Kenyans of all walks of life have eulogized retired President Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, who passed away early Tuesday morning at Nairobi Hospital at the age of 95.
Moi ruled as the second President of the Republic of Kenya for a period of 24 years, from 1978 until his retirement in 2002.
Kenyans are reflecting on his presidency, with many sharing what they remember Moi most for?
I remember most of us were renamed after you when you became the president, i remember NYAYO SLOGAN, nyayo Milk and 844 education system, you have left a legacy.. Rest in Peace daniel Toroitich Arap Moi. Kenya…
— Nkoba (@itsnkoba) February 4, 2020
What i remember most about the late #MzeeMoi was news at KBC T.v
They always started with him. Kwanza on sundays.. and church he attended??? R.I.P MOI.@ItsMainaKageni @Classic105Kenya #MainaAndKingangi— Arsen Gidraph (@Arsen_Gidraph4) February 4, 2020
I was a primary school boy when Moi reigned and what I can remember most is maziwa ya Nyayo Na kuokota pesa frequently coz that time money was in the pockets of people unlike now despite poor development #RIPMoi
— Kuto ?? (@kuto11) February 4, 2020
What I remember most about Moi is how he used to extend our holidays, when we were about to open schools you hear from the radio ‘Mtukufu Rais Moi aongeza likizo muda wa juma moja’ this used to come through especially in the April holiday #RIPMoi
— GATUA (@ngugigatua) February 4, 2020
RIP uncle Toro. Uncle Toro…
RIP uncle Toro. Uncle Toro was the biggest fun of Redykyulass. He enjoyed it to the fullest. I hope they will be given a chance to perform at his funeral.
R.I.P. That said, I won’t…
R.I.P. That said, I won’t forget your CID spies and Nyayo house torture chambers, your contracting economy, your media domination with ceaseless praise of the dear leader and many other reasons that made me look beyond Kenya’s borders. But since you are no longer with us, I shall let it go.
Moi killed a lot of Kenyans…
Moi killed a lot of Kenyans. He was a murderer, land grabbers and thief.
Maziwa ya nyayo.
Maziwa ya nyayo.
I would like to remember Moi…
I would like to remember Moi,by reminding all Kenyans that we can do better.And let’s all,open anew chapter…after this Tuesday…
Ihave heard horrible stories about services at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC.This week;it was my turn to find out.
I arrived there at 8.10,and was surprised to find the door open, since services commence at 9.00am.There was a Kenyan lady from California sitting in one of those burgundy colored seats.I struck up a conversation with with her ,the preamble then a few stories general stories while we waited.She was very warm,and friendly. People started filtering in and we were then moved to the conference room,where we found two other Kenyans already in.I figured that they must have been here before.My “new” friend started talking to one of them;ayoung Kenyan lady.Ijust sat there and looked around.I almost took pictures of the peeling,and chipping paint on the ceiling ,plus the rotten moldings. But decided against it since Iread somewhere that there is abudget for renovation…At this time My new friend was busily,engrossed in conversation with the young Kenyan beauty,perusing through various documents,and occasionally consulting their cell phones.
It was about 8.30 now and we were 4 in this conference room.Suddenly My new friend stoop up and yeld -asante asante!! in exaltation.Apparently the patient beauty had solved her problems.She noticed my wonderment and came over to where I was,and told me that she did not even have had to come all way from California if the staff at the consulate there had treated her as half human being.She told me that at the consulate,she was treated like dirt.She was called old lady that cannot speak english.Her helper started shouting,”anybody who speaks kikuyu here? this old lady needs atranslator…’I could not believe my ears.She went on,and on about how she was dehumanized by the Kenyans at the consulate.In all fairness,probably there was one or two bad apples…Pretty much no one was willing to help her.It was really maddening,to listen to this mistreatment,and disservice.Unbelivable actually…Back to the Embassy;people kept filtering in ,and one of the staff there was busy taking their questions,and offering forms,and taking documents.I did same took some forms,and dished out some.
I will not bore you with details,since all of you who have been at the embassy have different stories.But the following is what I gathered:
1.Professionalism-good friendly employees.Of those I met,one scores an A+.I will not mention his,or her name,but the service and the human treatment was the best you could find.
2.Have some coffee,and donuts by the receptionist
3.Have two toilets,one for men,and the other for women,on the ground,level.Idid not go upstairs so I stand corrected if its different.
4.There is still plenty of problems applying for E-passport online.
5.Take anumber,and wait for your turn…
From listening to my new friend,coupled with what I have read and now experienced,I would rate overall service as C+.Which,means the Embassy has listened,or is listening to your negative comments,and working on improvements.I am also aware that my score is very subjective,but nontheless worth comparing it to your…But I am sure we’ll all agree that we can do better… So,as we reflect on Moi era,lets play our part in building a better Kenya…servicewise,and all other ways.
As for my new,afriend,and the youthful beauty,I wish,I had taken your contacts,Just to keep intouch.I was touched by your openness,and the willingness to help,each other.Ihope you two read mwakilishi.And if you do,you will remember that tall handsome muscular,chocolate skinned,and friendly Kenyan.Lets go to,work…
@Maxiley, thanks for the…
@Maxiley, thanks for the feedback. Glad to know they are listening though it appears there is still work to be done. What kind of problems are there with the e-passports in your opinion?
