Migori Governor Okoth Obado is in trouble again after he was linked to a scheme to eliminate his former business associate, Jared Kwaga.
The Star reports that Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) are in possession of letters linking Governor Obado to a plot to murder Kwaga.
Speaking to the Star, Kwaga says he fears for his life as unidentified and suspicious vehicles have been trailing him for some time now.
“DCI officers have summoned me to record a statement with them,” says Kwaga.
Kwaga and Governor Obado were friends before falling out for unknown reasons. Kwaga is among suspects being investigated by officers from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) over alleged role in the siphoning of millions of shillings from the Migori County government coffers.
Contacted for a comment, Obado’s spokesman Nicholas Anyuor says the Governor is not aware of the alleged probe into threats on Kwaga’s life.
“We have not been informed, the governor is also not aware. We hope this is not political propaganda to spoil the image of the governor. The governor has never wanted to kill anybody,” Anyuor says.
Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti confirmed to the Star that his office is looking into the case.
“Yes, we are investigating this issue and hope to conclude investigations soon,” says Kinoti.
Obado is already facing murder charges in relation to the brutal killing of his lover, former Rongo University student Sharon Otieno and her seven-month-old unborn baby.
you let a killer roam free…
you let a killer roam free and what do you expect, he is even now broadened because he thinks he can get away with murder over and over again, just needs to bribe a judge and detectives… arap mashamba will be campaigning with him soon too.this is a sad sad time for kenya
This thug belongs in jail.
This thug belongs in jail.
Jamani: watu wa imani ya…
Jamani: watu wa imani ya Mwana Mariamu (wafuasi kondoo wa Yesu/Yeshua)na Mwana Aisha (wafuasi ngamia (camel) wa Mohammed) wametusumbua sana katika nchi ya Kenya.
Ukitumia akili yako halafu umtambue MWUMBAJI ambaye kazi yake ilimalizika alipokupa (when the CREATOR gave you) AKILI, utatumia akili hiyo kutafuta suluhisho (resolutions) katika kila tatizo la binadamu kuliko kuwauza watu kama vile dini hizi mbili zilipowauza wafrika sokoni kama mbuzi.
Mpaka sasa, Wafrika wangali (still) wakinunuliwa na kuuzwa katika nchi za Uarabuni. Ajabu! wanafiki (hypocrites) hawa wanakwenda msikitini )mosque) kila Ijumaa na kusali mara tano kila siku. Je, huu ni ungwana? Kufanya hivyo kweli ni kutumia akili yako?
Kwa nini Wana Alshabab hawarudi katika nchi yao Somalia na kuachana nasi?
Wakristo marafiki zako…
Wakristo marafiki zako walikukosea kweli. Mungu awalipishe na akuPONYE katika Jina la YESU. Amen!?
All I hear is crickets from…
All I hear is crickets from the likes of Vicky and Iphone4G whom I suspect to be one and the same person. God forbid if it’s a Kyuk accused of planning a murder. Kyuk, Luo, Kalenjin, Kisii, Teso whatever…this is pure evil.
Obados spokesman hope that…
Obados spokesman hope that this is not a propaganda to spoil the governor’s image.Obado has already spoiled his image.Where has this spokesman been?
This thug should be rotting…
This thug should be rotting in jail. How can you let a dangerous monster to the society loose.
Why is this high level…
Why is this high level criminal out there among the citizens terrorizing as usual. He should be incarcerated somewhere he can’t hurt anyone else. Corruption as usual. Put this criminal in jail pronto.