hit the mid life crisis!! Does Mutua look like a guy in mid life crisis?
The woman walked away for a greener pasture after amassing her share of wealth. That was her original goal and she has attained it!
But that does not mean the governor should stop living!! Of course there are millions of other beautiful women eyeing him for their turn of fame and quick riches!
As they say, “the beautiful ones are not yet born”!
@Seneca, sometimes it’s the…
@Seneca, sometimes it’s the man, sometimes it’s the woman and sometimes a combination. I don’t know if you are married but when you get there, you will understand. Both parties are equally capable of cruelty, neglect, boredom and cheating.
@ Mundumugo, well said.I…
@ Mundumugo, well said.I might add that some say there is that feeling akin to buyers remose.One starts wonder if they made the right choice marrying Njeri,instead of Mueni.You get the drift
Also compounding this mating game is astudy that says most of those who are married when asked if they would choose the same partner, majority said no.Given this backdrop why should anybody wonder why couples divorce.God blessing the marriage does not seem to help either.
@cenca is not married! She…
@cenca is not married! She was advertising to find a man right here not too long ago! That is why she is bitter with all men, especially those of kikuyu origin!
She wanted a man who a very tall, dark and handsome man called Mathenge. But he married a Venezuelan cutie, a doctor by profession! I blame Mathenge for making @ceneca hate kikuyu men! He broke her heart and she is still grieving about it! Well, governor Mutua is now available and you can try your luck @ceneca!
Damn you Mathenge.See what…
Damn you Mathenge.See what you have done!
?… Ouch!! Now we…
?… Ouch!! Now we understand machungu yake hutoka wapi wololo!!??
?… Ouch!! Now we…
?… Ouch!! Now we understand machungu yake hutoka wapi wololo!!??
?… Ouch!! Now we…
?… Ouch!! Now we understand machungu yake hutoka wapi wololo!!??
?… Ouch!! Now we…
?… Ouch!! Now we understand machungu yake hutoka wapi wololo!!??
Feminism attitudes need to…
Feminism attitudes need to stop! No wonder no man wants you even for a one night stand!
You just look at a man you don’t even know and assume he is fucking other woman around! Tell us more of what you know about Governor Mutua!? Since you know everything about the man!
This is why you and I hate each other’s guts because of your small mind and prejudices! The Luo people I know are good people! I just don’t know what happened to you in mother’s womb @ceneca!?
Sasa wewe! Mazee, hii…
Sasa wewe! Mazee, hii creativity, si you try Kenya National Theater. You are both Achieng and Mathenge….dang! And you represent well.
Seneca ndio huyoo…
Very nice to be called a …
Very nice to be called a ”Mzee” at a tender age of 29! Where I can from wazee are very respected! Asante kwa hio honor!
Where @ceneca comes from you throw your elderly to lake Victoria to be eaten by Omena! And at your very old age, I wish I could call granny but you are not worth that title!
Seems Alfred Mutua is a dude…
Seems Alfred Mutua is a dude who marries na gute.
He was Gute-ed…by Lilian!
He was Gute-ed…by Lilian!
This Jezebel woman destroyed…
This Jezebel woman destroyed a beautiful family 6 years ago. Am sure she has identified another home to break. Watch out kenyans. Jezebel on the loose.
Satan’s agenda is that one of destroying what God has built.
Yes! And this lasted 5 years…
Yes! And this lasted 5 years! Home breakers are every where – from the rich and famous to the dirt poor! But of this world is still repaid here on earth!! She has now embarked on a cursed course of marriage life!
…I didn’t see where it’s…
…I didn’t see where it’s written who wronged who I that relationship.. pls tell us what happened you seem to know she was on the wrong…..
Even Ihuoma in the Things…
Even Ihuoma in the Things Fall Apart novel by the Iate Chinua Achembe caused a lot tomoil in the village! Every man wanted her but they did not know her under gods were out to ruin them! She caused Okonkwo to lose his sanity…..
It is still happening today…….
@ Jimmy, you are thinking of…
@ Jimmy, you are thinking of the concubine,aby Eleki Amadi…
Thank you for the correction…
Thank you for the correction my learned friend! It seems you read all those good literature books and got a distinction along the way! Hongera Ndugu!
Actually I have read all…
Actually I have read all books by african writers.I was in Kenya last year ,walked into abook store,and bought Eye of the Storm by Yusuf Dawood,aKenyan,and also bought The missing links by Tobias Otieno. I love reading.I read abook each week,or try to. Not a TV or movie person,except for the news.
