Kandara MP Alice Wahome now claims that President Kenyatta is a threat to Kenya’s democracy.
Speaking on Thursday, Mrs. Wahome alleged that the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) is a scheme by both Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga to extend their stay in power after the 2022 elections.
“The biggest existential threat to Kenya’s declining economy, democracy, and freedom of expression, political affiliation and growth is Uhuru Kenyatta because he is on the driver’s seat,” she said during a press briefing in Malindi on Thursday.
The remarks by former Jubilee vice-chairman David Murathe, COTU secretary-general Francis Atwoli and Nominated Senator Beth Mugo that Kenyatta is too young to retire in 2022 should not be taken lightly, according to Mrs. Wahome.
“Raila Odinga is his new political mercenary for hire, and the BBI report is the special-purpose vehicle heading to the route that has been suggested by Murathe, Atwoli and Beth Mugo,” she added.
She questioned why President Kenyatta is yet to disown the sentiments made by Murathe, Atwoli and Senator Mugo, who she claimed are his (Uhuru) close confidants.
“Am sure Kenyans must be thinking Murathe is dreaming. No, I don’t think Murathe is dreaming. I don’t think Atwoli is talking from nowhere. I do not think Beth Mugo, who is a close relative of Uhuru Kenyatta, is speaking from nowhere,” she said.
She added: “Even though the persons saying may be expressing their opinions and views I think his Excellency who we respect a lot, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, should actually respond to some of those issues because if they were coming from just anywhere, then maybe Kenyans would not give them attention.”
At the same time, Mrs. Wahome, a stern supporter of Deputy President William Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid, said Uhuru should abandon the implementation of the BBI report and focus on the economic recovery of the country as well as democracy.
“Why can’t we put aside the BBI. So far it has produced nothing and many of us agreed to support it but it was returned back. I think we should abandon it completely,” she quipped.
Uhuru is not only a threat…
Uhuru is not only a threat to our hard earned democracy
but also a burden to our society. BBI is nothing but a ruse for his confidants and his cahoots to steal more and
let thieves walk Scot free. He wants to make himself a king over us with the help of his brother Raila. He has no
vision for Kenya at all but to enrich his family.
The Anti Democracy…
The Anti Democracy Perceptions Index (ADCPI) is an index I publish annually which ranks individuals in Kenya that I perceive to be the greatest threat to our democracy. The index is determined by their high profile character and their egocentrism nature(Egocentrism is the inability to differentiate between self and other. More specifically, it is the inability to untangle subjective schemas from objective reality and an inability to accurately assume or understand any perspective other than one’s own
!. Uhuru Kenyatta
2. Raila Odinga
3. William Ruto
4. Musalia Mudavadi
5. James Arengo
6. Hassan Joho
7. Chief Justice Maraga
8. Mike Sonko
9. Miguna Miguna
10 Francis Atwoli
@koni – hii ni your cooked…
@koni – hii ni your cooked personal opinion! ADCPI is a fake (never imagined I would use the weighty word fake) you have coined to to lie to Kenyans.
Kenyans are very intelligent! They don’t need a PhD holder lie to them. They are working hard in the midst of deep sweat, frustrations, pain, and despair. They just need a corrupt free leader to help them recuperate the ailing country.
Kenya’s democracy is well rooted in the values of the Kenyan people themselves. They liberated Kenya from colonial masters. Some how the new neo-colonists are locally grown; they are the thieves who are pillaging Kenya’s economy and its democracy.
The existential threat to Kenya’s existence are people like you, the corrupt leaders, the MPs, senators and governors who are about to kill Kenya’s economy through the rampant corruption and stealing from the public coffers! The people’s wealth is getting looted and hidden from a few crooked hands; mainly the politicians. The campaign, desperate citizens vote for them, and once they get into parliament, treasury, parastatals, they begin stealing our money.
They threaten our economy, they threat our social welfare, they steal through planned projects (kimearer, Arrow dams, poorly build roads in Jandara, kandara youth without jobs, poor hospitals,etc). It does not take a rocket scientist, a PhD holder, an artic swimmer, or a mad man to understand the basic needs of the people and how to meet those simple needs. The Masrow’s hierarchy of needs simply can apply here – you figure it out, you got a PhD; don’t you?
