Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) Rev. Kathy Kiuna has opened up about her husband’s struggle with cancer.
In an Instagram post, Kathy indicated that Bishop Allan Kiuna was diagnosed with cancer last year but has since been cured.
“His hair has grown back, he is physically fit, he can run, jump, stand for hours and when I see this, it is a reminder that all glory is to God,” she said.
The televangelist described how Bishop Kiuna lost hair and gained weight as a result of chemotherapy treatment.
During the time, he was also unable to stand or walk for long and would sometime be forced to tiptoe due to severe pain in his legs, Mrs. Kiuna noted.
“Chemotherapy had him losing hair, gaining weight and unable to do much physically; he was unable to stand or walk for long and had to tiptoe around from the immense pain in his legs,” noted Kathy without disclosing the type of cancer he was battling.
She further recounted the difficulty she faced having to preach while Bishop Kiuna tussled the disease.
“Chemotherapy had him at his lowest. What was most difficult for me, was having to be home preaching most of the time and not by his side physically and honestly speaking it took all of me to even stand and preach,” she said
“Most of what I preached last year, was more for me than anyone else, it was God speaking to me at the same time using me to get to someone. Regardless of how I felt, I had to show my husband that we would get through this and show strength even when it was hard,” she added.
Bishop Kiuna first revealed his battle with cancer in August this year while condoling with the families of Bomet Governor Joyce Laboso and Kibra MP Ken Okoth. The two leaders succumbed to cancer in July.
“I am so grateful to God for having seen me through a difficult battle with cancer last year. My heart goes out to the families of all who have lost their loved ones to the scourge,” he wrote.
Bishop Kiuna condoled with the families and friends of the late Bomet Governor Joyce Laboso and Kibra Member of Parliament Ken Okoth.
He gained weight during…
He gained weight during chemo. That was luckier than most. A typical symptom of cancer is unexplained weight loss.
unless you had no cancer but…
unless you had no cancer but you wanted to fake a disease and then show people how well you can pray it out, to get more followers, your story don’t add up. a truthful person like Bob Collymore involves people in the process of healing..or stop telling us about it- and if you are true you really had cancer.. your doctor would have told you that you didn’t not get cured you went on REMISSION.IT’S OBVIOUS YOU ARE LYING….