I had no idea you liked…
I had no idea you liked books like that. You asked a while back about Kikuyu traditions and while Kenyatta wrote decent stuff, I would suggest a book called “Daughter of Mūmbi” by Charity Waciūma if you can find it. It is written from a woman’s perspective which was unusual for the time – my mother had me read it when I was a youngster, tene tene tene mūno (a long long long time ago). That was how my grandfather, Mzee Maina, always started his stories. It was autobiographical if I recall but along with tales of my great great grandfather, it stoked my interest in seers(mūndūmūgo) along with mūraguri and mūrogi. It addressed a lot of our modern day issues in Kenya which is surprising given when it was written.
Thanks @ Mundumugo,I plan to…
Thanks @ Mundumugo,I plan to go to Kenya soon.I have abetter chance getting them there. Yes I love reading.It gives you perspective of what others think…not to mention that reading opens your mind. Like someone said,” Education is the continuous discovery of ignorant we are.
I was recommended to read Infidel,by one of the commentators here,then I added The Normad by Hayan Hirsi Ali,Asomali partly educated in Kenya…
Wonder what happened to Formerly Quest 2.She is the one who recommended Infidel..Anyway,that what this forum is all about,”the exchange of ideas,and Opinions”hopefully in a scholarly and objective manner without insults.
@Timmy, not helpful to blame…
@Timmy, not helpful to blame only one party. Personally, I always thought this would not last. Lilian was just too “hot” for Mutua. I have seen her photographs when she has posed in a bikini, etc….brought most Kenyan men on their knees. Just ask Jalango, he would practically salivate and drool on his radio show when talking about Lilian. Wish them well, lakini Mutua and those men who disown their families for hotter ladies must know that they live in borrowed time. Ukweli.
@ sukari so who should marry…
@ sukari so who should marry the “hot” ladies if not the Mutua’s of Kenya?A bit short,but “the bank” makes up for what he may lack.
I have always said that marriage is a trade off. Each party has to figure out on its own if the trade is fair.Dont trade in”futures”.See what is on the table right then…
Therefore,Lilian’s “hotness” at the time Mutua was proposing,must have been equitable to what he was bring to the table.One advantage in Mutua’s favor is that,wealth can increase,decrease,come,and go,while “hot” depreciates drastically after acertain age,and its down hill from there.Never gets better,only worse,as gravity takes its toll.So to sustain marriage,something better than “hot” has to be in the mix.Could that thing be love?
@Maxiley…yap, gravity…
@Maxiley…yap, gravity takes its toll, lakini by then the culprit has got what she wanted. Mutua looked like her shamba boy every time they photographed together. Good luck to her, now let’s see the next Lilian on Mutua’s arm. Some “hot” is too much to handle.. literally Maxiley. One may be advised to check from afar. Mutua is not complaining though, so who are we to complain on his behalf?
Are you too hot to handle,@…
Are you too hot to handle,@ Sukari? Dont mind sending my resume to find out…Dont mind looking like your butler photographed together.
Timmy it takes two. If I’m…
Timmy it takes two. If I’m not willing it really doesn’t matter what anyone does. If I’m weak and willing then I am part of the problem. I’ll leave you with this, absence may make the heart grow fonder but alcohol and distance turn flesh to jello.
Jambazi Mutua wants to…
Jambazi Mutua wants to launder his looted billions through the “divorce”.Thug Mutua has conned bongolala Kenyans alot of money.I wish he confessed his dirty business deals in Middle East just like Uhuru boasted how he presides over looting of shs 2b. daily.Ati she will be performing some charity duties of second(there was another before her) lady.As who?
Is that a face of a wife on…
Is that a face of a wife on Lilian or that of a well intentioned and tough business negotiator!?
She has now “arrived” and now she wants to stand on her own so she can play the men’s field with ghasto…
“I am happy and a blessed…
“I am happy and a blessed man, and “we” have agreed “we” will support and protect each other”!
Come on Mutua! Wake up and just smell a few coffee beans! You don’t agree to support and protect unequal partner! She is still playing you and pretty soon the kikuyu in her will take precedence Mr. Governor!
The very good thing is that you are still alive! And that is an understatement by itself! Change your ways Mutua…… and stop taking Jovi na Uki wa Zuki….
I assume the time is ripe…
I assume the time is ripe for our rich sister Lilian to hook up with a poor brother and start supporting him some place in central Kenya!
When you see a kikuyu woman marry elsewhere and still keep her father’s lady name, you should know her heart and mind is not in the marriage! She is in that house to collect goodies and then move on!