Actually, You don’t need a PhD to understand that corruption is the single most existential threat to Kenya’s Democrat. U just wonder what you are doing about to fix the mess? And what are you doing about it besides talking like a mad man, just Dudu?
For example, look at an MP like Wohome from Kandara. She received over Kshs 150,000,000 in CDF funding kitty this fiscal year. I the last audit, there were questions still to be answered regarding what she did with that money because she can’t account for most of it.
The Young people in kandara are unproductively utilized to levels unknown in the country. Kandara town is falling apart because it still stands as the remnant of town build by. Colonial masters. Does Wahome expect the Queen if England to come rebuild Kandara? Just asking?
The roads in Kandara are dilapidated and soil erosion has carried most of them away.The markets here open only for two days because the farmers don’t have enough to sell through the week. Many children have jiggers in their small feet. Jameni – does Wahome expect Uhuru to come do her MP even after receiving too much money to develop Kandara? Just asking?
Njiris High School is tittering to closure due to lack of funds and it still looks the day Livingston walked by there with dirty paint and splashed on the walls! Just wondering?
Kandara town is surrounded by Kigumo and Thika towns. These towns are a market sources for Kandara township where agribusiness produce from Kandara can be sold. Does Wahome expect others to come “clean” her own constituency; her own house! Just asking?
Don’t you think wahome ranks above those you have listened as the “existential threat” to Kenya’s democracy based on all the above facts?
For a country to make progress, the MPs like Wahome ni mtu wa mukono to help in building a good economic base at the constituency level so that change can begin to be realized! Is Wahome a guns for hire by Ruto to just speak rubbish! Wohome, remove the huge log in your own eye, before you start labeling others while you are a bonafide failure as an MP and Kenyan citizen!
If all the those at the county level could do their jobs ( Wohome included), Kenya as a whole will shine! Sidiyo?
So, stop using some fancy words to impress some street girls that you have a PhD – Kenyans do not eat PhDs or those who hold them! Kenyans want true and tangible results! And damn obvious lies from a fake PhD holder, the most corrupt folks in Kenya today hold PhDs!
Wahome is as insignificant…
Wahome is as insignificant as kandara in the Kenya context. She can steal all 150M and the people in malindi will not miss a thing. When Uhuru engages in all talk and no action on corruption as head been doing all kenyans are victims. When the consumer price of milk goes up while the producer price goes down all kenyans are victims.
Maina, Lol. Always jittery…
Maina, Lol. Always jittery and itchy at the mention of your uncles!. Like I have always said, you are the most corrupt individual starting from your foul mouth. Only that you haven’t been given a chance.
@assista – I don’t argue…
@assista – I don’t argue with a fool!
@ass – my time is…
@ass – my time is expensively valuable! How do I communicate with you when you can’t stand up to be counted; to help yourself? No time for you, please! Not in your class category at all! I can proudly make that simple statement to you! I’m not your equal in any measure of the word, “equal”! Stay where you are feeding with the pigs!
Maina. You couldn’t be more…
Maina. You couldn’t be more right! I can’t be your equal by all measures. Only to mention a few; am not a propagandist, not a tribal hate monger not even a gossip brewer. Again no . I refuse to be your equal! Donge?
The remarks by former…
The remarks by former Jubilee vice-chairman David Murathe, COTU secretary-general Francis Atwoli and Nominated Senator Beth Mugo that “Kenyatta is too young to retire in 2022” are pure FANTASGORIA.
@alicewohome – when did…
@alicewohome – when did Uhuru become an existential threat to Kenya’s democracy!?
If you could stop putting your long nose between Ruto’s rear end, probably you would be able to serve the people of Kandara.
It is such a shame when a woman of your caliber ( big or small ) start attacking president Uhuru while you have desperately have failed as an MP.
The MP in Kenya are just cursed lots. The only reason you would wish for Ruto to be the next president is simply for you to continue stealing through corruption from the feeble Jandsra constituents.
However, I do blame true constituents for electing a damn fool who is clueless of her job.
Show Kenyans one single project you have initiated in Kenya since you got elected the MP! Your moral conscience is way below per to have a mouth to utter who is a threat to the country.
