Two of the attackers involved in Tuesday’s terrorist attack at the dusitD2 complex in Westlands, Nairobi have been identified as Kenyans.
One of them hails from Kiambu and other from Nyeri county, The Star reports.
One of the two has been identified as 26-year-old Eric Kinyanjui, who comes from Ngecha Village in Limuru, Kiambu County. The second has been identified as Ali Salim Gichunge alias Idris or Farouk, who was born and brought up in Majengo slum in Nyeri.
The publication reports that documents revealing the identities of the two Kenyans were retrieved from their pockets after they were gunned down during the engagement with security officers.
“They converted to Islam recently and we believe they were brainwashed by Al-Shaabab,” an officer privy to the investigations on the attack told The Star.
Ali Salim Gichunge alias Farouk is said to have been living in Sh40, 000-a-month Ruaka apartment since March 2018.
On Wednesday, anti-terror officers raided the apartment located on Guango estate in Muchatha and arrested Violet Kemunto Omwoyo, who is suspected to be Faruok’s wife.
Preliminary investigations have established that the attackers have been frequenting DusitD2 hotel for the last several weeks on reconnaissance missions.
Addressing the nation on Wednesday, President Kenyatta said all the gunmen were eliminated during the operation to neutralize them.
“The security operation at Dusit is over and the terrorists eliminated.”
“We will seek out every person that was involved in the funding, planning, and execution of this heinous act. We will pursue relentlessly wherever they will be until they are held to account,” said Kenyatta.
Waswahili husema, “Kikulacho…
Waswahili husema, “Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako.” Kwa nini Wafrika wa siku hizi wamekuwa malaya wa dini za kigeni (prostitutes of foreign religions)? Mara mkristo mara mwislamu!
Rudieni dini za mababu zenu ambao hazikuiba mashamba ya watu (wakristo na waislamu) au kumlazimisha mtu asiye wa imani yako kufuata imani yake.
We wacha zako mingi mob…
We wacha zako mingi mob. Kikulacho ki kwa Kamwana. Period.?
@Guest1,are you denying that…
@Guest1,are you denying that islam and christianity are not foreign religions?
See,before these two religions came to africa,we had our own religions and worshiped our deities/Gods.If not the almighty,then who taught us how to worship?.Dont tell me that the devil taught us how to worship, and the almighty taught wazungu how to worship the right way?…because why would he favor wazungu over wafrica,if we are all his kids?
By the way Iam still waiting for your answer as to ;if we all descended from Adam and Eve,how did we get to 4,8,10,100,3000,ect?
If you dont respond,Iwill have to believe that you are ashamed of the answer…
Religion is INDIVIDUALISTIC (for lack of a Better word). Nobody should force anybody (even your Children) to a Religion.
Read: “Every Man For Himself, God For Us All”; a Novel by Rodney Neely.
For once, I am agreeing with…
For once, I am agreeing with you on this religion issue.
@Imara good question. I have…
@Imara good question. I have heard the Qur’an is a revelation very specifically in Arabic, and so it should only be recited in Quranic Arabic. Very comical to know some recite stuff they have no idea about. And to know these Kikuyu guys followed religion they could not understand much less even read, calls to question the kind of support the youth of the country are getting from their parents, relatives, friends, community as a whole all the way to the politicians. They have been completely ignored and forgotten. When the politicians are doing their Mangamanga rounds during the weekend, no one talks about jobs for the youth. A number of young men and women have come from broken homes or dysfunctional environment where the mother for example is usually busy hanging with the girls or is a religious fanatic while the father is busy with a slay-queen or hanging out with the boys. Kids being raised by maids at home or by teachers in boarding schools. If we(society) do not do something about it the chicken will soon be coming home to roast.
