Home KENYA NEWS Implementation of New 2-6-6-3 Kenyan Education System to Cost Taxpayers Sh356 Billion

Implementation of New 2-6-6-3 Kenyan Education System to Cost Taxpayers Sh356 Billion

 Implementation of New 2-6-6-3 Kenyan Education System to Cost Taxpayers Sh356 Billion

Implementation of the new 2-6-6-3 Kenya education system is set to cost Kenyan taxpayers a whopping Sh356 billion in four years.

The Standard reports that an estimated Sh90 billion will be used to roll out the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) annually for a period of four years.

The bill caters for the training of tutors, recruitment of additional teachers and setting up of proper infrastructure for effective implementation of the curriculum. 

The huge financial burden of phasing out the current 8-4-4 system is captured in findings of the National External Evaluation team, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Education in June.

“The cost of the initiative from PP1, PP2 up to Grade 4 will be approximately Sh365 Billion for the first four years,” reads the report prepared by the Committee chaired by former Moi University Vice-Chancellor Laban Ayiro.

Speaking during a press briefing on Saturday, Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed appeared to agree with the findings of the Ayiro-led taskforce.

“The process did not carefully consider resource constraints and was not given the necessary strategic interventions at the inception stage,” Amina said as she announced that implementation of the new curriculum will begin in January 2020.

“The CBC National Pilot be extended for one more year to allow alignment in implementation, particularly, intensive in-service teacher training. The National roll-out will take place in January 2020,” Amina said.

Under the 2-6-6-3 system, learners will go through two years of pre- Primary education, six years of primary (three years lower and three years upper primary), six years of secondary education (three years junior and three years senior secondary) and three years at the university.


  1. Just another elaborate skim…
    Just another elaborate skim for a mega looting. Kenyan government and politicians never cease to amaze! They are so obsessed with cosmetic dressing of issues, copying and pasting systems from other countries and putting together hoping that it will solve the problem. The problem is not the system but how the system is being implemented and the tools made available to implement it and holding everyone accountable along the way. That’s what is needed, period!
    We saw the government’s approach in copying other countries system of government, which culminated into a referendum and see where we are today. A country filled with layers of government and redundant functions meant only to create offices for rich corrupt people to siphon public money. We have a parliament filled to the brim with people, some of whom don’t even know their roles as MPs. A country that is smaller than State of Texas has as many MPs as the whole US! All of whom are getting paid more than US Members of Congress! And they still want to get more. And we are a third world country!
    We have divided a small country into pieces just to create more room for the rich and for corruption. The governors who in reality are doing the same job used to be done by 8 Provincial Commissioners. To make it worse, they still increased the positions of the PC to all counties in the country in the name of County Commissioners (another name change). This is craziness! Only that this craziness affect the ordinary people toiling everyday to make ends meet and paying even more taxes only to be swindled by corrupt government officials. One British official once said that Kenya is ruled by people behaving like dogs who are licking their own vomit, isn’t it even more true now than then? They make people believe that corruption is something mysterious that cannot be solved! How can a few individuals keep taking billions of public and use for their own gain and the government not be able to forensically trace the money trail and hold people accountable? Since Anglo Leasing till now, not even a single person is serving jail term for corruption and billions keep going. If even one million shillings was taken out of a private company, perpetrators would be caught almost immediately due to financial forensic capabilities. Why not the government?
    I always wonder why Kenyan government is so obsessed with cosmetic solution to problems rather than finding the root cause of problems. For instant, they think that just by changing the uniform of police, the problem in the police department will go away. Not so long ago they thought that just by changing names of Police Commissioner to Inspector General the problem would be solved. Same problems persist. They thought that just by changing Ministers to Secretaries that Kenya will all of a sudden be like US, no. They even changed the VP to DP, and it turned out that it’s even worse than before! They even changed the name of anti-corruption to something else, no answer. They changed the name of electoral commission to something else, no answer…the list goes on and now they want another to change education system adding more layers that will cause more headache to parents as they run around trying to find means of moving kids from one level to another, which of course will mean more expenses.

  2. Majasusi wa Marekani…
    Majasusi wa Marekani wanaomlinda kiongozi wao wanafuata ratiba ifuatayo ili kuhakikisha usalama wa kiongozi wao popote aendapo:

    1. Planning
    2. Preparation
    3. Delivery.

    Je, mwislamu Dada Amina amepanga jambo hili kubwa kwa muda gani? Je, litaifaidi nchi ya Kenya kwenye siku za usoni kwa njia gani?