@Mugikuyu,in short,it is…
@Mugikuyu,in short,it is easier for someone to open an account for you inKenya,do the paper work there,and send them to you if you are in the USA. Cann’t imagine that,but that’s what I was told.Got this from the horse’s mouth so to speak.That was enough to ruin my day.To be honest,Ihave not gone on the Epassport site to open an account,but those who have are not happy,from what Igathered.Let’s hear from them.My concern is that,diaspora should not have to deal with akenya(directly),on matters of passport when the embassy is there…
Hmmm! I don’t remember being…
Hmmm! I don’t remember being at the embassy or talking to any beauty but since your description was so fitting, I guess I was there?
Hahaha…you were there.You…
Hahaha…you were there.You go there so often that you get your days mixed up.
@Maxiley, you are forgetting…
@Maxiley, you are forgetting that Uhuru & Raila are in DC. That is why they opened earlier than usual.
You just reminded me…
You just reminded me….Iguess Ihave to come back when the dignitaries are back home
Jokes aside your papers will…
Jokes aside your papers will be easier to process in Kenya. Indeed you could be waiting 6 to 12 months to even see results. Been there done that.
Good to hear they open doors…
Good to hear they open doors on time and I guess donuts are a bonus for those who enjoy those …………………
The end of an error.
The end of an error.
Killed Adungosi
Exiled Oloo…
Killed Adungosi
Exiled Oloo Onyango
Made us economic refugees
Took Kenyan economy to hell
Filled barely educated Kalenjins in high positions to mismanage (Eric Kotut mess at the CBK).
May he answer to his gods accordingly. And reap what he showed.
Only if we learn lessons…
Only if we learn lessons from all these politicians dropping dead every minute. Sisi ni wageni Katika hii dunia. Stop this foolishness accumulation of wealth as PLO would call it.
*Fuata Nyayo with Rungu(his…
*Fuata Nyayo with Rungu(his leadership signature)
*Maziwa ya Nyayo
*Passing Orbits to MHSKABARAK students on weekend(when he is around@ home Kabarak)
*Mkate on the weekend @ school
*His message 0f; Peace Love & Unity!
*He was a man of faith
*Diversified cabinet positions; not like the one who is there now; thinks all cs’s have to be Kyuks!
* His legacy! EDUCATION!#ONEARTHWERISE! my alumni
We must be thinking of…
We must be thinking of different people. That peace love unity bs did little for Ouko and other ordinary people who died or were tortured or both by that regime. As for for diverse cabinets, if it is composed of corrupt bootlickers and sycophants I’d rather have a cabinet of Oukos. Kamotho, Munyi and Chotara and others were from the Mt Kenya area. They were useless. I wonder if the torture and beatings were peaceful, forcing oneself on headmistresses loving and ethnic violence uniting?
I can remember him from one…
I can remember him from one of the most useless corrupt thieferly idiot exist.He brot all big industry especially farming in kenya.From bringing dwn coffee/tea/pyrethrum to its kneels.Akwende kabisa kwa shetani.Bure kabisa
Good riddance. Am not…
Good riddance. Am not feeling it. Not here!!! Death is the greatest equalizer!!!! No matter who you are you will meet your maker one way or another. This is the dictator’s long lasting legacy: He was a ruthless dictator who jailed and killed people with impunity. I recall how he installed fear throughout the country similar to North Korea. He had his people with no formal education in many government entities thus bankrupted many of them. They rooted and totally destroyed the postal service among many. He introduced and nurtured whole scale corruption in Kenya as we know it. He is the father of whole scale corruption.
corruption and OUKO murder…
corruption and OUKO murder. period. quiet send off, nothing to celebrate.
I was travelling with my…
I was travelling with my wife sometime back in 2013 from San Antonio to West Tx when l got pulled over by a Texas Ranger. The Ranger told me l was doing 77mph ..speed limit is 75mph. He took my ID and Insurace to confirm whatever then came back.
Out of the blue he asked if we were Kenyans and we said yes. Then he asked if we knew President Daniel Moi. We told him he retired from presidency and was chilling in his hometown Kabarnet
This Texas Ranger had toured Kenya in the early 80’s.
The Ranger told us Moi and his entourage made a visit to the hotel they were staying at and took a few minutes to chat with them. It kinda became a highlight of his Kenyan visit. Met the President of the country!!.He enjoyed the Kenyan hospitality and much more.
The pull over went well. No citation, No warning. Thanks President Moi saved me a hefty ticket.
77 – 75 = 2. Do you get a…
77 – 75 = 2. Do you get a speed ticket for going 2mph? NO.
Pro maziwa ya nyayo cons…
Pro maziwa ya nyayo cons everything else him and total man owned Kenya.
Oh well, Kenyans have their…
Oh well, Kenyans have their destiny in their hands, but I will keep saying this Get rid of the Mois, the Kenyattas, the Kalonzos, the Rutos, the Uhurus all these regargitates useless, good for nothing greedy politicians, fagia wote. And take your country back Kenyans.