@Maxiley: Ajabu ni kuwa…
@Maxiley: Ajabu ni kuwa zaidi ya kuwa malaya wa dini za kigeni sisi pia ni malaya wa”
1. Lugha za kigeni na pia majina ya kigeni
2. Tumebadilisha nywele zetu zionekana kama za kigeni
3. Tumebadilisha Ngozi yetu ili ionekane kama ya kigeni
4. Tunashereheke kama siku ya kuzaliwa kwa Mwana Aisha (Mohamed) na pia Mwana wa Mariamu (Yesu/Yeshua).
5. Wengine wunafuata mila za kigeni kwa kila kitu.
Je, sisi sasa kweli ni Wafrika?
Ndugu Maxiley ningependa uanze shughuli za kutilia mkazo ufundishaji wa masomo ya sayansi shuleni Kenya ili tuweze kujitengenezea vitu vyetu wenyewe. Umeona jinsi Wachaina wanavyotudharau kwa sababu walitujengea reli! (railway) Sasa wanataka tujifunze Kichaina- yaani, tuwe malaya wa yao! Pia wametufanya malaya wa chakula cha Kichina kwa kutupikia mbwa!
@Maxiley/@Imara inaonekana…
@Maxiley/@Imara inaonekana mnajua mengi.Now tell us; why are Africans the easiest people to manipulate, control and enslave? The Australian Aborigins and American Red Indians chose extinction over domination. Was ours a smart survival tactic that we still continue to practice? How come that Indians who came here in 1900 still speak their own language, practice Hindu religion just like their relatives back in India? Tafadhali naomba mnijibu, without blaming slavery and colonialism as usual.
@Njai, I dont know how much…
@Njai, I dont know how much you have followed my posts/comments.I have touched o n this issue in one way or another.First of all,Ihave never blamed wafrica for slavery.Ihave blamed the buyers,and the middle men for turning human beings in to acommodity.
I dont blame the seller because,slavery was demand driven.In other words even if africans had not sold their fellow africans, mzungu and the arabs would have used force to get them,as they so often did.Yes Mwafrica did not have fire power to match that of mzungu.(just imagine if he had equal fire power,or better?),You may ask why he did not have more fire power,well what he had was enough for his environment.
Anyway, here are the reasons mwafrica was subjugated:
Mzungu convinced him that he was inferior(you can see how he hates his skin color,and name.He did this mostly through religion,and his”whiteness”
Mwafrica was bamboozled by mzungus magic,technology.
Africa was and still is rich in minerals more than any other place in the mzungu did every thing in his power to make sure he controls these resources.
Remember the population was small then,and we did not have one unifying language.and culture,so it was easy for mzungu to plant discord among tribes,pitting,one against the other.See chiefs wielded alot of power and their subjects feared them,so all mzungu had to do is shower the chief with amazing gifts he had never seen.Which brings me back to our leaders.If then we had leaders who,told their subjects never,to surrender and die heroically fighting mzungu,we would be a different africa now.Yes mzungu would have killed many,but not all for that would have defeated his purpose for coming.
Finally,those two people you mentioned,american indians,and the aborigines sticking to their cultures and resisting same advances from mzungu is because,mzungu was able to push them in one corner and control them,but he could not do same for vast africa.So after pushinf then in,corners he,left them to their own devices.You cannot say same for africa.
@Njai, I dont know how much…
@Njai, I dont know how much you have followed my posts/comments.I have touched o n this issue in one way or another.First of all,Ihave never blamed wafrica for slavery.Ihave blamed the buyers,and the middle men for turning human beings in to acommodity.
I dont blame the seller because,slavery was demand driven.In other words even if africans had not sold their fellow africans, mzungu and the arabs would have used force to get them,as they so often did.Yes Mwafrica did not have fire power to match that of mzungu.(just imagine if he had equal fire power,or better?),You may ask why he did not have more fire power,well what he had was enough for his environment.
Anyway, here are the reasons mwafrica was subjugated:
Mzungu convinced him that he was inferior(you can see how he hates his skin color,and name.He did this mostly through religion,and his”whiteness”
Mwafrica was bamboozled by mzungus magic,technology.
