Home LIFESTYLE NEWS Bleaching Gone Amiss? Hawk-Eyed Kenyans Notice Socialite Vera Sidika’s Dark Toe Knuckles

Bleaching Gone Amiss? Hawk-Eyed Kenyans Notice Socialite Vera Sidika’s Dark Toe Knuckles

Bleaching Gone Amiss? Hawk-Eyed Kenyans Notice Socialite Vera Sidika’s Dark Toe Knuckles

Online users have noticed dark parts on Kenyan socialite Vera Sidika, who bleached her skin a few years ago.

This comes after Sidika shared on Instagram a photo where her toe knuckles appear to be dark.

Some social media users pointed out that the socialite’s skin lightening procedure may have gone wrong while others joked that she might have stepped on charcoal before taking the photo.

Here are some of the reactions; 

mercykimani noted:”Yaani mguu imemruka kipetero, kiyesu tu hivyo? Tuseme ni urembo amepaka piko cheii.”

carmelitachemu said:”Omuknuckles?????.”

aliceaoko89 noted:”Shikamoo mkorogo marhaba matokeo.”

aishasaidy said:”Lord have mercy… Gai huyu ni makaa alikanyaga huko pwani…. ????AOL.”

peter_bram said:”Lakini kusema kweli ile siku huyu msichana mluhya atazaa watoto watoke weusi ataambia nini watu???.”

tanzaniansweetheart300 noted:”Mkorogo imekata na ikamtoka kipetero kiyesu… pwahahaha..???.”

annekc stated:”It’s coming back at her.”

koicelestin posed:”I thought alifanya surgery.”

ireneobura noted:”My my! You can never get rid of melanin completely! It must fight back!”

viviangacheru joked:”????? alipitia kwa njoroge Wa makara.”

In a past interview, Sidika said she spent millions of shillings to lighten her skin as well as get breast augmentation surgery.


  1. Effed up self esteem. The…
    Effed up self esteem. The chosen ones were blessed with melanin to fight back nature’s cancer and here she is chasing her oppressors’ image and definition of beauty. Just as the king of Pop what happens when you mess with natural biology. The temporary fame and money ain’t gonna be enough to overcome your health issues in the very near future. You can’t make a whore into a house wife

  2. Self esteem is at an all…
    Self esteem is at an all time low. Why would anyone desire a skin that ages in dog years and resembles the colonizer? We must love ourselves and stop believing whiteness is everthing.

  3. I have yet to hear men of…
    I have yet to hear men of God preach against this skin loathing.Not only that,but the ban of these products.Could it be that their wives,and mistresses use them?.They should preach about accepting how God made us…We all come in different Packages…and that spices life.

    • @maxiley, the crook who…
      @maxiley, the crook who resurrected a dead person in South Africa bleach himself aka Alpha Lukau.

      • @ Kenya, I guess he wanted…
        @ Kenya, I guess he wanted to be in appearence as close as possible to the one in the bible who allegedly resurrected adead man callad Lazarous…

  4. Kenyan’s and Africans need…
    Kenyan’s and Africans need to start telling the truth and challenging things and issues. There is no so called “white” person on earth. Their biblical name is “Edormites” and they are different shades of red. They are the modern day Roman Empire. There are no so called “black” people, they are different shades of brown. Our first names are not the English names unless we don’t know the meaning of the word first.
    All those lies are followed by a group of people thinking they are superior to others which is also a lie; thereby labeling white as pure and holy and black as evil.
    White, black,as colors of human beings are political words used to colonize people mentally. To give them classification as either superior or inferior. Divide and rule policy!!!
    When we conquer the lies, truth will reign supreme.
    Changing the color of your skin is carrying the lie too far. Stop the lies!!!

  5. Ukimwamini MWUMBAJI MKUU…
    Ukimwamini MWUMBAJI MKUU hutakuwa na matatizo kama haya ya kubadilisha rangi ya ngozi yako au nywele. MM (MWUMBAJI MKUU) aliumba vitu tofauti ulimwenguni. Kwa mfano, kuna milima na mabonde; kuna majangwa (deserts) na misitu; kuna mito (rivers) na bahari; kuna ndege wanaoruka hewani na wanyama wanaotembea kwa miguu; kuna wanyama walio na miguu na wengine hawana miguu; kuna wanaume na wanawake; kuna watu warefu na watu wafupi; kuna watu wa rangi mbali mbali; kuna wazee na vijana.

    Ni kweli tulitawaliwa na wageni ambao walitufundisha kuchukia (hate) rangi zetu, nywele zetu, lugha zetu, majina yetu, imani yetu na kadhalika. Kusema kweli, makosa si ya wageni au watu waliotupiga msasa, makosa ni yetu sisi wenyewe kwa kuwaamini watu ambao hawamtambui MM. Ukimtambua MM, hutajichukia au kumchukia mtu mwingine. Kwa nini? utakubali ya kwamba tofauti zote tunazoona ulimwenguni hazikuumbwa na binadamu lakini zote zinatokana na MM.

    Hebu tazama uone matatizo ya akili ambayo hawa ndugu zetu Wanayuropa na Waarabu wanayo katika maisha yao! Wana karibu kila kitu lakini hawana furaha wala imani katika maisha yao. Mimi nadhani matatizo waliyo nayo ya kichwa yanatokana na kumdharau MM na kukataa kutambua kazi yake ya kuumba vitu tofauti.

    Dada huyu anayejitahidi kubadilisha rangi na nywele zake aende Yuropa aone kama watamkubali. Hebu tazama Wamarekani wa asili ya Afrika jinsi maisha yao yalivyo. Kila kitu wanachofanya kinatokana na mila za Wanayuropa. Majina yao, mila yao, imani yao, na hata lugha yao zote ni za asili ya Yuropa. Ajabu ni kuwa wangali (still) wakibaguliwa (being discriminated) na Wamarekani wa asili ya Yuropa.

    Kwangu, tofauti ya MM na “mungu’ wa Waarabu na Wanayuropa ni hii: MM alimaliza kazi yake alipokupa (gave you) akili. Usipoitumia, tapeli Mwarabu na Mwana Yuropa ataitumia kwa manufaa yake mwenyewe.

    “mungu” wa Waarabu na Wanayuropa ni kama mtoto mdogo. Kwa nini? Anataka umwombe (pray) kila asubuhi, mchana, jioni, na hata usiku. Anakusumbua katika maisha yako yote kwa kukuomba omba pesa, wakati wako, na mwishowe anakutisha ya kwamba usipomheshimu, baada ya kufa, atakutupa mahali ambapo kuna moto wa milele na milele.

    Kusema kweli, ukitumia akili yako yote, huwezi kuwa na hamu (desire) ya kuwa karibu na imani au “mungu” kama huyu. Isitoshe, “mungu” huyu anawaruhusu watu kuuza watu wengine kama watumwa (slaves) kutokana na rangi tofauti za ngozi yao. “mungu” huyu hataki kusikia lugha yako.

    Wakati umefika sasa ambao ni muhimu (important) tuondoe takataka zote zinazotokana na ukoloni na kukubali ya kwamba MM alipotuumba, hakufanya kosa lolote. Kwa hiyo, lugha zetu, nywele zetu, rangi ya ngozi zetu tulizopewa na MM ni nzuri kama za watu wengine duniani.


    • @Shoga daima. The devil is…
      @Shoga daima. The devil is The Details here. Siku Moja Utakutana na YESU Kristo utashangaa; na KUAMINI.


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