Home KENYA NEWS Kenyans to be Paid-in-Kind for Donating Blood

Kenyans to be Paid-in-Kind for Donating Blood

 Kenyans to be Paid-in-Kind for Donating Blood

Kenyans donating blood are set to be rewarded if a new plan between the government and the private sector succeeds.

The move is aimed at ensuring that more people come out to donate blood to meet the country’s demand, according to Dr. Nduku Kilonzo, the managing director of the Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service (KNBTS).

Kilonzo, who spoke during a blood donation drive by more than 50 diplomats at Strathmore University, Nairobi on Thursday, said the idea was borrowed from countries that have done well in blood donation coverage.

“We are looking for ways of ensuring that we have enough blood in the country for our people. If appreciating people by giving them, for instance, even a litre of cooking oil, will motivate Kenyans to donate blood, then we will go in that direction,” Kilonzo said.

She noted that KNBTS is in discussion with several partners to join the initiative. “We are going to sit down and come up with an initiative that is sustainable and we will ensure that everyone is appreciated for their time,” she said.

Speaking on Tuesday during a celebration to mark the World Blood Donor Day, Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi pointed out that Kenya is on course to becoming self-sufficient in blood transfusion, with many patients in emergency cases getting access to blood.

“I can confidently say that in Kenya we are doing very well in blood transfusion matters. Our next step is to have the exercise digitized. We are planning to have blood collection points in all counties to make it easy for blood donors with digitised distribution network. We are observing a fall in the number of blood appeals in the country and an increase in public participation in blood donation,” she said.

Kenya requires a minimum of 500,000 units of blood annually to meet the demand. There are six regional blood transfusion centres in the country and 30 fully functional blood satellites, and plans are underway to equip each county with a satellite centre.



  1. Lower the price of cooking…
    Lower the price of cooking gas , food and petrol.When people have enough to eat then they can think of helping their neighbors with blood without paying a fortune to get to the donation center however cash is king ? unjuaje kwangu napika na mafuta aina gani ili unilipe nayo

  2. This is a very dangerous…
    This is a very dangerous trend for our country. Before the government enters into such agreements, it should be advised to trend carefully on this one.
    “The idea was borrowed from countries …coverage”
    In the US,this industry was valued at 4 billion in 2008 and 11 billion in 2014″
    ” Don’t let the humanitarian disguise fool you, these are just pharmaceutical companies seeking to exploit the poor for profit. They are just good at hiding it”.
    They are actually after “plasma” which is found in your blood. Plasma helps in fighting infection.
    Side effects: Dehydration; Vein damage;fainting and fatigue.
    – People who do not recover properly, may feel nauseous,sleepy and may collapse for several hours.
    – Some donors may experience side effects that are more serious and would need hospitalization.
    – Upon donation, the person experiences reduction in Plasma levels and increases the risk of infection.
    – Many of the plasma donors in the US are homeless and aged who are not even supposed to donate.
    -The process involved is puncturing of the vein with a 17 or 16 gage needle which can damage the vein if not handled properly.
    – Unregulated donation is risky.
    “In 1960’s, there was HIV outbreak in the US, as about half of hemophilia contracted the virus using bad plasma- based pharmaceutical products ”
    ” In 1990’s thousands of Chinese from Henan province reportedly contracted AIDS and Hepatitis C due to substandard sterilization techniques, needles and blood bags”
    Plasma centers use Sodium Citrate to make extraction easier which depletes calcium in the body.
    “Calcium depletion causes fainting, tingling sensation, numbness, seizures,heart arrhythmia, osteoporosis, brittle bones, difficulty breathing and chronic kidney conditions”
    – “This is also a form of prostitution”- Many poor people are forced to “sell” their body parts out of dire poverty to giant industry players. These giant industries label this sale as “donation”.
    They downplay it’s social, psychological and financial implications.
    The donation centers pay for your time, not for plasma.
    “A litre of cooking oil…Everyone is appreciated for their time”.
    These “donors” are actually unorganized workers without the legal rights that go along with a typical workplace relationship.
    -Donation centers are strategically placed in poor communities.
    Poor people have time to wait in line
    Poor people are less likely to sue should a medical issue arise as a result of plasma donating.
    In the US this “plasma donation is worth roughly $200.00 straight from your arm and $500.00 after it undergoes a treatment process.
    Mr. Kilonzo,
    Do not be excited to sell Kenyans body parts in the name of donation. Just like during slavery, you will sell the soul and strength of our people. We will be left with the old, weak and those you will disable with your actions.

  3. This is a very dangerous…
    This is a very dangerous trend for our country. Before the government enters into such agreements, it should be advised to trend carefully on this one.
    “The idea was borrowed from countries …coverage”
    In the US,this industry was valued at 4 billion in 2008 and 11 billion in 2014″
    ” Don’t let the humanitarian disguise fool you, these are just pharmaceutical companies seeking to exploit the poor for profit. They are just good at hiding it”.
    They are actually after “plasma” which is found in your blood. Plasma helps in fighting infection.
    Side effects: Dehydration; Vein damage;fainting and fatigue.
    – People who do not recover properly, may feel nauseous,sleepy and may collapse for several hours.
    – Some donors may experience side effects that are more serious and would need hospitalization.
    – Upon donation, the person experiences reduction in Plasma levels and increases the risk of infection.
    – Many of the plasma donors in the US are homeless and aged who are not even supposed to donate.
    -The process involved is puncturing of the vein with a 17 or 16 gage needle which can damage the vein if not handled properly.
    – Unregulated donation is risky.
    “In 1960’s, there was HIV outbreak in the US, as about half of hemophilia contracted the virus using bad plasma- based pharmaceutical products ”
    ” In 1990’s thousands of Chinese from Henan province reportedly contracted AIDS and Hepatitis C due to substandard sterilization techniques, needles and blood bags”
    Plasma centers use Sodium Citrate to make extraction easier which depletes calcium in the body.
    “Calcium depletion causes fainting, tingling sensation, numbness, seizures,heart arrhythmia, osteoporosis, brittle bones, difficulty breathing and chronic kidney conditions”
    – “This is also a form of prostitution”- Many poor people are forced to “sell” their body parts out of dire poverty to giant industry players. These giant industries label this sale as “donation”.
    They downplay it’s social, psychological and financial implications.
    The donation centers pay for your time, not for plasma.
    “A litre of cooking oil…Everyone is appreciated for their time”.
    These “donors” are actually unorganized workers without the legal rights that go along with a typical workplace relationship.
    -Donation centers are strategically placed in poor communities.
    Poor people have time to wait in line
    Poor people are less likely to sue should a medical issue arise as a result of plasma donating.
    In the US this “plasma donation is worth roughly $200.00 straight from your arm and $500.00 after it undergoes a treatment process.
    Mr. Kilonzo,
    Do not be excited to sell Kenyans body parts in the name of donation. Just like during slavery, you will sell the soul and strength of our people. We will be left with the old, weak and those you will disable with your actions.


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