Africa was and still is rich in minerals more than any other place in the mzungu did every thing in his power to make sure he controls these resources.
Remember the population was small then,and we did not have one unifying language.and culture,so it was easy for mzungu to plant discord among tribes,pitting,one against the other.See chiefs wielded alot of power and their subjects feared them,so all mzungu had to do is shower the chief with amazing gifts he had never seen.Which brings me back to our leaders.If then we had leaders who,told their subjects never,to surrender and die heroically fighting mzungu,we would be a different africa now.Yes mzungu would have killed many,but not all for that would have defeated his purpose for coming.
Finally,those two people you mentioned,american indians,and the aborigines sticking to their cultures and resisting same advances from mzungu is because,mzungu was able to push them in one corner and control them,but he could not do same for vast africa.So after pushing then in,corners he,left them to their own devices.You cannot say same for africa.
@Mugikuyu: Habari za lugha…
@Mugikuyu: Habari za lugha ya Kiarabu
1. Kiarabu kinachotumiwa wakati wa maombi ni kile kilichoandikwa kwenye koran na hakijabadilishwa hata kidogo tangu koran iandikwe. Nimewaona Wamarekani wa asili ya Afrika (African Americans) ambao wamejiunga na dini hii mbaya ya Uislamu amabyo iliwauza Wafrika nchi za Uarabuni wakisali (praying) kwa Kiarabu lakini hawajui wanasema nini. Utawasikia wakisalimiana kwa Kiarabu “Assalamu aleikum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu?” Halafu unajibu “Wa aleikum salaam.” Ukimwuliza maana ya maneno anayokariri (recite), hajui maana yake. Hii ndiyo dini tuliyoletewa na Waarabu Afrika.
2. Kuna Kiarabu ambacho hutumiwa kufundisha katika shule. Kiarabu hiki kinajulikana katika nchi zote za Waarabu. Kiarabu hiki ndicho hutumiwa kwenye televisheni katika nchi za Uarabu na Mwarabu yeyote aliyekwenda shuleni anakielewa. Pia kinatumiwa kwenye magazeti ya Kiarabu.
3. Kila sehemu au nchi ya Waarabu inasema Kiarabu chake tofauti kutokana na nchi nyingine. Kwa mfano Mwarabu kutoka Misri (Egypt) atasema, “tamatim” yaani nyanya (tomato). Mwarabu kutoka Jordan na Syria ataita nyanya “ban-dura,” na kutoka Morocco “matush” yaani nyanya. Kwa hiyo Mwarabu kutoka Morocco akizungumza na Mwarabu kutoka Iraq atatumia Kiarabu cha shuleni.
Ndugu Mugikuyu (Wathiomo) yafaa jambo la watoto wetu kupotea na kubadilisha majina yao na kujifanya Waislamu lipelekewe serikali ya Mkristo (Ruto) na Uhuru walitazame sana. Tunapoteza vijana wetu kwa sababu zote nzuri ulizotoa hapo mapema.
Jambo lililo muhimu (important) ni sisi sote kufanya kazi pamoja na kuondoa dini zote za kigeni katika nchi yetu. Ni lazima viwanda (factories) vijengwe ili vijana wapate kazi na njia ya kuishi kabla hawajafanywa kujiunga na Al-Shabaab.
Thanks Imara for teaching me…
Thanks Imara for teaching me. Very very interesting topic.
Both Christianity and Islam…
Both Christianity and Islam are synonymous with slavery. They are both foreign to Africa. They have caused so much damage to thr African. For the African to survive, he/she must wake up and see the Moral bankruptcy of both Christianity and Islam and go back to the beliefs of his/her forefathers.
God give Kenya leaders not politicians. God help Kenya!!
