Machakos Governor Dr Alfred Mutua has dismissed Monday Kamba community meeting that endorsed Kalonzo Musyoka’s 2022 presidential bid, saying it wasn’t inclusive.
Speaking to journalists on Monday evening, the Maendeleo Chap Chap party leader termed the meeting as a Wiper party affair that cannot achieve the alleged unity of purpose for Ukambani.
“There was no discussion on development or the economic welfare of 4 million Kambas in this country. It was all about a certain party and a certain individual,” he said.
This comes after a meeting convened by Kalonzo at Kiamba Primary School in Komarock, Machakos to seek Kamba leaders’ backing ahead of his bid for presidency in 2022 elections.
The event, dubbed “2018 Kamba Unity Declaration Accord” brought together political, religious, business leaders and professionals from the three Ukambani counties namely; Machakos, Kitui and Makueni.
Governors Charity Ngilu (Kitui), Kivutha Kibwana (Makueni), Senator Mutula Kilonzo and ex-Senator Johston Muthama were among the region’s political leaders who attended the meeting.
However, Mutua said it was not a unity meeting since it didn’t include some key Kamba leaders.
“Such a meeting should be called by neutral people such as religious leaders; elders; youth and women leaders, so that we come together under neutrality to discuss the plight of our people,” he said.
Mutua has also declared he will run for the country’s top office in the next general elections.
Only in Kenya do we…
Only in Kenya do we entertain leaders who only discuss election after election. They will not discuss any develolment matters for those they claim to lead. We are hadly out of the last elections and we are already into the next elections, kwani hata sisi hatuna akili, tuna wa fuata tu and you wonder why the country never moves ahead.