Home BUSINESS NEWS Gov’t Approves Construction of Sh4.1 Billion Cable Car in Mombasa

Gov’t Approves Construction of Sh4.1 Billion Cable Car in Mombasa

Gov't Approves Construction of Sh4.1 Billion Cable Car in Mombasa

The government has approved the construction of Sh4.1 billion cable car to ferry people between Mombasa Island and the mainland.

The project being undertaken jointly by a Kenyan and an Austrian company was okayed during a Cabinet meeting held at State House this week.

The cable car project is expected to ease movement of passengers between the route. The investors will charge commuters a fee for 25 years before surrendering the investment to the government.

The cable cars will take two minutes to cross the 500-metre Likoni Channel up from 10 minutes currently taken by a ferry. The cable cars will also be able to ferry about 11,000 passengers per hour. 

“Cabinet approved a privately initiated investment proposal to develop a cable car system to address the human traffic challenges across the Likoni Channel,” read the communication from Cabinet.

“The project is expected to cost about Sh4.1 billion and will be implemented as a 25 years Build-Own-Operate-Transfer.”

The express link will have 22 cable cars, each with a capacity of 38 passengers and will carry a total of 180,000 people per day. More than 300,000 people and 6,000 vehicles reportedly use the channel daily.

The link will be constructed by C&C Construction Company and will make Kenya the third African country to operate cable cars after Nigeria and South Africa.

Currently, four ferries namely MV Jambo, MV Likoni, MV Harambee, and MV Nyayo are used to carry people across the channel.



  1. Why not a bridge?Or Uhuru &…
    Why not a bridge?Or Uhuru & Co.gangsters have share in that temporary solution?How much is jambazi Wanjigi raking?

  2. Kwa nini Wanakenya ambao…
    Kwa nini Wanakenya ambao wamejifunza uhandisi (engineering) hawajihusishi na miradi (projects) ya kujenga taifa?

    • Kwasababu,qualification…
      Kwasababu,qualification needed for Kenyan Engineers to work in Mega project in Kenya is::
      1. Qualified Engineer (preferable went school in diaspora)+ currently a Thief or willing to steal and authorize shoddy work
      2. Engineer with fake certificates (Already you have passed the thief / criminal test since your degree or qualifications are fake)+ looks good in a suit + don’t look like a con-man(look innocent and be humble)
      No qualification( most common category that gets hired)
      3. You can talk good English+ come from right tribe + know right people + thief or willing to steal (If your father or mother or even uncle is a former well know thief, killer or landgrabber, this is your category)+ just a local conman willing to do anything for a job

      Those are the unwritten qualifications.

      Very few Kenyan Engineers especially from Diaspora are willing to work in Kenya , corrupt and unethical Environment.

      The corrupt system and cartels do not like intelligent Kenyans.

      It will destroy their names and careers.

  3. Hmmmm. Kshs 4.1 billions for…
    Hmmmm. Kshs 4.1 billions for cable cars. Just wondering how much more it would cost to build a bridge there.

  4. You can surely build a…
    You can surely build a suspended and lifting bridge over Likoni channel for the ammount of cash they want to spend on this shitty car project.

  5. Just build a bridge and you…
    Just build a bridge and you will not worry about electricity to run the bridge, unlike a cable car.

  6. They should stop this…
    They should stop this nonsense. In Kenya electricity is on and off. If you get it for a full month without blackout that is a celebration. Build a bridge that can open and allow the ship pass.

  7. Nonsense Nonsense to charge…
    Nonsense Nonsense to charge Kenyans in 25 years before handing it over..Can you imagine buying a car that has been used for 25 years hii ndio corruption of the highest order No reliable power 500 metre Likoni channel I say NO NO to this one.

  8. Kutokana na maoni mengi…
    Kutokana na maoni mengi yaliyotolewa hapa, itakuwa bora kama daraja litajengwa kuliko maoni ya serikali ya kujenga vidubwasha ambavyo havifai kwa mambo ya usafirishaji wa umma.

    Yafaa Wajapani wapewe nafasi ya kujenga daraja hili kwa sababu, wao ni mabingwa wa kujenga madaraja bora kuliko taifa lolote duniani.


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