Home KENYA NEWS Sleuths Make New Discovery in NLC Director Jennifer Wambua’s Murder

Sleuths Make New Discovery in NLC Director Jennifer Wambua’s Murder

Sleuths Make New Discovery in NLC Director Jennifer Wambua's Murder

Detectives probing the murder of National Lands Commission (NLC) deputy director Jennifer Wambua have established that she was not abducted as earlier thought.

Investigations have revealed that the deceased left her car at NLC headquarters in Nairobi on the day she was reported missing and proceeded to Ngong’ Forest for prayer in isolation.

Sleuths made the conclusion after examining her mobile phone records and found a conversation between her and a Machakos-based cleric, who advised her to take some time alone in the forest and intercede over her depression.

While leaving the forest after the prayer session, she met the prime suspect in the murder, Peter Njenga, who allegedly offered to get her some drinking water before raping and strangling her to death.

Two other suspects Benjamin Saitoti and David Sempuan, who allegedly saw her alive on the evening of March 12th when she was reported missing are in police custody.

Wambua, who served as the Deputy Director of Communications at NLC, was found murdered and her body dumped in Ngong’ Forest on March 13th.

The former journalist had disappeared a day earlier, hours after her husband Joseph Komu dropped her at her office based at ACK Annex adjacent to Ardhi House.



  1. What Happened to the Car…
    What Happened to the Car Tyre Marks and the Witnesses who sawa car going to dump the body on friday night. What happened to the 58 un identified calls that called her phone before she dissapeared. I am seeing innocent herdsmen suffering because of CORRUPTION in Kenya.

  2. Misleading discovery. How…
    Misleading discovery. How did she get to the forest? Of all the many churches in Nairobi, and Uhuru park, why Ngong Forest?

  3. God is everywhere. Why not…
    God is everywhere. Why not go to the NLC bathroom and pray? Did the pastor drop her to the forest? Who said God will hear more when you pray in a dangerous forest than in your office bathroom?

  4. This is corruption at it’s…
    This is corruption at it’s best.
    Hook winking Kenyans for a paid murder.
    We need a Museveni in kenya.
    REVOLUTION will be key.
    Get rid of these corrupt government OFFICIALS.
    Sasa ,the case is done, no one goes to jail,except some poor Kenyans being framed.

  5. I can’t believe a pastor…
    I can’t believe a pastor told the victim go to such a dangerous place. Bule tu kwenda Kavita. God can hear you in your bedroom or car or in an open park like Uhuru. The pastor has questions to answer in this case but again even scoundrels maneuver as men of cloth …nowadays. Kenya government has failed to streamline the gospel folks . Certification, training and registration, payroll taxes etc .

  6. This story doesn’t make…
    This story doesn’t make sense. There’s more than meet the eye. So you want us to believe Jennifer left her phone and the purse in the car and ended up at Ngong Forest encountered some strangers who apparently are suspects and she was no more. I smell something.

  7. Did she go 2 kilometers…
    Did she go 2 kilometers inside the Forest to pray. Dhe did not tell her husband that she will be going somewhere. Who puts her or his handbag and phone in the boot of her car plus her car keys. Why did she not carry her phone . Was DNA done to confirm if she was raped. The suspects that have been arrested only saw a body and they reported to the police. At what point did they turn to be the rapist. Why was she tortured before she was murdered. Did the murderers set it out to look like a rape? Is the investigation beind compromised by the RICH CORRUPT Culprits. Who us this person who called her phone 58 times concerning the case????????

  8. If all believers prayed in…
    If all believers prayed in the most dangerous places there would be none left on earth. Only nincompoops would believe such a ludicrous theory.

  9. How did she go to the forest…
    How did she go to the forest ? Has the pastor been questioned? or has money changed Hands Jamhuri law sacks

  10. If true which might not be…
    If true which might not be it is pastoral overreach. Wives must submit to husbands and let them approve everything. My pastor understands authority of a husband and would not advise a married woman to do such. He doesn’t legislate how ppl should live at home. Authority of a husband comes from God. Going to forest alone is confusion at work. Safety 1st

  11. This story is full of B*sht!…
    This story is full of B*sht! Tell the so called investigators we have a shortage of fools in Kenya!


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