Home KENYA NEWS How Kenya Gov’t Spent Sh492 Billion within Three Months

How Kenya Gov’t Spent Sh492 Billion within Three Months

How Kenya Gov't Spent Sh492 Billion within Three Months

A new report prepared by the Controller of Budget shows that the government spent a whopping Sh492 billion within a period of three months.

The massive spending defies austerity measures announced by President Kenyatta and the National Treasury to curb wastage of public funds.

The report shows that a big chunk of the Sh492 billion was spent on payment of salaries and travel by state officers.

The Controller of Budget raises alarm on glaring inconsistencies on how taxpayers’ cash is being utilized by the national government in the report prepared between July 1st and September 30th, 2018.

For instance, public officers spent Sh2.9 billion within three months on travel, Sh1.7 billion going to local travel and Sh1.1 billion for foreign travel.

Members of Parliament were the highest spenders on travel, gobbling Sh669.9 million for local travel alone.

On international travel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the top spender, using close to Sh500 million of taxpayers cash in the skies.

The huge foreign travel budget defies President Kenyatta directive on public officers to cease international trips as part of austerity measures to save billions of shillings. Kenyatta directed that all overseas trips must be approved after assessment of their benefit to the taxpayers.

During the period, the Ministry of Interior used a staggering Sh186 million on training while Sh199.8 million was spent on car maintenance. The Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i-led Ministry also spent a further Sh194.5 million as legal fees.

In addition to Sh500 million foreign travel budget, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spent Sh636 million on rent and Sh15 million on advertising.

Within the period under review, the government used Sh1.4 billion on renting houses and an additional Sh718 million on conferencing and catering.



  1. Even if you round all the…
    Even if you round all the figures in this story (yes, even the 15 million advertising) to the next billion figure, it does not even reach 100 billion. Translation… there has been MASSIVE theft of more than 300 billions!

  2. That is the end result of…
    That is the end result of the theatrics and sideshows by the boy in statehouse. Huffing and breathing fire when addressing the public before he withdraws to the privacy of his favourite pass time. He has perfected PR and gimmicks.
    The big four agenda team in statehouse has more bloggers than all other professionals combined so they can drive the public narrative of action and success and hide the rot that is jubilee.
    Tusker badala ya kazi. Bure kabisa!

  3. The greatest threat to our…
    The greatest threat to our development and national security is our leaders.

  4. Kupunguza matumizi yasiyo na…
    Kupunguza matumizi yasiyo na maana katika serikali na pia kwa wananchi wa kawaida:

    1. Picha za rais ziwekwe tu katika maofisi ya serikali.

    2. Sherehe za siku ya mashujaa na siku ya kupata uhuru iwe ni siku ya kufunga (fasting) ili kuwakumbuka waliokufa wakipigania uhuru na kama walivyoteswa na mara nyingi kulala bila kula chakula kwa siku nyingi. Pia iwe ni siku ya kuwakumbuka maskini wengi wanaolala njaa kila siku na wakati mwingine hawajui chakula kitatoka wapi.

    3. Siku ya kusherehekea uhuru na pia siku ya mashujaa wetu viongozi wa nchi waende kuzuru (visit) mahali maskini wengi wanapoishi (Kibera, Mathare, Majengo, Karibangi) ili wajionee jinsi maisha yalivyo magumu kutokana na uongozi mbaya nchini.

    4. Hakuna kuchoma petroli na kupoteza pesa za serikali wakati milolongo ya magari yanapokwenda kumlaki (welcome) au kumwaga (say farewell) rais kwenye uwanja wa ndege. Wanaohusika na ulinzi wa rais waende kwenye uwanja wa ndege peke yao tu.

    5. Tuwatumie wahandisi (engineers) wetu kuunda magari madogo nchini yatakayotuletea sifa nchini na pia nje.

    6. Kuondoa chakula cha kigeni (junk foreign food) na pia vinjwaji vya kigeni(junk foreign drinks) vinavyodhuru (harm) maisha ya wananchi.

