Home DIASPORA NEWS Probe After Kenyan Inmate Dies During Admission to a Hospital in Virginia

Probe After Kenyan Inmate Dies During Admission to a Hospital in Virginia

Probe After Kenyan Inmate Dies During Admission to a Hospital in Virginia

Virginia State Police is investigating the death of a Kenyan inmate at Central State Hospital in Dinwiddie County.

28-year-old Irvo N. Otieno of Richmond was taken to the health facility by four Henrico County Sheriff’s deputies at 3:58 p.m. on Monday, WTVR CBS6 reported.

Otieno, who was charged with several criminal offenses, was transported to the hospital due to a mental health crisis, Henrico County Sheriff Alisa Gregory said.

The sheriff said the standard protocol for transport by her deputies is that a prisoner has on handcuffs and shackles.

It was reported to state police that Otieno became combative during the admission process. He was restrained and later died, state police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said in a statement.

Dinwiddie County paramedics were called to the scene at 4:30 p.m. and tried to revive the patient but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Otieno’s body was moved to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in Richmond for an examination and autopsy.

“The investigation remains ongoing at this time,” Geller said.

Otieno had been arrested on March 3rd in Henrico on charges of disorderly conduct at a hospital, destruction of property and three counts of assaulting a law enforcement officer for offenses that occurred that same day.

He was held at Henrico Jail until he was transferred to Central State, a maximum-security psychiatric facility run by the state.

Sheriff Gregory said the four deputies who performed the transport remain on duty.

“We have investigated everything up until the transport and there are no issues with any of their actions. They handled things properly and from my personal point of view, they went above and beyond,” Gregory said.

Officials with the Department of Behavioral Health, which oversees Central State, said they are cooperating with the investigation and that their thoughts are with Otieno’s family during this difficult time.


  1. A he of a she? Quite: “ …
    A he of a she? Quite: “ transport by HER deputies“ then, “ HE was held at Henrico Jail” you writer is confusing the heck out of me!

  2. I don’t think there’s…
    I don’t think there’s negligence or foul play here! Mental illness with symptoms that involves combativeness, assault and or manic episodes poses a lot of danger to self and others.

  3. Pole kwa familia.Mental case…
    Pole kwa familia.Mental case is a disease like any other.The incident confirms police brutality whether in Kenya,US or hell.You are dealing with a blood-thirsty/professional murderer in every encounter with a police officer.Only the likes of Railas,Ongili,Wanjirus,Opiyos,Kabogos,Johos,Obados etc equals them.

  4. Nothing new dhere dhere…
    Nothing new dhere dhere about Jaluos hooliganism!!! They have learned from their Baba!!!

    • @ Juju:
      Naomba tufanye…

      @ Juju:

      Naomba tufanye heshima. Ulipoandika, “jaluos hooliganism” ulionyesha uhaba wa fikira zako. Yaonekana dhahiri ya kwamba umepungukiwa na “CTS” au kwa kirefu, “Critical Thinking Skills,” kwa Kiingereza au “KKK” Kufikiri Kwa Kina kwa Kiswahili.

      Ubaya wa shule zote duniani ni kuwa somo la CTS/KKK halifundishwi mahali popote. Ni soma ambalo lisipofundishwa kila mahali palipo na kisima cha maarifa (nyumbani, majirani, shuleni, mahali pa ibada), binadamu ataangamia na kutoweka duniani punde si punde.

  5. All police cells, prisons…
    All police cells, prisons and vehicles have cameras. Just review. Buy of course nothing will happen because, he is African with a different name.
    How comes media is not saying anything about it,? Black movements are quiet, where is Al Sharpton?
    I have said it before, being a black man is one thing, but also being an African, no one cares.

  6. Don’t wait. Police killed…
    Don’t wait. Police killed him. They’re just planning to make up some fake story now.

  7. Well he was a criminal so if…
    Well he was a criminal so if he wasn’t one he could not have found himself in prison so amenjiletea kifo.If he was still a criminal out there in public he could have come for u or me.

    • How ignorant are you to say…
      How ignorant are you to say such a thing He wasn’t committing a crime He’s not a criminal He was having a mental episode due to mental illness that he struggles with. He has no criminal record whatsoever. This country has due process innocent until proven guilty You’ve already sunk him buriedom the whole nine yards not even knowing the damn thing. You’re just an another ignorant uneducated onesided individual who doesn’t value humanity. But when something involving police or God forbid something brutal like this is happening to someone you care about or happening to yourself you’ll be singing a different tune. Karma will catch up to you or present itself on someone you love. It will get you

  8. I did see anything that said…
    I did see anything that said he was a violent criminal. He was arrested for a DUI back in 2013 and another incident in 2015. None of those incidents were violent crimes. He never came for you me or anyone else. To assume he was a criminal for a DUI that happened 10 years ago is the problem with this world today. Actors, politicians, and people of privilege get DUI’s and they are not considered criminals. Funny how when it a BM he is a criminal with no criminal history to support you calling him that. DUI does not make him a criminal and if it dose then more then half of American’s are criminals the one that got caught and ones that didn’t.


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