Home KENYA NEWS NASA Vows to Proceed with One Million-Man March to JKIA to Welcome...

NASA Vows to Proceed with One Million-Man March to JKIA to Welcome Raila

NASA Vows to Proceed with One Million-Man March to JKIA to Welcome Raila

National Super Alliance (NASA) says it will proceed with a one million-man grand welcome of its leader Raila Odinga at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) on Friday despite a warning by Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet.

In a statement on Wednesday, the IG warned opposition supporters against entering the country’s largest airport, citing breach of security.

“JKIA is a protected area hence access is open to bonafide travelers and all others with legitimate business at the airport who must be subjected at all times to the standard security measures. It is therefore not advisable to mobilise huge crowds to travel to that facility as it risks jeopardising the safety of air operators, passengers and other airport users,” read the statement from IG.

However, in a quick rejoinder, NASA dismissed the warning by the police boss, stating that their leaders and supporters have s valid reason to enter the airport.

“Our clients have noted the content of a public statement purportedly issued by your office and wish to state that access to the airport to receive persons and more so national heroes and/or leaders is indeed a valid reason to enter and constitute legitimate business at the airport so that your officers would have no right to deny anyone entry,” NASA said in a response letter to Boinnet.

After being received at the airport, Raila and other NASA leaders will troop to Uhuru Park where they will address a rally.

“On that day, there will only be four cars for Raila, Kalonzo, Mudavadi and Wetang’ula. All of us will walk from the airport to Uhuru Park,” former Machakos senator Johnstone Muthama said on Sunday.


    • Of course the Kenya’s Police…
      Of course the Kenya’s Police have yet a nother opportunity to demostrate their brutality and huamn rights violations. Last week the international Police association and the Institute for economics and peace ranked Kenya Police number 125 out the 127 (3rd worst) countries that were surveyed.

      • You really do care so much…
        You really do care so much about white bullshit associations – man made Non profit to make money and enrich themselves in the name of caring about humanity. I will too will form an association , get funding and criss cross around the world “pretending: to bring justice and peace in the world, only this will be subjective to smaller , poorER countries to show how I’m saving the world. Where was this org when BLM was out there protesting police brutality in yours only USA?

    • And Road Block should start…
      And Road Block should start hapo Embakasi round about. Weka polisi hapo. Canine and all the other security measures, baiting the police and then crying victimization . And being ranked 1000th means Nada to nobody( It didn’t even make major news where I’m at ) and who appointed these policing NGOs? Yeah and while we are so blinded , how about militarization of police in the glorious Mecca aka USA, mmmhhh?

  1. Another non original idea…
    Another non original idea stolen from Louis Farrakhan One Million March in Washington DC, 1995 ..sigh…… So now we are going to breach security and halt aviation business in the largest airport in the country for Moses to cross the red sea? I would be pissed if I was landing tomorrow in 254 and stuck in an airport after 17 hrs of travel. Another antic…..

    • You are right on, another…
      You are right on, another stolen slogan. Soon they should start paying for the copyright. Absolutely no originality of thought. Copy cats, lazy minds, lazy bodies.

  2. We need to take the…
    We need to take the zimbabwe route! Watafika Canaan kama bado tunandengereka na, ‘irreularities and illegalities.’.

  3. This copycat Serpent and a…
    This copycat Serpent and a serial Killer named Raila Odinga can have a billion people welcome him at JKIA but “Raila will NEVER be president of Kenya”,

  4. If anything is damaged in…
    If anything is damaged in the process,or somebody injured,or worse expires, NASA should pay for it.They have been warned.

  5. Why do most occasions…
    Why do most occasions associated with ODM degenerate into a Gor Mahia football match type of event?

  6. One million man match forthe…
    One million man match forthe same Raila who cannot understand English questions? He had serious problems understanding reporter questions at the CSIS. Oh! I forget the goons and goonettes in NASA are uneducated morons who adore their godly god Raila.

  7. Simple solution!! Plane will…
    Simple solution!! Plane will be diverted to the other international airport in Kenya. Security nightmare averted. ????

  8. The two opportunists (Uhuru …
    The two opportunists (Uhuru & Ruto) should resign from office immediately. They reap where they did not sow! They have turned Kenya to be the fourth most corrupt nation on our only home, planet earth.

    They have groomed our members of the police force to be number three list of the most ruthless force on earth. This force shoots even pregnant mothers and children!

    Since Dr. Uhuru has admitted openly that he is totally unable to curb corruption,I wonder, why he is still in office? He, and his corrupt deputy should go back to their former jobs before they were picked up and groomed by the most inefficient president in our entire Kenyan history.

    We should force our genius president Dr. Mwai Kigali to temporarily resume presidential duties immediately. We cannot tolerate an alcoholic president and an immoral vice president in office any more.

  9. Imara, let’s talk, so move…
    Imara, let’s talk, so move closer please. 1. Uhuru is in office as he was elected, whatever you may think. 2. Stop associating Uhuru and Odinga as they are not the same. Whilst I have not been Uhuru’s biggest supporter, I have taken note of his humility for he does not call for violence but peace. 3. Uhuru has been sober as Judge Maraga in recent times, so give him that! Wewe una ma issues zako ambazo hazieleweki. Make a stand and stop stradding across the lanes as you are bound to crash at some point. Is that why you disappeared off forum for a while after the latest election? Fafanua baba.

    At formerlyguest2, you are bang on point on this one and I second your observation that these guys “bait” the Police and then cry foul. Bang on! I am pissed off to a point where I support their plea to separate their regions to a different country as long as they don’t come knocking for some chumvi to season their fish. Wametupaka matope for a long time now. God! Please take the wheel, for I am beginning to echo the stereotypes historically held on these people! I am not a hater but my rage is driven by the idiocy of all this mess! Most of those supporters most probably have never seen JKA, hence this was a perfect excuse to nusia one then go back to their kunguni ridden beds whilst Odinga goes to his warm bed and feed off their donations!


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