Home KENYA NEWS Senator Susan Kihika Warns Against Attempts to Extend President Uhuru’s Term

Senator Susan Kihika Warns Against Attempts to Extend President Uhuru’s Term

Senator Susan Kihika Warns Against Attempts to Extend President Uhuru’s Term

Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika has weighed in on the alleged plan to extend President Kenyatta’s term.

Through Twitter on Sunday, Kihika warned that such a move will be met with resistance, saying it would amount to a violation of Kenyans’ democratic rights.

“We must resist and never allow an incumbent to even hallucinate about extending his tenure! We shall not allow anyone to reverse our democratic rights by attempting to do away with Presidential term limits,” Kihika tweeted.

Kihika, an ally of Deputy President William Ruto, was reacting to an article by The Standard newspaper, which suggested that next year’s general elections could be deferred.

“A congested political calendar will see MPs deal with a referendum, demarcation of proposed constituencies—a highly politicized and delicate process, and reconstitution of the electoral body, all of which threaten to delay next year’s polls,” the article reads in part.

Last week, Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria also warned against postponing the 2022 elections, saying such a move will trigger dire consequences.

“I have heard enough doubters from Kieleweke and handshake say that the 2022 general elections could be postponed because of Covid-19. Let me advise you. If you try this there will be no demons in hell. They will all be in Kenya. It shall rain fire, brimstone, lava, and sulphuric acid,” he said through Facebook.


  1. The less Kenyans expect…
    The less Kenyans expect anything good from the government the better you move on with your life and do you.

  2. We aren’t worried by…
    We aren’t worried by sulphuric acid, we’ve handled it in the labs before

  3. This BBI is the problem. We…
    This BBI is the problem. We need to head into the 2022 general elections under the current constitution without BBI.

  4. Kihika and kuria are the…
    Kihika and kuria are the last two rough politicians Kenyans do not need to listen to! Go to hell you two bustards! You are bother creatures of the lowest form on this earth! Kenya can do a whole lot better without your silly nonsense! Grow up punks!

    • @Muikia Zack, “silly…
      @Muikia Zack, “silly nonsense! Grow up punks”? What is wrong with you? Murathe is pulling up a Sh7.8billion scum that our children will have to pay for. Waiguru walked away with almost a billion shillings, Evans Kidero took millions, Obado took millions, sanko helped himself with millions, Rotich and Thegu took their share of the loot. Our leaders are corrupt thieves: Ruto,Philomena Mwilu, Waititu,Kalonzo, Muda(Goldberg scandal), Raila,(kazi kwa vijana), Ojaamong, Samburu governor Moses Lenolkulal-stole more than half a billion -etc. How can you insult those who are standing up for change from this filthy regime. What do you believe in? What about the homeless children in our capital and other cities? What about the sick mwananchi who cannot afford basic med in our nation? That stolen money is his/hers too. May be you write here just to make fun and disrespect others but that is pathetic and reckless. If you’re from Kenya on this forum, you should think Kenya patriotism- we have a country to safe.

      • Those you are talking about…
        Those you are talking about standing up for change are big thieves allied to DP Ruto their senior stealing master.

        Kuria has stolen all the CDF money in Gatundu south and shared it with his larger family. Kihika is doing the same thing.

        Don’t be fooled by some two con politicians who are trying to cover up their tracks. I’m from Gatundu south and I can assure you kuria has stolen everything and residents of the constituency have nothing to show except jiggers!

      • The government is not your…
        The government is not your mother and father to feed you and your grandmother @ mwororo! Get yourself a job selling matharu and waru to feed your family. Stop whining like a carca dog!

        • @Charlie, you seem not to…
          @Charlie, you seem not to have any problem with our corrupt leaders who steal mwananchi’s money into billions but you cant stand homeless children and poor sick people getting help because according to you government is not your father/mother/ grandmother to feed you.(apparently our leaders can feed themselves by stealing our tax money with impunity and that’s ok with you.)-Please tells us how a seven year old homeless child begging in the streets of Nairobi should go and get a job selling waru. The fact that our leaders have stolen billions and our children whom you cannot blame for their predicament are languishing in abject poverty is the true but unfortunate story of our useless government. I don’t care whether it was said by Kuria or Susan Kihika or anyone else – we know they have all stolen -but a voice saying that we should not allow Uhuru to tear up our constitution and extend his term is the words that Kenyans want to hear so they can stand up for their constitution and country. Abusive and demeaning language cannot help us from our seemingly hopeless situation.

          • You are all a victim of…
            You are all a victim of others circumstances! You voted for those you claim are stealing and now you are whining. What are you doing to solve the situation you claim to be so bad and hopeless?

            Your complaints should be leveled to your local elected folks to solve your milliard problems! Whining here will do you no good!

      • You can save a country while…
        You can save a country while all you are doing here is talking crap because you are just a lazy bustard that expect stuff to be handed to you on a silver platter! You are not patriotic at all because you seem to think that the country have to put diapers on your leaky ass while you do nothing to make invaluable contributions to it! You just a useless lazy whiner claiming to be patriotic to a country you don’t love! Be for real!

