Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya coalition party presidential candidate on Monday unveiled a 10-point manifesto where he pledged to declare corruption a threat to national security in his first 100 days in office.
Odinga, who is trying his luck at the presidency for the fifth time, said his administration will establish a Corruption Surveillance Taskforce in the security forces within the first 100 days after being sworn in as the fifth president of Kenya.
“Azimio government wants to face this dragon called corruption head-on to ensure that we can be able to do our things in a clean and fair manner,” Odinga said during the manifesto launch at Nyayo Stadium.
The Azimio administration will direct Parliament to enact legislation to facilitate the expeditious investigation, prosecution and trial of cases relating to corruption and integrity.
“We shall also ensure that public servants do not engage in commercial and business activities with the government whatsoever,” said Mr Odinga
Similarly, he promised to implement policies that will reduce the cost of living in his first 100 days in office, with a special focus on the pressure of fuel, flour, mobile data and energy.
Odinga further pledged free primary, secondary and university education if he ascends to power this year, vowing to ensure that all unemployed teachers are absorbed in his first 100 days in office to improve the quality of education.
He also promised to improve the pay and terms of service for police and Kenya Defense Forces officers in his 100 days in office. His government will also implement a strict implementation of police reforms and establish a framework for rolling out the Virtual Police Station model.
On health, Odinga said his government will implement Baba Care programme, which seeks to integrate and give greater recognition to community health workers as partners at the grassroots as a cost-effective way to extend health services to hard-to-reach areas through a last-mile approach to healthcare.
Through his social transformation programme, Odinga said at least two million most poor families will benefit from a cash transfer of Sh6,000 a month. Odinga explained that the money is not a handout but an investment and a foundation for a new transformational value chain that will trigger massive economic activity and create thousands of localized small-scale businesses and enterprises across the country.
“We shall commence providing social assistance to single mothers, implement a social protection programme for unemployed youths modeled around Kazi Mtaani and review the cost of living with special focus on the pressure of fuel, unga (flour), mobile data and energy,” said Mr Odinga in key promises targeting to address the rising cost of living.
Odinga also said his government will ensure at least each and every county has a manufacturing company and will waive regulatory and other licensing fees for new youth-led manufacturing innovations to ensure they are a success.
“We shall encourage and support technological exchanges with industries and other countries for mutual benefit, procure and promote “Made in Kenya” products – Buy Kenya Build Kenya — and give incentives to Kenyans, including those in the diaspora, and foreigners, to invest in the manufacturing sector,” he said.
On MSME, Odinga said his administration shall implement the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) certification programme to award certificates to artisans, craftsmen and technicians who have obtained skills and knowledge through apprenticeship and work experience to enhance their employment opportunities.
“We shall adopt the Affordable Housing Programme Jua Kali Production Manual for purposes of ring-fencing the 69 items earmarked for Jua Kali production with the aim of expanding local manufacturing.”
The Azimio government, Odinga said, also plans to support the revival of the tourism sector by aggressively marketing the country as a premier tourism destination in the world.
“We shall promote Kenya as an affordable, safe destination in Africa and review visa restrictions that may inhibit travels,” he said.
On nation building, Odinga said his government will seek to reaffirm the status, nationality and citizenship of all minority ethnic groups in Kenya in their equal status with other Kenyans, and establish a National Heroes Trust to “immortalise our freedom fighters and the heroes of all our struggles, including men and women in uniform.”
The Azimio presidential candidate also promised to immediately pay compensation awards made by courts to victims of injustices by the state and establish the Kenya National Languages Council to promote all indigenous and sign languages and provide a comprehensive digital dictionary for all languages.
Below is a breakdown of Odinga’s 10-point manifesto.
1. One County, One Product
The programme is anchored on manufacturing as the engine for wealth creation and employment to achieve a double-digit economic growth rate. Under this programme, the national government will provide material and technical support to each county government for vibrant industrialization.
2. Kazi Kwa Wote
The Azimio government plans to have manufacturing as the driver of an economic revolution to spur the growth of all sectors of the economy, resulting in employment and wealth creation. The government will support the growth of MSMEs, including the JuaKali sector through improved productivity and efficiency to spearhead the ‘Made in Kenya’ products.