But guys from out there, we are more that happy when you marry our tough women because that opens up some doors for us to come and marry your nicer women! We love peace in our homes!
@ hahahaha,at Methu, women…
@ hahahaha,at Methu, women marry up not down.But your logic is welcome.
Ngethe – I am dating a very…
Ngethe – I am dating a very nice Kamba lady and she is pretty cool and humble!
Sorry governor Mutua that yours did not work out! Where is Lilian from – Kiambu/Nyeri? Yo tried your best brother – that is all I can tell you!
That is simply why I want to tell you the reason(s) I’m in your territory looking for a Mada’am because I want a good life!
Sorry man it didn’t work out…
Sorry man it didn’t work out! But you can still keep her if you want!
We don’t want to give the dowry money back! Hope they told you a Gikuyu don’t give the “ruracio” money back; it will stay in the Bank, maybe “Equity” to be earning more interests!
You might get a little bit of the “ngurario” money back after a lot of fighting! Not worth the fight if you ask me because Nganga and the Clan are already counting the loses! That is where you need her “support” and some level of “protection”!
Just saying Mr Governor! because we marry to keep! Even when the house is engulfed with heavy ? flames!
Now you know why the kikuyu man is a very endangered spicies and we tend to drink johi ya muratina (strong jovi) a lot until we go blind! Please ask Uhuru; he is your good friend!
Mutua – you are smiling but…
Mutua – you are smiling but Lilian Nganga is not! Just look at the picture again!
“Supporting and protecting one another” is a double edged sword! Could it be you are holding on the blunt side of the sword, while Lilian Nganga got the sharpened edge??
I assume you have had this saying, “women from central kenya have been licked by the cat’s tongue in the face”! – or “ninacunituo Maithili ni mbaka”! That’s all you need to know for now brother…..
Listen from me, a kikuyu man to a good kamba brother – Watch out brother! Please keep smiling!
Women from kabeteshire – …
Women from kabeteshire – “nimacunituo ni mbaka maitho”! The can even see in the dark when the term money is mentioned! Just a minor correction @njuguna because it is important for Mutua to understand with whom he is dealing!
Good observation @njuguna!…
Good observation @njuguna! She has rarely smiled in the past five years! She has been saying all along, “I will teach a lesson soon you dog”!!
I tell you, Mutua is not getting it!
Now marriage have become a …
Now marriage have become a “good run” and not a life long commitment according to the gospel of Lilian Nganga!
What is the definition of a “good run” after five years of marriage where she said, “….. and “I” decided to end it”!!! Surely she had all the control buttons alone after wrecking another Mutua’s marriage!
Y’all smell a rat of selfishness in this “I” thingy!!?? I need a damn drink!!!
It is called a “me, myself…
It is called a “me, myself and I thingy”! Men don’t count in family decision making process these days! Hang in governor Mutua – you ain’t alone in all this wild and weird ride! We will be looking from outside as more news come out!
@ Odour, I dont know if you…
@ Odour, I dont know if you are aware of it but studies have shown that the 5year mark is the “threshhold” for marriage sustainability.Most marriages apparently fail in the first 5 years.But you are right. Equating marriage to agoodrun is apretty much saying the out come is predestined.Just like a a5K,a10k or amarathon.So after the 5k run,you take abreak,and go for the 10K,and so on.Agood run after another.
After two failed marriages, Mutua should try the come-we-stay option,or remain single.
@Maxiley some people are…
@Maxiley some people are eternal optimists and keep throwing their hats in the ring on the of chance that the next attempt will be the successful one. BTW I’m currently reading “The Perfect Nine” by Ngūgī was Thiongo, my Gīkūyū skills were embarrassingly and unfortunately inadequate to the task of reading the original version(I grew up in Nairobi is my go to excuse)
hahaha, growing up In…
hahaha, growing up In Nairobi has its disadvantages.The least of which is the tribal traditions erode quickly.
Iam reading- Half of a Yellow sun -by Chimamanda Ndozi Adichie.I will Put the perfect Nine on my list.Thanks for the tip.
I say hei, hei, heiiiiii -…
I say hei, hei, heiiiiii – please hit the beat Mr DJ!!! Ameeeeen!!
You are so funny @suare! It…
You are so funny @suare! It is good to make Mutua laugh in he midst of some thick shit!
I’m beginning to like men…
I’m beginning to like men who do not flout their women in public in a show of affection and empty love! I think those men know one or two things about mixing politics with family affairs! They keep bedroom matters in the bedroom and politics on the road side!
