Malik Obama has thrown his weight behind Deputy President William Ruto. Malik, a half-brother to former United States President Barack Obama, declared his support for Ruto through Twitter on Saturday, going on to pour praises on the Deputy President.
He described Ruto as a tough, resilient, and brilliant politician who had stood the test of time.
“William Ruto is tough, resilient, brilliant, and most of all kind at heart. He has stood with many who have betrayed him. I stand with the Hustler nation,” Malik tweeted.
Malik, who is an ardent supporter of Obama’s successor Donald Trump, further tweeted that DP Ruto is a generous man who understands his origin.
“William Ruto is generous. He understands his origins. God gave him and he is giving back. With humility and grace,” he added.
In a separate tweet, Malik, who is a dual Kenyan/US citizen, declared he will vote for Trump in the upcoming US presidential election, saying Trump is a sincere, honest, tough, and fearless leader.
“President Trump speaks from his heart. He doesn’t beat around the bush. Says it like it is and is Sincere and Honest. Tough and Fearless. Not a Phony or Hypocrite. I will vote for him in 2020!” he noted.
Bwana Malik you can vote for…
Bwana Malik you can vote for trump but remember the man hate you just by the color of your skin….especially you coz you are dark skin
The only person who need…
The only person who need Malik’s support is Trump.
Malik, just shut your big…
Malik, just shut your big mouth. You can vote for whoever; who cares. You have only a single vote.
Who the hell is this idiot…
Who the hell is this idiot. I have never heard of him!
Why is Ruto smiling over…
Why is Ruto smiling over this loser’s endorsement?? Anything Malik touches dies! He just spelt out Ruto’s political death!
Malik, you better just…
Malik, you better just endorse Ruto. Trump will send your endorsement back to your shirt hole
Wish u were smart like ur…
Wish u were smart like ur brother Obama who actually made the name famous.
A cursed man!
A cursed man!
Malik, these are two nations…
Malik, these are two nations (a black nation and a white nation) at war with one another since birth. Do not put them together. The victor (white nation) has always tried to keep them together and failed miserably. After 400 years of killing and enslaving the blacks, the two nations are about to be permanently separated. You will have to make a choice either to join the white nation or the black nation. God’s Masterplan is at hand!!
That’s horrible you feel…
That’s horrible you feel that way. It’s not true though. Lots of white people bled and died to stop slavery because they believed God created all men equal just like the constitution says
This fellow is just seeking…
This fellow is just seeking attention.There is an african saying to the effect that,”when a villager walks out in public naked,all the villagers are a shamed”.
Malik has cojones should…
Malik has cojones should also support great leader xi Jinping. Not coward like Obama and Clinton
Anyone who can poison over 5…
Anyone who can poison over 5,000,000 people worldwide with Wuhanvirus with squinty eyes is a murderous coward! He is having Chinese eat those who die of Wuhanvirus in China; which is a crime against humanity! You ought to be ashamed of yourself talking like a damn fool!!
Go resolve the Hong Kong…
Go resolve the Hong Kong issue with jinping before you start praising a coronavirus killer as a great leader! China is the epicenter of the worst manufactured virus released to the whole world and you got some shitty guts to even talk? Go to hell!! Your evil empire will soon fall!
Zi Jinping, my freaking…
Zi Jinping, my freaking behind! He is the most hated creature in the world. Hitler is ranked better than Xi! What did he benefit poisoning the whole world with coronavirus! China is the most hated country in the world! Shame on you!
Supporting a neonazi doesn’t…
Supporting a neonazi doesn’t give you cojones.
You support who you can vote…
You support who you can vote for, not every rascal in power. Being a voter is key.