Home KENYA NEWS Ruto to Uhuru: You Betrayed Me But I Will Protect Your Wealth...

Ruto to Uhuru: You Betrayed Me But I Will Protect Your Wealth and Interests If Elected

Ruto to Uhuru: You Betrayed Me But I Will Protect Your Wealth and Interests If Elected

Deputy President William Ruto has promised to protect President Kenyatta’s wealth and interests should he ascend to power later this year.

Ruto, who is eyeing the presidency on a UDA party ticket, faulted Kenyatta for judging him wrongly as someone who cannot protect his interests once he retires.

He noted that even though President Kenyatta has betrayed him by backing his main rival Raila Odinga, the president remains his friend and will safeguard his legacy and that of his family if elected president in August.

“We been through many challenges together including facing the International Criminal Court (ICC) with him…We faced Mr Raila Odinga opposition together in 2002, 2013 and twice in 2017. I also consider myself to be his friend. It was a mistake to alienate me for Odinga,” Ruto said while campaigning in Murang’a County.

He added: “My greatest shock was that, even if he felt I was not fit to succeed him, certainly by settling on Odinga who had so far given us all sorts of political problems was the epitome of fine betrayal.”

Ruto once again pleaded with President Kenyatta to allow him to compete fairly with Odinga, who is giving his fifth stab at the presidency under the Azimio La Umoja movement.

President Kenyatta endorsed Odinga, 77, as his preferred successor, saying he has the ability to unite the country, fight corruption, and continue making Kenya a respected nation across the world. 

While exuding confidence that he will win the upcoming presidential contest, Ruto said his administration will rescue the economy from “capture” and hand it over to Kenyans where every citizen will enjoy equal opportunity.

“My government will ensure that tenders can be bided for and won competitively, export and import licenses be liberalized and taxation brackets be commensurate with earnings. Above all, we will ensure indigenous companies are protected from unfair competition by multinationals,” Ruto stated.


  1. Kwani Ruto you have no other…
    Kwani Ruto you have no other agenda besides your friend Kenyatta? Mara you can charaza him and Raila, mara ingine ni kuomba akuwachie. Give us your policies bwana and get out of central province also. Una bore sana with your friend mlevi foreskin Kuria.

    • @Soldieron, the thinks being…
      @Soldieron, the thinks being in Mt. Kenya and perhaps camping there will hand him presidency. He’s got another thing coming atajua hajui.

        • You can take it however you…
          You can take it however you wish but remember had already burned alive kikuyu women and children inside a Kiambaa church in 2007. So, there is a debt Ruto need to pay for killing kikuyus.

  2. I am sure like you have been…
    I am sure like you have been protecting the Kenyatta family wealth since 1963. Don’t you think you are biting more than you can chew.

  3. Ruto, As President, your…
    Ruto, As President, your duty will be to protect everyone not only the rich few. Keep hoping that yours will be protected if you lose.

    • If you take care of the…
      If you take care of the mafia chief he will take care of you. Life revolves around the 1st family. It’s like a Python squeezing life out of every one

  4. Raila and Ruto 1st priority…
    Raila and Ruto 1st priority is to serve and protect this trillionaire play boy. Shetani ashindwe

  5. Hehe, Jambazi Tanga tanga…
    Hehe, Jambazi Tanga tanga thinks with his pockets. Eti he’ll protect his wealth. Jomo created an authentic Okuyu jigsaw puzzle to the Crown even Arap Toroitich dared not trespass..ushalilia wembe, ukakatwa sasaaaaa……
    Oh, and that catchy ‘jipange’phrase kwani u only memorized the chorus? You whine like a jilted lover, already out of insults n drama, begging for your truth not to be exposed. Karma ni Tule Yule ,doggy mdame

  6. Makamu wa Rais Ndugu…
    Makamu wa Rais Ndugu Kipchirchir Samoei Arap Ruto:

    Ningependa kukuuliza, Je, miaka hii yote tangu mwaka wa 1992, umejenga kiwanda gani nchini?

