Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja has responded to a petition seeking his disqualification from the Nairobi gubernatorial race over lack of a valid university degree.
Sakaja claims the petitioner Dennis Gakuu Wahome is a “mercenary” hired by unnamed powerful forces to subject him to public humiliation and deny him his political and social rights.
“I affirm that the gist of the petitioner’s suits challenging the validity of my academic qualifications are deliberately and primarily calculated to subject me to public humiliation, embarrassment as well as unreasonably restrict the exercise of my political and social rights under article 38 to be a candidate for public office,” reads court papers.
Sakaja rejected claims that his Bachelor of Science in Management degree from Uganda’s Team University is fake, saying that the questions raised by the petitioner are based on malice.
“That it is easy to unmask the scheme behind the filing of this Petition by the Petitioner as a mercenary, proxy, and a gun for hire by forces driven by malice and political witch-hunt,” Sakaja adds.
The senator further questioned the petitioner’s ability to access several documents such as immigration records and Jubilee Party nomination applications dating 2016.
“The Honourable Court ought to take judicial notice of the fact that such documents which the Petitioner seeks to rely on (whose authenticity are in question anyway- and we ask the court to disregard the same) are not usually easily available to persons that are directly connected to any underlying investigations, let alone busy bodies that are unconnected to the underlying investigation such as the Petitioner,” Sakaja submits.
Wahome filed the petition at the High Court after the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) disputes resolution committee dismissed his complaint against Sakaja’s clearance to run for office. The tribunal ruled that it lacks jurisdiction to determine the validity of Sakaja’s degree certificate.
In his petition, Wahome argued that Sakaja’s Bachelor of Science in Management degree from the Ugandan institution is not genuine as he never graduated from the institution in 2016 as he claims.
He added that only six students graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in science in management on October 21st, 2016, and Sakaja was not among the graduands.
Sakaja insists that although the Commission for University Education (CUE) revoked his degree certificate, Uganda’s National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) had already confirmed that it is legitimate.
Hired mercenary or not is…
Hired mercenary or not is immaterial. Do not deviate from the fact you lied and continue to lie. Stop side shows, fact is you are ineligible to vie per constitution of Kenya! When will us Kenyans begin to respect the rule of law and stop thinking you can hoodwink and fool Kenyans by your silly lying antics??
Give me a damn break Sakaja…
Give me a damn break Sakaja. Who is a hired mercenary while you are the one dragging your silly feet to produce a valid degree so you can get cleared to run for governor. Stop whining like a little kid.
Wacha upuzi Sakaja. Toa hio…
Wacha upuzi Sakaja. Toa hio makaratasi ya shule.
Sakaja’s position is,”I will…
Sakaja’s position is,”I will keep on lying,and blaming political enemies ,till this sportlight goes away”.
Sakaja, should know that it is more than embarrassing to be caught in a lie,could land you in penal servitude.
If you keep denying the truth, you are just denting your credibility,and integrity,of which lucky for you does not count in Kenya politics.At least for now.
Get you
Get you
Why is Sakaja lying hoping…
Why is Sakaja lying hoping this matter will just blow away? Where did mercenaries come from while you are not disciplined enough to finish your education. Too much nonsense for nothing!