Our leaders must also know…
Our leaders must also know that their greed and corruption and lack of vision for our country is what is making young Kenyans desperate. They are so desperate that they will follow anyone who gives even empty promises. Our people are recruited to die and kill their own. No one cares as long as black man is killing black man. It’s time for all Africans to wake up.
God give Kenya leaders not politicians. God help Kenya!!
A proper tenant screening…
A proper tenant screening need to be implemented in our Country. This stupid terrorist have a technique!. They have been shielding themselves by using our poor jobless young youth to fulfill their agendas. We will all die! But can this stupid guys let others leave in and go to heaven in peace instead of going in peaces. Doing whatever they are doing is baseless. The global does not belong to anyone and we will leave it the way it is.
A proper tenant screening…
A proper tenant screening need to be implemented in our Country. This stupid terrorist have a technique!. They have been shielding themselves by using our poor jobless young youth to fulfill their agendas. We will all die! But can this stupid guys let others leave in and go to heaven in peace instead of going in peaces. Doing whatever they are doing is baseless. The global does not belong to anyone and we will leave it the way it is.
@Mugikuyu, I second your…
@Mugikuyu, I second your opinion. The Al terrorists identify the weakness of any given society and in most cases the youth who are, most often than not disillusioned, bored, jobless and with no future prospects. They get brainwashed, promised they will literally be taken to CANAAN and quite frankly by that time have nothing to lose. In Europe they have identified this, hence programs have being rolled in schools % other organisations to help identify the vulnerable. It’s the highest form of exploitation there is. So, controversial as it may seem, I hold the leaders accountable by their inaction towards the youths plight to what has taken place. Despair can drive someone to unimaginable dark areas. Now, I know the likes of Diana and her other clown are going to jump on the fact that these young men were Kikuyus, but I would argue they were hand picked for their vulnerabilities. Tragic.
@Sukari Diana has not done…
@Sukari Diana has not done her usual rounds yet- perhaps she has been doing doubles as @MkenyaHalisi would say. Glad to know European countries are doing something about it because it is quite tragic to have disillusioned young men and women in any country. We need to keep them busy with jobs.
On a second thought, these…
On a second thought, these guys could be terrorists who bought Kenyan names and identity.
Tafathali pana leta maneno…
Tafathali pana leta maneno ya kabira hapa. Why say kikuyu guys? Just say Kenyans. Hiyo natosha. Mimi Kama white Kenyan hapana penda hata kidogo kuitwa mzungu. Hawa magayidi napiga sisi yote hapana angalia rangi ya mtu.
“Mimi Kama white Kenyan…
“Mimi Kama white Kenyan hapana penda hata kidogo kuitwa mzungu”
Nahupendi ile “white privilege” inakuja na kuitwa mzungu ama? Mloezi inamaanisha nini?
What if the terrorist just…
What if the terrorist just got evacuated with other Kenyans and dressed innocent Kenyan as a stage managed..just saying detaliled investigations should be done from CCTV FOOTAGE..Even Months be4..Gvt work on flamework to Empower vijana na kazi..Corruption iishe there is enough for all Kenyans
@mugikuyu mloezi namaanisha…
@mugikuyu mloezi namaanisha settler. Ni mtu ambaye naksha hama mahali moja nakwenda kuishi mahali tofauti. Kama kiswahili iko shinda tafuta mamusi bana. Sielewi hii ambaye wewe naita white privilege. Why don’t you creat your own privilege?
Let me bring you to speed…
Let me bring you to speed. Your statement was
“Mimi Kama white Kenyan hapana penda hata kidogo kuitwa mzungu”
@Mloezi that right there is a complaint which you brought up. Halafu nikakwambia kuitwa mzungu nakuja na “white privilege”. Sasa unaniambia nianze priviledge yangu ama nini. Usinipeleke kwa “merry go round” Sitaki upendeleo kwasababu upendeleo unakuja pahali mtu hajapata jasho. Kama hutaki kufaidika kutokana na kuwa mtu mweupe nunua rangi mweusi upige brush. Niwaigwa uguo. Tiga ubuthi. That said I commend you for the Swahili effort.
