Home KENYA NEWS IEBC Demands Answers for Slain ICT Director Chris Musando

IEBC Demands Answers for Slain ICT Director Chris Musando

IEBC Demands Answers for Slain ICT Director Chris Musando
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chariman Wafula Chebukati [File/Photo]

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati has demanded an explanation from the government for ICT manager Chris Musando’s murder.

The acting ICT manager was found dead on Monday, with one of his arms cut off in Kikuyu area. His body was taken to City Mortuary, where family members identified it.

“The government must tell Kenyans who killed Musando and why,” the chairman said. “…there is no doubt that Musando was tortured and then murdered…who killed him and why did they kill him? That question must be answered,” said Chebukati.

Addressing journalists at City mortuary Chebukati further demanded the government to provide enough security for all IEBC commissioners and officials. “…the state must assure us that all IEBC employees are safe,” he said, adding “we are also working with police to ensure the killers are brought to book.”


  1. UhuRuto, some Members of the…
    UhuRuto, some Members of the IEBC, and the Police who took Musando’s Body to the MORTUARY should be held ACCOUNTABLE. Shuuut!!!!

  2. Raila is too desperate for…
    Raila is too desperate for power, he’s responsible for these non-sense with his men in black, already his kibera people are blocking traffic in nairobi and scaring the public. It’s no secret the kisii nation has sacrificed 600,000 chickens for him and lord knows what the luhya, luo and the kambas have done, may all these be defeated in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen!!!!!!!!


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