3. Fukuza Njaa
Odinga says his administration will create an enabling environment for smart agriculture, improved livestock farming and growth of the blue economy in order to achieve food security.
4. Inua Jamii, Pesa Kwa Jamii
Under this programme, the Azimio government will give a Sh6,000 stipend per month to two million most needy households across the nation as well as support the elderly, single parents, and people living with disability.
5. ‘Azimio La Kina Mama’
Odinga’s government plans to focus on the true multipliers of wealth in the Kenyan community—the women. The programme seeks to unlock access to financing for women-led businesses and provide support for women on other enabling factors such as access to assets for production, land tenure and proportional representation at all levels of government.
6. #Inawezekana’
Odinga says the Azimio administration recognizes that the youth are the engine of the country’s long term growth and development. They will be equipped with the mindset, skills, funds and technology to enable them to innovate.
7. Baba care’
BabaCare seeks to ensure access to quality healthcare services by all Kenyans as per need and, provided by motivated health professionals.
8. Waste not a Single Child
This programme seeks to ensure that all Kenyan children get access to quality education from primary all the way to tertiary education.
9. Maji Kwa Kila Boma
Odinga says his government will implement the Maji Kwa Kila Boma programme to radically reverse the shortages and high cost of water and ensure access by all, particularly the poor.
10. Administrative Continuity
The Azimio government pledges to build up on and improve on the gains made by the exiting government. Odinga argues that Africa suffers from a retrogressive mindset of starting afresh, instead of advancing existing accomplishments.
Hope this is true. We all…
Hope this is true. We all know what Ruto wants to do with that illiterate SUDI goon.
In Kenya there’s money and…
In Kenya there’s money and all we need is to tame corruption. I hear Ruto and allies promising millions and millions of money to all kinds of groups, but without fighting corruption its all going to the dogs.
All these promises by…
All these promises by someone who has been in government and also in the opposition.You were once even the prime minister.What will you implement as president you could not do as prime minister.Nothing has changed but we understand you will say anything to get votes .Seasoned politician some of these manifestos are unrealistic example in places like Marsabit and Pokot they need security and food what good will setting up a factory do.We see how Garissa university turned out
Where is the money coming…
Where is the money coming from apart from taxing Kenyans more?
This how Crooks may Stop any…
This how Crooks may Stop any Raila’s attempt against Corruption:
1. Taint his Cronies like they Tainted PATRICK Lumumba with KShs.20 Million.
2. Baptize and Hook some or most of his “Chosen ones” into Corruption so Much so Bad.
3. Then Raila will so Ashamed and so Exhausted to Talk about or Tame Corruption.
4. Then you’ll hear him Say something like:”Nifanye nini Jameni. Nifanye nini!???”
5. Then it’ll be Back to Square 1: Kenyatta era of Chepkube andcLand Grabbing, Moi era of YK92 Money laundry and Goldenberg Scandal-likes, and Uhuru era of “Nifanye nini Jameni??”
All this is good talk…
All this is good talk. Anyone can talk of what they can do. Where are your actions? You have been in government for 50 years, what have you done?
Where are the foundations that you laid?
As for African languages, they are already on the move, and growing. Languages cannot be developed together.
A Language is a principle part of each individual’s soul. This is one sector, where individual groups will have to put their own effort. This is a personal calling. Just do not interfere or try to give guidance where you cannot.
Leave our languages alone.
A Luo will develop his own language, culture and beliefs and will promote that.
An English man will promote his language,culture and beliefs.
A Kamba the same. No one is called to promote another’s language.
People are awake and each will promote who the are.
For the language, leave the chips to fall where they may. Languages do not need your guidance.
Promote the Luo language, culture and beliefs, leave others to promote their own. All these languages are independent and endowed to each person (s) by the creator.
Languages are a principle part of each person’s soul- Not to be interfered with or guided.
Do everything else but leave languages alone they will develop and grow by themselves as they are now!!
These are attainable goals…
These are attainable goals which can be accomplished by bringing back all the monies stashed abroad by our corrupt leaders!
Recognizing that the Youth are our most valuable commodity in Kenya, and Africa as a whole, is a great start!
Invest in the young and you’ll reap benefits for years to come!!
This is a good plan. The big…
This is a good plan. The big question is, how are we paying for this? Because funds will have to come from somewhere