…shinda nikua mzungu…
…shinda nikua mzungu hasemi shinda….weruo utige wana…
Ndugu yangu @Njai: Umeuliza…
Ndugu yangu @Njai: Umeuliza swali zuri sana lakini gumu sana. Jibu lake si rahisi. Si Wafrika wote waliokuwa rahisi (easy) kupigwa msasa (brainwashed). Hebu tutazame katika nchi ya Kenya kwanza. Dada na ndugu zetu Wamasai hawakuwa rahisi kupigwa msasa! Pia, Waarabu walipojaribu kupitia katika nchi ya Umasaini, hakuna aliyeweza kuwachukua Wamasai kama watumwa. Waarabu waliuawa wote. Kwa nini? Wamasai walifanya kazi pamoja na kushirikiana kwa kila jambo la umma (public events). Haikuwa rahisi kuwagawanya (divide them). Joseph Thompson aliuawa na Mmasai alipochukua ng’ombe wake kwa nguvu! Waingereza wengine walipopata habari hii na waliwaogopa Wamasai na kuachana nao kwa muda.
Kulikuwa na makundi mawili ya Agikuyu. Kundi moja lilikubali kila kitu cha matapeli Waingereza. Hata wengine wakajiita “ahonoku” yaani waliookolewa (the saved ones). Ahonoku walichukua majina ya Waingereza na Wayahudi kutoka kwenye biblia. Walijiunga na utawala wa Mwingereza katika nchi ya Kenya. Je, umemsikia “Chief Waruhiu?”
Kundi la pili, walipoona vitendo vya Waingereza, mara moja wakaanza kupinga utawala wao. Walitupilia mbali majina ya Waingereza na kujiita majina ya “ciana cia Gikuyu na Mumbi.” Kuna watu kama Mbiyu Koinange, Mungai Njoroge, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Jomo (Johnston Kamau wa Ngengi) na pia makamu wake wa rais wa kwanza Jaramogi Oginga Odinga ambaye jina lake la kikoloni lilikuwa Adonijah Oginga Odinga. Alitupa jina “Adonijah.” Kundi hili la pili liliondoka makanisani ya matapeli na pia majambazi Waingereza na kuunda makanisa yao. Walianzisha pia shule zao ambazo zilikuwa tofauti na shule za Waingereza.
Ndugu Njai, nilisema uliniuliza swali gumu sana (challenging question). Mimi nadhani ya kwamba, shule za bweni (boarding schools) ndizo zilizotumaliza kabisa. Kwa nini? Mtoto alitenganishwa (separated) na wazazi wake wakati ambao ni muhimu sana katika maisha yake (formative years). Kwenye shule hizi, walipigwa msasa asubuhi, mchana, jioni, na usiku kiwango ambacho hawawezi kujikomboa au kukombolewa tena (brainwashed beyond redemption). Ndugu yetu “Guest1” yumo kwenye kikundi hiki.
Marehemu mzazi baba yangu aliniambia ya kwamba, wamisionari walipomwambia babu yake aende kanisani kuomba, bada ya kwenda huko, hakurudi siku nyingine tena. Alisema, “Sitaki ujinga huu” (I don’t want this foolishness).
Ndugu Njai, si Wafrika wote waliokuwa wepesi kupigwa msasa! Lakini sasa, baada ya kuwaelewa matapeli na majambazi Wanayuropa na Waarabu, kwa nini tungali makanisani na misikitini mwao? Tusikate tamaa (let us not give up). Ni lazima tuondoe minyororo (remove the chains) akilini mwetu. Sayansi nzuri na teknolojia nzuri, itatufanya kujikomboa na kuanza kujenga viwanda vyetu, shule zetu, na pia kufufua mila zetu.
