President William Ruto has reiterated that protests will not help prices of unga to dip.
Speaking during an interdenominational prayer gathering in Taita Taveta on Sunday, President William Ruto said investing in farmers and improving their access to cheap fertilizers and nearby stores would increase the country’s food supply ultimately leading to a lower cost of living. Ruto has been vocal that protests do not positively impact Kenyans and has since encouraged Kenyans to focus on farming rather than demonstrating.
“Our opposers are saying that by demonstrating the cost of living will go down, even by using witchcraft or other means will the cost of unga go down because of demonstrating?” he said.
Dr Ruto further stated that the country will not rely on borrowed funds to meet government expenses. He added that his government is working with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to prevent further debt. The President plans to use local revenue to achieve his goals rather than resorting to more borrowing that could lead the country towards a crisis. In June, Ruto made a fresh push in advocating for his revenue-generating strategies as outlined in the Finance Act, 2023 which is currently suspended.
“I have held several meetings with IMF and World Bank and all those we borrowed money from because we were heading to slippery grounds but I want to confirm to the people of Kenya that we have stabilised our economy and now we cannot e threatened by debts again,” he said.
Ruto emphasises that he was elected to spur development and change the fortunes of Kenyans without plunging the country into more debt. Ruto’s budget for 2023/24 aims to create employment opportunities and reduce unemployment rates among millions of Kenyans. His government has allocated Sh7 trillion to repay debt in its first term in office.
This highlights the alleged heavy debt burden inherited from previous administrations. Revised estimates from the Treasury show that the total cost of debt payments will amount to Sh7.071 trillion from the fiscal year 2023/24 to 2026/27, indicating the significant impact of the weighty debt load.
Does Ruto really think lying…
Does Ruto really think lying to Kenyans about witchcraft and demos will bring much change that Kenyans are fighting for? Ruto will destroy Kenya piece by piece and he is not fit to lead.
Any church inviting…
Any church inviting politicians to spread their propaganda should start paying taxes immediately.
If you can read the Bible, please read Matthew Chapter 6: Verses 6 – 8. If you still can use your brain critically, you should NOT go again to any man-constructed buildings for prayer.
Matthew 6:6-8
New International Version
6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Inflation hence Prices are…
Inflation hence Prices are high allover the world,Ruto has nothing to do with high cost of living. He does not set the interest rate. Blame the mighty dollar and rising interest rates set far away from the Kenya state house therefore affecting the global economy. No matter which country you live just check the prices and listen to the rhetoric among the locals. Some blames the president who has nothing to do with it and maadamano included
U need a slap for being so…
U need a slap for being so naive,the writing is on the wall.bloated government, corruption is already evident in his government,wasteful spending in past 9months,52 CAS though quashed by courts,gas price that has a multiplying effect in the economy,promises he gave Abt agriculture like coffee,sugarcane,tea n such that he gonna deal with cartels immediately but he don’t talk Abt it now neither corruption.this intervention wld b having a relieving effect so far on the economy if we’re addressed after putting the bible down…
Demonstrations work.
Demonstrations work.
God has rejected Kalejinga…
God has rejected Kalejinga Ruto and Kenya Kwanza demonic prayers.
Mungu amekataa ujinga.
Didn’t he secure IMF loans…
Didn’t he secure IMF loans to plug budget deficits? Isn’t that debt?
I haven’t heard any solution to the problems facing everyday Kenya citizens! Zero solution!
He’s back to campaigning since governance is hard!!
Kenyans are looking for solutions!
Not a leader who’s eyes are on 2027 elections!!
Samoei should be barred and…
Samoei should be barred and banned from attending any place of worship in the entire Republic of Kenya. Why? He is a pathological, incorrigible, and congenital liar, thief, murderer, fornicator, and has not read or follow the Kenyan Constitution.
In a land of 70 distinct “micro nations” (a word coined by the late Dr. Wangari Maathai instead of the colonial negative word – Tribe), Samoei has dished out significant jobs to only two micro nations as if the remaining 68 do not exist or belong to Kenya!