Do you think DP William Ruto has successfully put a wedge between the two?? Him and Mutua are alway bickering at each other!
Everything Ruto touches dies a natural death! Any blood stains on Lilian’s blue panties? Tell us Lilian??
I still like governor Mutua!…
I still like governor Mutua! With or without a wife, he still can make a good president of the Republic of Kenya! He is sharp, articulate, and handsome too!
And we the single ladies out there would have an express pass to that beautiful State House bedroom! Sometimes a lose comes with a lot of benefits for others! I am happy!! Nothing like saying happy birthday Mr President inside the state house; the people’s house – 50 million strong!!
Glad the divorce has happened before Mutua becomes president! Lilian looked too cheeky and cheesy too for a class status of Mutua!
Moi did it alone for a good 24 years! He had No woman to make him doubt his statesman’s job!
@lilian – men will alway be…
@lilian – men will alway be men with a little boy”s mid set! They will always flat with other chics to authenticate themselves!
They will fool around when you are not around or when you start holding on the goodies. Men are just fucking machines to help women keep the toys closeted! That is a men in a little boy’s mind! Mutua is no different gal!
Check this out! King Solomon had 700 wives snd 300 strong concubines – God still loved him! David moved around quite a bit / he became a King!
Governor abado’s wife is still holding up while the her little governor boy is accused of floundering and possible killing!
Rachel Ruto did not leave Ruto for siring a baby girl out the marriage! The parliament speaker has a fling going and a very exoo poorensive baby on the way. Some chic in Mombasa says Uhuru gave her presidential kids, etc! We don’t know what Sonko is up to…! Well Waititu is too old and fat to fuck! Murkomen can’t screw around because his wife is a kikuyu from Nyeri – we know them gals from Nyeri don’t play.., women are doing too – look at Lilian Muli and that dead kilonzo! And what is that kamba no who just died of too much Viagra in Kilimani – I mean MP kabaka and the wife was the greatest support! Namwamba got a new gal in a new mansion after damping that other flattie chic. Women are just another cup of coffee with men; decaf for that matter! He will sniff you a little bit then put you to the side if you are stupid and just pick a warmer cup of lattee…:
Look all around you @lilian and tell me which man is not dipping some dick elsewhere?? Look around ???
Are you stupid to vacate your bed for other women at the governor’s mansion?? Surely you must be stupid because the next man with be even worse! You just started a life of insecurity and uncertainty! Unless you chose to become a Nun!
Eureka! I now know why Mrs…
Eureka! I now know why Mrs finally gets hacked to death by Nr. hubby…. Some women would rather die than live without a man… a community hubby…a dipstick, a kifagio…a dog. Njeri, do you know what FREEDOM, true freedom is? I pity you n your likes. How do you feel when a man treats you like trash and then lays you? Don’t you feel worthless?…takataka? God have mercy….may women have the courage to love and value themselves.
Well said hapa ?
Well said hapa ?
@ Njeri,why even go there?…
@ Njeri,why even go there? How is Solomon relevant in today’s world? Or his story with all those women…
To me I dont think he even existed.Anyway, give as an example of modern times,and forget pulling stone age example .We are long past that era.
I would not leave if I were…
I would not leave if I were you @lilian! Ask Betty Kyalo how to handle lose men! She is smiling these days with a lawyer in her hands. They are not that many good men out there unless you want to be the 10th wife to COTU’s lover boy Atwoli!
You might not be that lucky after all! You think you are pretty thing but nowadays women come in all packages and shades to stiffen the completion!
Mutua is not all that bad of a guy! He is good looking, well educated guy, very intelligent and does not shy to display love and affection! We all know that and you know it!
He got some Mulla tou! Just slap him a little bit to lekebisha yeye!! Keep what you got because it ain’t pretty easy to find a decent man out there… Kamba men say, “Maundu mothe nindaekia, no Kamitu na muka ndiekia”! Mutua will put a kamuti on you and you will never find another good man!
Please don’t tell women out there that you are that weak hearted! You are showing us all your weak links!
What do you want woman!? What is wrong with you????
Mr. Governor Mutua – “winds…
Mr. Governor Mutua – “winds of change ……..”? Really Lilian…..? What happened to Kamuti to put abay the sunami winds of change? As a kikuyu woman, do smell a rat here – I can’t even spin the rate smell here….
Brother Mutua, the guys from central like you more than Lilian loved you? These guys thought you could sing better than our late legendary Kamaru! A little no-body musician boy can’t sing better than you do!
I tell you governor, all work without play makes “Jack” a dull boy!! Bedroom matters are always a priority! Now as you can see, “the winds of change have left the house on the “Hill” burning”!
