During a recent address to religious leaders in Nairobi, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga revealed the internal power struggle within Azimio leading up to the 2022 General Election.
In an interview on Wednesday, Raila disclosed that had the party selected a more strong-willed opponent, they would have successfully captured all the highly-coveted posts in Nairobi County. Raila owned up to his disappointment in supporting business executive Polycarp Igathe for the Nairobi governor role. He deeply regrets the misjudgment he made that still affects him to date. Igathe’s nomination as the rival against the UDA party governor Johnson Sakaja was majorly due to former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s persuasion since he heads the Azimio council.
According to Raila, their loss in the gubernatorial election was not due to their lack of qualified contenders, but rather the fact that their chosen nominee was not the suitable choice. He points out that it is confusing they succeeded triumphantly in the senate, women’s representative, and presidential contests, but faltered in this critical position. He maintains that they could have won with a convincing margin should they have made a careful selection.
The corporate executive emerged victorious in the bid for the governor seat, surpassing Wanyonyi who possessed a reputed standing against UDA’s candidate Sakaja. Wanyonyi, who initially intended to run for Raila’s ODM Party, stepped down at the request of Raila to instead become Igathe’s deputy. In the end, however, Wanyonyi resolved to campaign for re-election as MP for Wetlands. As for his former prospective co-runner, Igathe selected Philip Kaloki as his running mate from the Wiper Party.
Raila voiced his discontent with the failure of the coalition to secure the Nairobi governorship, expressing his belief that a more favourable candidate could have been selected. Nonetheless, the Azimio coalition did achieve success in obtaining other significant positions within the county. For example, Sifuna was elected as Senator and Passaris managed to retain her Woman Representative seat. Sifuna, who attended the event, praised Wanyonyi for his steadfast support throughout the 2022 elections.
“Those who cannot remember…
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana
From Saturday, November 15, 1884 to Thursday, February 1885, the Berlin Conference was held by 14 countries in Berlin, Germany in order to partition COHO aka Africa.
The Conference was organized by OTTO VON BISMARCK (the first chancellor of Germany) at the request of King Leopold the Second of Belgium. The following countries participated in the conference:-
1. Austria-Hungary 8. Netherlands
2. Belgium 9. Portugal
3. Denmark 10. Russia
4. France 11. Spain
5. Germany 12. Sweden-Norway
6. Great Britain 13. Turkey
7. Italy 14. United States of America
Of the 14 countries being presented, 7 of them came home without any formal possessions of COHO aka Africa:-
1. Austria-Hungary
2. Denmark
3. Netherlands
4. United States of America
5. Russia
6. Sweden-Norway
7. Turkey
Kenya was illegally occupied by the Great Britain who brainwashed us to fall in love with their names, language, culture, history, and religion.
My Jamaican-American friend who has visited Britain and Kenya several times has observed that the Kenyan people are more British than the British. The Kenyan people love speaking in English as if they ate still occupied by the British. This behavior is known as the “Stockholm syndrome” where the mentally hacked people identifies with the oppressor. I sincerely hope and wish that come 12/12/2023 (60 years since the British left Kenya) there will be a new renaissance where the people of Kenya will be proud of our national language (Kiswahili) and use it in all social gatherings including the parliament. In addition, I sincerely hope that we will drop our colonial/slave Quranic and Biblical names and revive and glorify our ancestral names and other positive elements of our traditional cultures.
“If you are silent in situations of injustice, you have taken the side of the oppressor.”
– Mpilo Tutu of South COHO (COHO – Continent of Human Origins).
U are mentally incompetent…
U are mentally incompetent old man. Try again 2027 and walk to Canaan in Bondo after eating fare again
So they knew Africa was the…
So they knew Africa was the continent of human origin? Huh!
You are such a resource @Imara. The sympathizer I am, I appreciate when your long posts are done in English…coz it’s faster to read and easier to comprehend. But then, I also learn a lot of Swahili coz you translate most of the difficult words. You are a teacher. Keep us informed… ?