    Pili, utajiri huu wote ulio nao uliupatapata je?


    • He’s probably got it from…
      He’s probably got it from solid foundation of corruption laid down by Jomo and the 40 thieves.

  7. This man Ruto is very stupid…
    This man Ruto is very stupid. All Kenyans are protected by the constitution. Your stolen wealth is protected until proven guilty of stealing and then Kenyans will legally demand you return everything you stole. Ruto is very immature to become Kenya’s president.

    Ruto, read the damn constitution to know that no one Kenyan have to do others favors in protecting them. Stop lying that you will protect Uhuru’s wealth and interests. You will not be the next president of Kenya fool!

  8. Because you are also a thief…
    Because you are also a thief and 2 thieves protect each other certainly you are stupid thinking we elect people to guard corruption. We can now begin to see the devil in you. Shut up

    • Ruto is the Devil! He has…
      Ruto is the Devil! He has devilized the NCCK churches to a situation the preaches there have publicly agreed they will take stolen money. More preaches are soon to be cursed by God and will follow suit all those preachers who have died after taking stolen and corruption money from Ruto.

    • Ruto is the worst liar and a…
      Ruto is the worst liar and a conman. He is worse than any other criminal in kenya. Any body who does not know that all Kenyans must be protect will be a useless president. Ruto will never be Kenya’s president because he is too childish to lead Kenyans.

  9. Well, we knew this COMING,…
    Well, we knew this COMING, but not openly.
    The breed of KENYAN POLITICIANS has and will continue to protect each other.
    Non has made their riches legally.
    JOMO Stole alot. MOI came and stole even more, we would have expected KIBAKI to do the right thing, but he failed.
    UHURU is now protecting what his father, MOI, and KIBAKI stole.
    RUTO is just saying out loud, what the HYENAS talk about in closed DOORS.

    • As I have said many times,…
      As I have said many times, Ruto is like a dog that turns around to lick its vomit. Corruption is Ruto’s first name.

      Unfortunately Ruto does not realize that Uhuru does not need him for protection. If Ruto happen to do anything to Uhuru, the Mungiki nation will descend on him and destroy him.

      So Ruto, just be careful what you wish for because Kenyans are constantly watching you.

      • Comrade Ali,
        HOW COMES…

        Comrade Ali,

  10. Ruto, rumors has it that you…
    Ruto, rumors has it that you were not raised well. You act like a mannerless lad. I agree with that statement.

  11. God god. He said it. Will …
    God god. He said it. Will “protect wealth and interest.” How stupid are we?????? These thieves want to remain in power so that they can steal more money. They also want to make sure that they protect each others loot from any questioning!!!!! The poor Wananchi are out there singing their praises while these fat cats get fatter. How much wealth does one person need(steal)? The rest of the masses are in a slumber. Wake up good people. It is time to vote in some younger, educated Kenyans with progressive ideas. Stop wasting your time voting for these recycled, tired, endless politicians. For how long are you going to take this shit???? The fleecing of Kenya continue unabated???? Wake up people!!!!!!!!!

  12. All these anti-Ruto comments…
    All these anti-Ruto comments remind me of the opposition and hostilities faced by Mau Mau freedom fighters from fellow Kenyan Africans and even fellow ‘elite tribesmen who believed, in their inferiority complex,that siding with the oppressors somehow made them better Africans,and forgetting that the oppressor detested all Africans equally. Anyone of us who has risen from a wretched poor childhood must identify with William Ruto no matter what his detractors accuse him of. He is ONE of us,from the heart, baptized in the agony of poverty. His opponents are not. That alone makes me support him,in addition to the contempt and disgust that I have towards all people who betray close friends.

  13. Ruto will take down Uhuru if…
    Ruto will take down Uhuru if he becomes president. I support Ruto. Uhuru vilify the common black man and uplift the white man just like his dad did. Uhuru ni mwafrika mkoloni. Stop Uhuru. Give Kenyans their land back!


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