Please throw Kamiuti away and start singing louder and with a melody like “Oh, I love you Lord…..::, Inhoped things will never change…….”! That is what bakes a kikuyu woman’s nipples stand straight up! Amen!!!!!
What happened brada Mutua”?…
What happened brada Mutua”? I thought a kamba man makes better sex than any other man in Kenya; perhaps with the exemption of a Luo man’s carniving “that snake” talk!
Wow -na- wow, all the kikuyu…
Wow -na- wow, all the kikuyu women LOVE you governor Mutua! Of course except Lilian Nganga!
You have had a good “run in…
You have had a good “run in Likian’s words” with two kikuyu wives! And yes, our women call marriage a “run” these days! I am in one of those “runs”, and soon heading to Macha city or Maasai land to talk to Ole Kona’s sister! Or your (Mutua) sister if you have one!
You have suffered in silence but now the whole world feels your pains! Me too I have suffered but chose to be silent!
We talk here in Central, you and a few luo men tell us to “shut up” that we do not know how to love our women! Evan Nigerians have joined the fray to demean central Kenya men who get beat by women in silence – yes, there is a problem!
There you go my brother! Next time try a@Mwende Kiveti@ some place in governor Ngilu’s kitui place; it might work out for you bro! Don’t sweat it, hang in there!!!
You never trust a kikuyu…
You never trust a kikuyu women ?100%! Men do not smile In our kikuyu households; we like to keep a bad looking ugly face to keep things in check! The nicer you are, the more you get walked!
Where are you going next – at Kamakwa market in Nyeri proper? There you can find a chic on a good market day brother! I didn’t say a good chic!
It is no more about a beautiful house, a nice car, food on the table, beautiful trousers, a PhD because every kikuyu man got one, political status, etc! Our “Wambuis”have gone knuts!
They decide the length of marriage, make a “good run” all the way to FIDA and the rest is all down hill to hell!
Now they have developed a taste of boys half their age small boys of no noble name from any corner of the world and shaggily dresses with the trousers below the ass abd a dirty white Uber wear showing – something yo governor class does not allow but that is what is treading now! Especially those who play “Wandindi” and funny looking Guitars on the street corners of Nairobi all the way to Ndambuki’s Show (our lively Churchill)! You haven’t seen it yet now that you fired Mutua, the morality police officer!
I assume you love the kikuyu nation with all your heart in these trying times! But your love for us has to be measured when you extend it to the kikuyu women! There is something we call “shillingi”! The shilling has become the currency of live in a kikuyu woman – she waited 5 good years to amass it and then took off! I’m glad you are still smiling bra!
The good thing in all these fracas, is the fact that you are still alive! It is good to be a governor because you got cops to protect you!
It is very nice that Lilian did not know Wairimu Cohen, and again you may not have an underground water storage tank to be stuffed in there alive and kicking!
Word of advise, change all the door locks in all your residences and check your company! Yo never know which best friend was dipping Lilian whenever you spanned politics on JKL!
Remember! Lilian is not done with your bank account – friends or no friends! She has been done with you long time ago, but the bank account(s) is where both her eyes and mind are focused!
You may want to talk to Sonko for a gangster advise! I think you are too nice and soft brother Mutua! It time to throw away the kid’s gloves and wear a real set of men’s gloves! I am out Sir!
Family units make villages;…
Family units make villages; villages make communities and communities make the country.
Mr. Mutua, charity begins at home. If you have not been able to govern and hold your home ( family together) how do you expect to govern a whole country? Forget about the Presidency in Kenya.
Kenya and the ” black nation” is moving towards a place where Righteousness will be a very important virtue.
Keep watching this space!!
Look at this one @UI here…
Look at this one @UI here talking crap to our governor! And what do you want him to do when a horny bitch walks out on him? Is she not screwing some musician startup duke?
Damn you, Mutua is trying to keep a smile! And please the remember the “currency” of Heaven is LOVE!
Stop putting some more salt into the injury of a lonely man! Sometimes folks like you make people never want to set a foot in a Church! Your bias is terribly shocking!
Not money, not fame, not…
Not money, not fame, not beauty, not power. Only faith in Christ can hold together.
You foolish Akinyi mjaluo,…
You foolish Akinyi mjaluo, you have no manners but to just bad mouth other tribes. Why do you go to work if not for money you stupid mjathii.
You Monkey
….out of place comment.
….out of place comment.
Welcome to the world of…
Welcome to the world of Kikuyu women she just used you and dumped you!