Home KENYA NEWS Cabinet Renames Moi Day to Huduma Day, Boxing Day to Utamaduni Day

Cabinet Renames Moi Day to Huduma Day, Boxing Day to Utamaduni Day

Cabinet Renames Moi Day to Huduma Day, Boxing Day to Utamaduni Day

The Cabinet on Thursday approved the renaming of two public holidays- Moi Day and Boxing Day.

The renaming of the two public holidays was agreed during a Cabinet meeting chaired by President Kenyatta at State House, Nairobi. Moi Day, which is marked on October 10th every year, was renamed Huduma Day, according to a statement from State House.

State House said the renaming of Moi Day to Huduma Day is in line with retired President Daniel Arap Moi’s wish that the day is celebrated as a day of service and volunteerism. 

At the same time, the Cabinet approved the renaming of Boxing Day, which falls on December 26th to Utamaduni Day.

“Utamaduni Day will be set aside to celebrate the country’s rich cultural diversity and heritage,” said State House.

The proposed changes to the Public Holidays Act will take effect once approved by Parliament.


  1. When will we stop inventing…
    When will we stop inventing and re-inventing holidays I am getting sick of it! Don’t we have enough in our plates already? Why can’t we just stick to whatever our founders put and suck it up! I can’t stand holidays removed re-added, renamed, re-evaluated EVERYDAY! Is this a game? C’mon, please let the days be and get back to work!

  2. Infact,we should make it…
    Infact,we should make it alaw not to name holidays,and events with peoples names.Holidays,and social events are man made.We could name probably our natural resources,rivers,lakes,mountains…etc after our great heroes.These natural resources hopefully will not go away,and are unlikely to change .unlike man made events.
    Iam very happy. This made my day.

    Going with my thinking,we should also change Lake Victoria to Lake Kisumu,or something african.Do you see anything in UK named after our great african kings and leaders?
    Next is doing away with foreign names.I know that will take time.But for starters, for every mzungu,or religious name one has,she/he should follow with two or more african names.Where have you seen or read about aMzungu,chinese,or even Mhindi,in Kenya named after the great warrior Luanda Magere? Its only fair right? Talking of religious names,I have yet to see a mwafrika named Jesus Mathenge ,Jesus Okutoyi,… basically having Jesus as the fist name. Its common in South America.Could it be that africans consider it more pious than sounth americans,if so WHY.
    There is no reason what so ever to be ashamed of our names and culture,unless ofcourse its counter productive.Mzungu has his names,we have ours.We should not be the only ones taking their names.
    Certainly we can create our own identity.My two cents

  3. Naomba iwekwe siku sifuatazo…
    Naomba iwekwe siku sifuatazo:
    Siku ya kutubu ulaji rushwa
    Siku ya kuregesha mali haramu
    Siku ya kupambana na ufisadi
    Siku ya kupunguza ukabila

  4. They should also rename JKIA…
    They should also rename JKIA…mtoto wa mwizi ni mwizi. The Kenyatta family has looted Kenya to its knees it’s time we disassociate ourselves form that family. #wajingasisi

  5. @Fyam; couldn’t agree with…
    @Fyam; couldn’t agree with you more! Kenyatta family has robbed Kenya dry!!! and chased them out of their lands in Kiambu, Gatundu etc.
    Scrub Kenyatta Day too!


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