  5. Ningependa wananchi…
    Ningependa wananchi wakumbuke ya kwamba, kabla ya YK92 kuanzishwa na mkristo Jirongo na ndugu yake mkristo Ruto, noti ya pesa za kenya iliyokuwa kubwa kabisa ilikuwa noti ya shilingi 100.00. Ilikuwa na picha ya ndugu yetu “Mmasai.”

    Wkati mwingine mtu akitaka umpe shilingi mia moja, alikuwa akisema, “Nipe Masai moja” maana yake, nipe shilingi mia moja.

    Baada ya ufisadi uliofanywa na Ruto, Jirongo na mkristo Mzee Toroitich, pesa za Kenya ziliharibika na kupunguza dhamani (value) zilizokuwa nao kabla ya hawa wakristo watatu kuchapisha noti ya shilingi mia tano. Wakati huo, ilikuwa ikiitwa “Jirongo.” Walichapisha pesa ili wawahonge (bribe) wapiga kura mwaka wa 1992. Baada ya wananchi kupokea hongo, walimpigia mkristo Toroitich halafu akaendelea kutawala na kuharibu uchumi wa nchi ya Kenya.

    Ninaposikia mkristo Ruto akisema anataka kuwa rais wa Kenya, ninajiuliza: mkristo huyu anadhani Wakenya ni wajinga? Anafikiri sisi tuna uwezo wa kukumbuka kama mnyama yule anayeitwa ngiri (wart hog) ambaye hawezi kukumbuka zaidi ya nukta (seconds) kumi na tano?

    Ni lazima mwaka wa 2022 Kenya iwachague viongozi wote wapya na pia bora ambao wataufufua uchumi wa Kenya tena na pia kuleta usalama katika nchi nzima.

  6. Kenyan’s we are being…
    Kenyan’s we are being sacrificed at the altar of corruption by our leaders as they raise money any way possible way to remain in power 2022. Kenyan’s wake up!!
    May the real God save Kenya.
    God give Kenya leaders not politicians. God help Kenya!!

  7. At Imara Daima,

    At Imara Daima,
    Umesema kweli kabisa. Asante sana ndugu kwa kufikilia juu ya nchi yetu.

  8. Next, they will sell DNA of…
    Next, they will sell DNA of Kenyans. This will pave way for foreigners to harvest Kenyans body parts to repair those of their important person’s as is already happening when people disappear misterously. DNA is not something to joke with. As much as it can be used for good reasons so can it be used to wipe out a whole community. Those who hate Gikuyu’s can use it to wipe them out and for that matter in Kenya, it can be used to wipe out Luo’s, Kamba or any other group. This is a huge infringement to one’s personal property. The property of himself. The basic human right to one self. The evil ones are waiting for Kenyans to submit to this and their evil works begin. The government that has not been able to protect Kenyans, how can it be trusted to protect The DNA’s of over 40 million citizens. The government is biting more than it can chew. The government is not entitled to know whereabouts of every Kenyan unless they are criminals. Yes, when one commits a crime. Giving DNA of an individual or his whereabouts every minute to the government should be voluntary.
    May the real God save Kenya. God give Kenya leaders not politicians. God help Kenya!!

  9. @Anonymous UI:
    Ndugu asante…

    @Anonymous UI:

    Ndugu asante sana kwa maneno yako matamu. Ni lazima viongozi tuliowachagua wajue ya kwamba, sisi sote ni Wakenya. Twaipenda nchi yetu sana.

    Tunapowakosoa (criticize) viongozi wetu si kwa sababu hatuwapendi au kuwachukia! Hasha/La! Tunataka kila saa, siku, wiki, mwezi, mwaka, Kenya iendelee kuwa nzuri mpaka kiwango ambacho kila mtu duniani atasema: ” Kenya ni nchi nzuri,ina watu wazuri, usalama mzuri, barabara nzuri, na kila kitu kizuri.”


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