    Ni lazima mtaala (curriculum) wa masomo ubadilishwe ili tuweze kujitegemea kisayansi, kiufundi, na pia kiteknolojia.

    Ni lazima masomo ya sayansi (hisabati, kemia, fizika, baiolojia, teknolojia, uhandisi – engineering) yatiliwe mkazo kila kiwango shuleni.

  3. @Jags: Naomba utupe (give…
    @Jags: Naomba utupe (give us) suluhisho (solutions) ya mambo uliyotaja kabla ya 2022.

    Ulisahau kutaja ya kwamba hata polisi walipewa unifomu (uniform) mpya ya rangi ya buluu na huku utapeli na ujambazi miongoni mwa polisi unaendelea bila kuonyesha dalili ya kukoma.

  4. What are all these abrupt…
    What are all these abrupt changes about without explanation or very sketchy at best? You are going to change the whole system in one year without even doing pilot program to find out whether it works. 356 Billion at a time when the country is broke. Ati to teach the staff and resources. If you go to some primary schools in two years you may not find anything to reflect the money spent. All this comes after New police uniforms which are quite ugly, new passports, new money being printed etc etc. What happened to making what you already have work better for you?

  5. There is nothing wrong with…
    There is nothing wrong with 8-4-4 system.

    This why I say, secession is the answer to Kenya.

    There is no reasoning with Kikuyu and Kalenjin thieves and killers.

    They will destroy everything because that what thieves do.

    Stealing is part of Kikuyu culture. Praying facing Mt. Kenya and stealing. Kalenjin are shameless cattle rustlers.

    We cannot live with these culturally trained thieves.

  6. Call off the system change…
    Call off the system change altogether because this will be a sinkhole for taxpayers’ money and a disaster for the future generation because it has been hijacked by greed. What is the difference between” “The process did not carefully consider resource constraints and was not given the necessary strategic interventions at the inception stage,” and approving illegal buildings on riparian and public land? If the team failed to consider resources what was in their budget line? I claimed a few days ago that it was guesswork-they just guessed the resources needed for such grand project. Madam CS, your team misled you and you misled the nation. Now take action, fire the professionals, the consultants and self this idea. The reason why “strategic interventions” were not instituted is because this idea was borrowed from other countries and the local experts adopted it wholesome without thinking sustainability of the system locally. Kenya has a large number of educators, scientist and professionals in the diaspora where these systems originate. Getting input from Kenyan diaspora experts would help in analyzing the system because they have understanding of their country at the same time have deeper practical knowledge of the systems you are about to borrow from. Local experts visiting foreign countries for a few weeks or days to learn about the running of a system is simply not enough. Even the World Bank, UNESCO etc running series of workshops in Naivasha and Mombasa is not proper training. Engage your diaspora sons and daughters they have wealth of knowledge from both worlds and that may address some of the resource “constraints” you are experiencing. More than appetite for diaspora remittance only, please consider tapping on this valuable resource. I know some old guards from government and ministries get allergy when they hear about Kenyan diaspora experts, they would rather deal with a “Mzungu” education expert than a well placed Kenyan expert in Canada, Australia,South Africa, USA, UK etc.
    Education is a public enterprise and there need be serious and wide consultations with all stakeholders (beyond TSC-KNUT_KUPET, and a few NGOs) Make it a transparent public affair and with ample time to deliberate the issues afflicting our education. If the worst come to the worst, DPP could proactively visit these ministries to avert possible loss of funds. Or better still someone may tap Omutatah’s shoulder so that he can use his magic wad to stop this trend before we are all taken to the laundry.

  7. The real stake holders of…
    The real stake holders of this education system are the Parents and the children who will consume this education. The parents are the ones to pay for education and that same education will guide their children’s lives. Let us improve on what we have by incorporating our cultural values; learning about our immediate environment and how it affects us; letting our people write and teach our history ( no matter how painful) . In support of One2ManyDaz, Let us make use of our people both local and those in Diaspora to create the new system. It will be very demoralizing to impose a new system from wherever and ask Kenyans to participate in it. The new system does not need “intensive teacher training” unless we are bringing new education. This is a mistake. Let us use what we already have and not create confusion in our society without considering the future of posterity. God give Kenya leaders not politicians. God help Kenya!!!

  8. Why don’t they first work on…
    Why don’t they first work on leveling the lives of all school going children? Some kids in the rural areas have no laptops, internet, electricity in comparison to their counterparts in the city? How are they overhauling a system and the same discrepancies lie at place? You probabaly need Matiang’i back in the Education Sector he had a better vision.


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