Lord behold you are a threat to the country and yourself for being corrupt! Shame on you, Alice! Wahome ndurikie guigui ithia akarekie kagathi Kia corruption!?
Uhuru became a threat to…
Uhuru became a threat to democracy the day he was born.
@wohome – are you ready to…
@wohome – are you ready to retire come 2022? Kandara MP seat tiya nyukua!!
Finally, one woman got the…
Finally, one woman got the brain among the many kikuyus. Nikii twikaga gwa Kenyatta. Time to move on been overdue. The more the kikuyus get enlightened the more primitive we turn.Tugutura tugochaga Kenyatta nginyari ati mugathe muigai. There are so many youthful Kenyans with lots of qualifications to take over
@wahome – Huyu mama ni…
@wahome – Huyu mama ni mushamba malidadi huko kandara! Alisomea nini na wapi. Yeye alifika Uni? Come on the voter of Kandara, is this the best you can find to speak for you. 2022 can not get here sooner so you can elect a better educated MP! Huyu mamayuko shinda huko juu kwa kichwa. No wonder your constitutuency is second to Mugotio in terms of development.
This woman has made zero…
This woman has made zero contribution in parliament. Both Uhuru and Ruto are poison to Kenyans and their supporters should be treated with contempt and hate.
LOOOOOOOLLLLLLL! Today is when Jubilee supporters are seeing the obvious?!
Both Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto are a danger to all humanity on earth.
These are murderers and unapologetic genocide perpetrators.
In any civilized society they would be dead -Death by hanging-after being found guilty of random killings of innocent people all over.
They will always kill and destroy. It’s their nature.
Than you Mrs Wahome for…
Than you Mrs Wahome for telling the truth, wish more leaders who care about our country came out to forthrightly oppose this attempt to mutilate our constitution. Uhuru is just another African Big Man who cares zero about the country if he can hang onto power.
Not that Ruto is the best alternative but at least let Kenyans decide for themselves within the current constitution without trying to carve out new positions and power centres for Uhuru and Raila in the fake promise of peace and unity. Our unity is our constitution as it stands today.
Yes, way to go Mrs. Wahome…
Yes, way to go Mrs. Wahome. Our constitution gives a president a maximum of two terms. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are after finishing the two terms. Termed out president must walk away or our democracy becomes a joke.
agreed. This is why they are…
agreed. This is why they are so AFRAID OF Miguna Miguna. He calls them out on this BULLSHIT!
@alicewakandara – she told…
@alicewakandara – she told the mourners they did not elect her to serve them at a mazishi.
She said CDF kitty was for her to save for her grandkids. It is her gift to return back to school to learn how to read and write.
She also said the other part of the CDF kitty is for her to share with Ruto in producing 3,000,000 eggs a day for her domestic consumption. She said helps to shield corruption which she said it better than armed robbery.
She fails to understand the basic economic concepts of developing here constituency. Ask by a voter what her goals were, “she replied making electorates impoverished” is a good place to start. The vote ask her again, “and how about the article 95 of the constitution”! She responded’ “that article does not affect me because I’m above the law.”
Well Kandara Nyumba ya Mumbi, choices have dire consequences. Your are the voters. You can do much better come 2022 if you are tired of being hosed with empty promises by wahome!
Nyumba ya Mumbi yorire the…
Nyumba ya Mumbi yorire the time Kenyatta senior assumed Kenyan presidency. The first thing he said is uthamaki ndukanakira chania. He never realized majority of maumau hailed from muranga and nyeri counties. I never known of any Minister who attends every funeral in their constituency… It’s simply waste of time do do so. She was to the point on that one. Time to move on from the kenyattas.
In Kenya, no one shouts the…
In Kenya, no one shouts the King is naked, but this time
its open season for it. He is and has started puking all over us. Uhuru stop this nonsense and elaborate on the rumors. After that go retire in Gatundu.
BBI is Mlevi’s project to…
BBI is Mlevi’s project to stay in power come his retirement in 2022. Wahome is right and so are other sober Kenyans, unless you are an alcoholic from Mt. Kenya.
Ukweli usemwe!!!!!!!