Home LIFESTYLE NEWS Tanzanian Authorities Set Up Anti-Gay Squad to Track, Arrest Homosexuals

Tanzanian Authorities Set Up Anti-Gay Squad to Track, Arrest Homosexuals

Tanzanian Authorities Set Up Anti-Gay Squad to Track, Arrest Homosexuals

Tanzanian authorities have set up a 17-member surveillance squad whose main task is to track gay people on social media and arrest them.

The squad is drawn from the country’s Communications Authority, police department and the media, Dar es Salaam police regional commissioner Paul Makonda says.

Makonda says members of the squad will monitor social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp to identify those engaging in same sex relationships.

Makonda has also ordered Dar es Salaam residents to remove any nude photos from their phones, warning that tough measures will be taken against pornography.

He says that homosexuality is illegal in the East African nation and has warned human rights groups against defending homosexuals.

Tanzanian government authorities have launched a fierce campaign against homosexuality and pornography since President John Pombe Magufuli took office in 2015.

Several medical clinics alleged to have been promoting homosexuality have since been closed, forcing members of the LGBT community to live in secrecy for fear of being arrested.


  1. Ikiwa nchi ya Tanzania…
    Ikiwa nchi ya Tanzania imeamua kupiga marufuku mapenzi baina ya watu wa jinsia (gender) moja, yafaa pia ipige marufuku dini ya Kiislamu na ya Kikristo.

    Fikira hizi zote tatu mbovu zinatokana na kutawaliwa wakati wa ukoloni. Mimi si shoga, Mkristo wala Mwislamu! Huwezi kupinga fikira moja na kukubali na kukinga fikira nyingine ya kigeni!

    Jambo lililo muhimu ni kugeuza mtaala (curriculum) wa masomo na kutilia mkazo masomo ya sayansi, hisabati, teknolojia, ufundi, kilimo, uuguzi, udaktari, kompyuta, uhandisi (engineering), ma masomo yote ambayo yanaweza kutuwezesha kujikinga kutokana na umaskini, njaa, magonjwa, na mambo mengine ambayo sasa yametufanya kuwa kwenye hali hii ya ajabu.

    • Swali: Baba na Baba yako…
      Swali: Baba na Baba yako ndyo WalikuZAA; au Mama na Mama yako? Kama ni hivyo: Basi wewe ni Kiumbe kingine cha kustaabisha.

      • @ Guest1, there will always…
        @ Guest1, there will always be papa,and mama to forward the human race.World population is not under threat. As my religion science points out, there exists 10% of homosexuals in every human community/society.The other 90% are pretty much heterosexuals.
        By the way, just because you are heteresexual does not mean you have to procreate.
        I guess next TZ,or some other african country will form a police force to arrest people who love their pets…
        Couldn’t all these energy and resources be put to more socially threatening evils like crime,marriage failings, teenage pregnancy,or marriage between old men and young women.To me these are more destructive than a person being gay. Wake up africa.Wazungu are not that stupid to accept homosexuality.They have been pretty, analytical, meditative and practical about it.Wafrica are just over reacting.But eventually, they will lose the fight, because,homosexuality is here to stay…So says SCIENCE.
        As “evil” as USA, and European countries are, they are more progressive,and have abetter life style than african countries,and they keep on doing better. Because they dwell on issues that matter to development.Homosexuality has no bearing to development. A good homosexual employee is as good as agood heterosexual one…
        After all its only sex /love folks,between human beings.My two cents,which is not much to some.

  2. bravo bravo Tanzania for…
    bravo bravo Tanzania for following kenya steps.Lets get rid of this immorality devolish stinking matahiko manyiria mashetani out of our streets n neighbourhood.Next pass the law n give it to the people to help u get rid of them easily.Hatutaki ushetani EastAfrica.Let them b given visas n resettle to the western world aka sodom n gormolla countries uk,usa,france,Europe where u can marry anything u dream of,from dog,a squirrel,yr mother,yr father,yr sister.Broken countries full of immoralities n devolish brains.

  3. Only gullible, foolish and…
    Only gullible, foolish and naive person would think Magufulis government would only go after the gay people. Such is used as a ploy to eliminate the government enemies especially the press. Journalists are currently being eliminated.

  4. @Mugikuyu: Asante Ndugu…
    @Mugikuyu: Asante Ndugu. Umeona ujanja wa Ndugu Magufuli. Huyu ndiye kiongozi wa kwanza Tanzania kuwa dikteta. Anatumia hila ya ushoga kama ulivyosema, ili aondoe uhuru wa magazeti na maoni ya Mtanzania wa kawaida huku akijificha kwenye “ushoga.”

    Ndugu @Guest: Ningependa uone na ujue ya kwamba mimi siungi mambo ya kuwa ushoga hata kidogo. Katika taifa langu, hatukuwa na Mashoga, Wakristo, au Waislamu kabla hatujavamiwa na majambazi wa kutoka Yuropa na majambazi kutoka Mashariki ya kati au Shark Al Ausat kwa Kiarabu.

    Kusema kweli, sioni tofauti ya Mwafrika aliye shoga, Mkristo, au Mwislamu. Wote wamepotea baada ya kupigwa msasa kama yaliyokupata wewe. Yaani, umepigwa msasa kiwango ambacho huwezi kujikomboa wewe mwenyewe. Hata mimi nilikuwa kama wewe. Nilikuwa Mkristo lakini baada ya kusoma biblia, nikaona ya kwamba kitabu hiki hakina uhusiano wowote na mababu zangu. Hamna tofauti katika ya Biblia na Koran. Kama nilivyosema mara nyingi, vitabu hivi ni historia ya mawazo ya Wayahudi (Biblia) na Waarabu (Koran). Havina uhusiano wowote na MWUMBAJI. Viliandikwa na binadamu kama wewe.

    Baada ya kutumia akili niliyopewa na MWUMBAJI, niliondoka katika dini ya Kikristo hata ingawa ningali nakumbuka mambo mengi ya biblia kutokana na kupigwa msasa kama wewe!

    Kwa kumalizia, Mwafrika yeyote ambaye ni shoga, mwislamu, au Mkristo, ni Mwafrika ambaye amepotea na kuangamia kabisa!

    Mimi ni kama au sawa na ndugu @Maxiley. Sayansi! Sayansi! Sayansi milele na milele Ndugu @Guest.


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