Home KENYA NEWS Armed and Dangerous: Detectives Hunting for Killer Cop Caroline Kangogo

Armed and Dangerous: Detectives Hunting for Killer Cop Caroline Kangogo

Armed and Dangerous: Detectives Hunting for Killer Cop Caroline Kangogo

Detectives are pursuing a female police officer linked to the murder of two people in Nakuru and Kiambu.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) described the suspect named Caroline Kangogo as armed and dangerous.

Corporal Kangogo is reported to have shot and killed Police Constable John Ogweno, 28, in his car parked within Kasarani police quarters in Nakuru on Monday before fleeing with his loaded Ceska pistol.

The suspect allegedly emerged in Juja, Kiambu County on the same day where she also shot dead another man identified as Peter Ndwiga Njiru, 32.

She is said to have lured Njiru to a room at Dedamax Hotel in Kimbo at around 4:00 pm and shot him on the head at point-blank range before leaving at midnight and fleeing to an unknown destination. The man’s body was found lying in a pool of blood on the bed.

Kangogo reportedly told an attendant working at the hotel that she was going to buy toothpaste, only for her to escape.

The hotel workers told detectives that they did not hear any commotion or gunshot during the period when the crime was committed.

A wallet containing a national identity card and Toyota Probox car keys were found in the man’s pockets. His body was moved to Thika General Kago Funeral Home awaiting autopsy.

“We are cautioning members of the public especially men to be on the lookout for the rogue officer, who is luring men to her trap before executing them in cold blood,” DCI said.

“Let nobody trust her since she is armed and dangerous. Should you spot the suspect who is covering herself in a buibui, do not hesitate to contact us.”


  1. DCI ,She is not luring men…
    DCI ,She is not luring men to her trap, these are men known to her. There were no men between Nakuru and Juja?

  2. My heart felt condolences to…
    My heart felt condolences to go the families of the victims.Because they are also victims.They are “collateral damages” victims.Let me explain.Take John Ogweno for starters.According to reliable sources this man was married to two women,and this killer cop was his side chip.Now his wives have lost ahusband.If he had kids, they have lost a father.Folks all these could have been avoided.
    In my opinion she is not all that endowed with beauty,but to each his own.If it were Natasha the pretty preacher,I could see why some WEAK men might stray.But ofcourse beauty is skin deep-superficial.
    It all comes down to what @comrade Kora Kanini admonishes men.-DONT think with the small head.It will only lead you into trouble.

    • Wee wacha zako! Natasha just…
      Wee wacha zako! Natasha just has a good camera and filters. Caroline is brains and beauty

      • Wow wow,if that’s true,them…
        Wow wow,if that’s true,them men who marry many wives are very unwise,and just misuse their resources. Would it not be cheaper to just go to a brother each time you get an extra itch ,and dip once or twice amonth… Why breed children with aprostitute,and also risk loosing your fortunes to them,especially when you croak? Not good financial choice.Where amI wrong @ Guesty? Having said this, I still haven’t gotten a satisfactory answer, to the question why a man would want to marry more than one wife.

      • The world has more Women…
        The world has more Women than Nrn; a reason for Polygamy. Unless you want the Bahshishi women to Die without Love; and without Children.

  3. This is one tormented woman…
    This is one tormented woman.
    Most likely she got cheated on, so every potential Male will be an easy target.

    • They’re always sexually…
      They’re always sexually abusing female cops.

      Let them reap what they have sowed.

    • If true then for sure,”hell…
      If true then for sure,”hell knows no fury than a scorned woman”.

  4. Run girl….rrruuuuunnn!…
    Run girl….rrruuuuunnn! That is the Kenyan girl…these men maybe played her. Now they will not play anyone else.

  5. It sounds like she went to…
    It sounds like she went to settle scores of being abused/ raped or other related issues. Not a rampant shooter.

  6. If she was a man she would…
    If she was a man she would just be transferred to Garissa or Wajir or marsabit.

    Unfortunately for her she’s a woman.

  7. She should revenge for…
    She should revenge for circumcised Wangui starting with area sub chief.

  8. @Maxiley, I think she’s…
    @Maxiley, I think she’s beautiful in the dark. If not just cover her face with a pillow. Does it mean if she were cute on the outside she would have the right to settle scores with the men who betrayed her? Just wondering.

    • Its a question of cause and…
      Its a question of cause and effect.See, the harm is done after the fact. That is, after the man has seen her decided she is beautiful(worth pursuing),then scores.So if pursing does not happen,the chances of being killed by her is pretty much Zero.
      You said it,’the right to settle scores”. Yes she does have the right to “right the wrong”,whether that is’ evening the score’ is open to debate.Which means does the punishment fit the crime.What say you?

  9. Uhuru should appoint sharp…
    Uhuru should appoint sharp-shooter Kagongo as the head of presidential security team the same way he employed illegal gun makers.The lady is over qualified.Her appointment will also add him another PENGENYE who will be always available.

  10. Well to answer your question…
    Well to answer your question if she was to punish everyman that wronged her she would have to deal with too many men. Best thing would be to just walk away and cool down. I see three possible outcomes here. suicide, mowed down by cops, or surrender.


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