Ni lazima tupinge ufundishaji wa Kichaina shuleni mwetu. jambo hili litafanya watoto kujidharau na pia kujichukia. Niambie ni nchi gani ambayo inaweza kuwaruhusu watoto wajue lugha nne wakiwa wangali wadogo? Kwa mfano: mtoto alazimishwe kujua Kikamba – lugha ya mama, Kiswahili – lugha ya taifa, Kiingereza – lugha ya ukoloni wa kwanza, na sasa Kichina – lugha ya ukoloni wa pili?
Asante ndugu @Imara kwa…
Asante ndugu @Imara kwa ufafanuzi huo. Inavyo onekana, ni kama sisi Wafrika tuko na kasoro ya kimaumbile.? Tuzidi kuelimishana.
You are so F-ing rude. Are…
You are so F-ing rude. Are you in Kenya legally and if so what are you doing up so late. Can we keep you away from our children. Are our children safe? Unafanya baby sitting ama nini?
How much were these poor…
How much were these poor people paid to kill their fellow Kenyans.Ati do away with the death penalty these people should be publicly hanged like they do in the Muslim countries .Since they prophess to be Muslims let them lie in the beds they made.An for an eye.Kenya had calmed down in 2018 we do not need this madness to start again .Civilization Kando wapigwe risasi ama wachinjwe mbuzi style .
Told y’all.
Told y’all.
Its their culture.
This is so sad though.
Those people didn’t deserve that. So, sad.
The killing culture in the Kikuyu and Kalenjin community must be called out.
Thanks @Imara. I admire the…
Thanks @Imara. I admire the way the Maasai insist that their culture is superior to all other cultures including the mzungu’s. I think that’s the way to go for all of us.
@Mugikuyu…please don’t go…
@Mugikuyu…please don’t go that low. This guy has as much right to express himself as all of us. Assuming he is illegal and a child molester is down right low. C’mon now, not necessary. You’ve just pissed on the respect I had for you. Please apologise.
@Sukari, as soon as he…
@Sukari, as soon as he decided to insert his monkey emoji he deserved what he got in return and perhaps more. He is a scumbag, a degenerate and a pervert and I stand firmly by my words. Everyone has a right to expression and in the process you lose support and that is okay but you’ve got to stand up for what you believe. Kikiumana kiumane.
In the words of Michelle…
In the words of Michelle Obama…”when they go low, we go high”. You don’t have to go down the gutter with the pigs when you know you are better. If a Monkey is how he identifies himself, who are we to argue? (wink)! Bottom line, it’s your prerogative! Mugikuyu…I have long become tone deaf to someone else’s discomfort around my African attributes and I don my afro with pride, flare my wide nostrils as nature intended and swing my wide hips akin to a hippo on a mission. If this makes someone uncomfortable, shauri yao! I don’t feel cheated by nature as the guy implied but enriched. Heck!
@Sukari I hear you. Here is…
@Sukari I hear you. Here is a reversed version of Michelle after the going high principle helped put a mad man in the white house.
“Now, going high doesn’t mean giving up or ignoring reality. It doesn’t mean you shy away from the fight or weaken your principles. It means you lead with your whole heart and your whole soul — your whole value system — and not just whatever happens to be your stance on a given issue. Going high isn’t just about the fight you want to win, but it’s also about the person you want to be — and the kind of country you want to have…when the haters come our way, we don’t let them distract us from our purpose. We brush them off when we can, and we deal with them when we need to. But we never lose sight of our goal”
Mugikuyu..I agree. You didn…
Mugikuyu..I agree. You didn’t apply the principles though, rather you were like fish to bait. Exactly what he expected. Note how he failed to respond to you whilst you and me are still hot on the topic….that’s what I meant by going high in this context. Now, what else is new? Are you keeping an eye on FG2 & Maxiley’s posts develop? They are the reason I jump to log on Mwakilishi! Mchana mwema ama usiku mwema depending on your location!