Home KENYA NEWS Jubilee Will Appeal Court Decision on Poll Tallying, CS Kiunjuri Says

Jubilee Will Appeal Court Decision on Poll Tallying, CS Kiunjuri Says


Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri says that the Jubilee Party will be filling an appeal against the Court of Appeal Friday ruling that upheld that presidential results announced at the constituency level be final.

Kiunjuri said the decision by the court will be a recipe for poll chaos in the country.

Kiunjuri, who was speaking in Turkana on Saturday after supplying relief food to hunger-stricken families, accused the Court of Appeal of being inconsiderate in their ruling, and did not assess the consequences of not allowing the IEBC Chairman to be the one to announce the final presidential polls results.

“We as Jubilee will not accept the Court of Appeal ruling that presidential results as announced at the constituency level are final. It is as if the court wants to set this country on fire. If county returning officers work under instructions from either Jubilee or NASA and announce different results, the IEBC will have no mandate to verify and alter them,” CS Kiunjuri said.

His sentiments were echoed by Jubilee Party gubernatorial candidate for Turkana County, Senator John Munyes, who said that the ruling will lead to bungled polls, as it gave the returning officers more power than the chair of the IEBC.


  1. I think about the poem…
    I think about the poem written in 1919.In the aftermath of the First World War.By Poet William Byre Yates……………My understanding of the poem is that it is a call to motivate all Good People to do their Part in maintaining Peace and Civil Order in their surroundings/their environment/their region/their Party/their Country………………..Here is the first stanza of the Poem………………………………………………
    Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.

  2. Hon Kiunjuri,please do not…
    Hon Kiunjuri,please do not worry about my uncle Ojinga.He is the oldest Nilote lad in Kenyan politics and a political conman.
    I can assure you that he is going nowhere. He has already shot himself on the foot with the last bullet he had!!!

    • Hii MATUSI yako itakurudia…
      Hii MATUSI yako itakurudia na Watoto Jamii yako; the insults will be haunting you for the rest of Your Life while Raila Gets RICHER and YOUNGER whirl Your People get Poorer and Older at the Speed of Light.

    • Wewe. Ruto na Uhuru ndyo…
      Wewe. Ruto na Uhuru ndyo walisemekana KUCHOCHEA Vita Kenya. Kwa hivyo Wewe USIPOTUBU na KUKOMA: Hizi Hasira na Chuki Zako za MKIZI Zitakukaanga MILELE Pamoja na Jamii Yako Yotee.

  3. Ndugu Kiunjuri, what the…
    Ndugu Kiunjuri, what the Court of appeal has decided in Kenya is exactly what the USA does during the election. Remember, the whole construct about “democracy ” is alien to us just like islam and christianity.

    Unfortunately, we have perfected a few things and we are better than our colonial masters in creative an environment where we lack security within our borders, our servants of the people (mp’s) are making more money that even the rich nations, corruption, inefficiency, filthy streets, and beggars everywhere have become what we are capable of creating.

    On a positive note, we created “Mpesa” which other world nations have borrowed from us.

    Lakini, kazi yetu kubwa imekuwa kuiga mifumo ya watu wengine na pia mataifa mengine kana kwamba sisi hatuna akili yoyote tuliyopewa na “MWUMBAJI!” Ole wetu!

    • I don’t understand, are…
      I don’t understand, are returning officers supposed to declare so and so has worn the presidency in such and such area?

      • The returning officer in a …
        The returning officer in a constituency is the representative of IEBC and is sworn under oath. He/she is the custodian of all the ballots cast at the constituency. The votes are tallied openly in the presence of the observers and party representatives. So it makes sense that the count be final. This is the standard procedure in the developed world including USA. By the way, on what basis will the IEBC commissioner change the vote tally other than with the intention of rigging?

  4. To verify Votes at the IEBC…
    To verify Votes at the IEBC Center is akin to Feeding Your Child on a Man’s Breasts and a Calf on Ng’ombe Cow’s balls.

  5. What a load of bullshit from…
    What a load of bullshit from Kiunjuri. This means NASA was right that Jubilee intends to rig the elections. Why on earth should the returning officer get instructions from candidates or their parties when he/she is an appointee of the IEBC? The chairman of IEBC is not being denied the right to declare the winner. All what the court is saying is that tallying will be done and results declared as final at the constituency level. And that makes sense. Jubilee knows they want to cook their own numbers at the headquarters in Nairobi. Not any more.

  6. This is also very crazy…
    This is also very crazy. Jubilee was not a party to the suit that was determined by the appeals court. So how can lodge an appeal? Is Kiunjuri confirming to us that Jubilee and IEBC are one and the same thing?

    • @Kamau. What Jubilee folks…
      @Kamau. What Jubilee folks really care about is Peace, Stability and Civil Order during the electioneering Period.This explains their initial inertia on this very critical subject.However if the courts position is going to move the national interest of Peace and Stability forward.Then, by all means, so be it. More importantly, if this decision is going to calm NASA folks down,Then believe me.Jubilee folks are going to be all for it.As I have stated before, I personally believe that Jubilee has the Votes.Therefore Jubilee will win the election.May the elections be free and fair.May there be no chaos during the aftermath of the electioneering period.May the losers accept defeat.May there always be Peace in Kenya.


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