      • @mwororo….Kuria and Kihika…
        @mwororo….Kuria and Kihika are the wrong messengers for the purposes of liberating Kenyans from thieves. They are only making noise because they were cut out of the loot when they sided with the mega thief Ruto. Kihika’s troubles started in dallas texas with her failed kihika law firm that filed for bankruptcies due to her incompetence! She was disbarred from ever practicing law on USA soil due to misrepresentation in cases and was deported as she lacked legal papers to live or work in the U.S. Just search her criminal record in texas. Don’t be fooled by her theatrics and antics to hoodwink you and she is really trying hard for relevance and publicity as she is eyeing Nakuru governorship. Shame on her despising others for her own selfish gains. Rudisha hela ya wakenya uliowapora dallas then filed for bankruptcy without helping with their cases!!!!

  5. Go back to Dallas Texas to…
    Go back to Dallas Texas to pay your child support dues before you open your dirty she host mouth to talk! Uhuru is not you son idiot!

  6. Kenyans like to be taken for…
    Kenyans like to be taken for a ride by thugs like kihika and empty headed kuria! I blame the votes for being cheezy about electing useless politicians. Kihika is one useless Senator out to enrich herself at the expense of some ignorant voters!

  7. Do we really need kenyatta…
    Do we really need kenyatta to be our president any longer? Ati andu a nyumba we are still supporting this family who has no respect of the nyumba. Men, I support no extension of any kind. 10 years are over lets get over it. We fought for the independence from nyeri down muranga all way to kiambu through the maumau way, and the beneficiary was in kiambu and instead of supporting the fighters, he systemically wiped them out and here we continue to praise some extension. I call that bull crash and selfishness if not blindness. we regard others tribes as backward thinkers but here we are. Nugu Ndiyonaga mutong’oe.

    • How can a “ngati” like you…
      How can a “ngati” like you claim to have fought for independence in Kenya while the records show otherwise?

      Your grandfather was the worst traitor who sold those MauMau who fought to liberate Kenya to the British colonial masters in exchange for flowery clothes and lots of stolen land. Stop telling lies!

      • Well said. My father was a…
        Well said. My father was a homeguard and he did his things that’s why iam super rich.. But what do I gain from those riches? I do not support any kind of extension. 10 years are over and so is uhuru term. Time to move on to the next president for better or worse. It does not have to be Ruto but a change. Mundu ungi muru wa kamau wa ngengi I niathii retirement.

  8. There is no difference…
    There is no difference between MPigs/thugs in KIELEWEKE and TANGATANGA.All are ABOVE THE LAW thieves but some have a rank higher-violent robbers/murderers.WaKarura Kihika and Kuria receive ishs 450000 illegal allowance per month the same way thugs Mbadi,Gathoni,Orengo,Kanini get.They always bark nonsense the same way.

  9. Well said Susan. Many…
    Well said Susan. Many Kenyans agree with your well thought observations. Never mind of the one man guitar commenting above because he is one and same sick idiot with different pseudos.

  10. Did Susan ever rise up to…
    Did Susan ever rise up to the occasion to meet her dead father’s Ngoroko madness with resistance? Was Kenya not Kenya then for her to rise up to fight ngoroko movement initiated by the late father Kimani wa kihika whose mouth was as foul as a barking dog? She was old enough then to meet her father’s illegal movement with resistance to save Kenya!

    Here is a thief politician who only try to stand up whenever the political tides are in her favor! First of she needs to get her 800 siblings together to fairly divide the stolen shs 600 billion her father amassed before she tell us to go resist the obvious! Go create another ngoroko to start a take over movement with resistance! What a shame!

  11. as long as Susan Kihika and…
    as long as Susan Kihika and Kuria will lead us on the front line we are ready to demonstrate our rights . i hope they are wrong very wrong because this would take us to Moi days

  12. Kihika will be arrested if…
    Kihika will be arrested if she ever sets foot in the USA. She has not been paying child support ever! A huge crime in Texas and the U.S.

    • What’s the relationship come…
      What’s the relationship come between child support in USA and political extension in Kenya. Private vs public matters. How many Kenyan men do you know have kids and the only thing they did was kuriha ihu and take no responsibility thereafter? They even meet with those kids in the village and they don’t even acknowledge them. Charity starts at home don’t give the excuse one was a teenager since one was a willing participant hence the baby belong to the 2 confused teenagers not just the mother teen.

      • ‘What aboutism’ argument, so…
        ‘What aboutism’ argument, so since others are not paying child support, its ok for Kihika to abscond her responsibility?! The last time I checked, she is a so called ‘leader’ at least in Kenya. Leaders lead by example. Pay up your debts you left behind there including the millions in back dated child support. Its called failed moral and legal turpitude if you abandon your kids and child upkeep responsibility, whether man or woman!!!!!!

  13. Njugush, the kids are grown,…
    Njugush, the kids are grown, let them get jobs and earn their own money. Amazon is hiring.


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